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Opinions of a Turk, or two (hi from Turkey)

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  • Ottoman State called for help against Armenian massacre

    Armenians perpetrated massacre, rape, pillage against Muslims in Revan, Şuregil, Zaruşat, Ağbaba, Çıldır, Göle and Göleviren; for their self defense the Muslims called the Ottoman State for help.


    • Atrocities perpetrated by Armenians in the
      neighborhood of Kilis

      Armenians killed in the neighborhood of Kilis two Ottoman soldiers while going on patrols, amputating their ears, noses and fingers, slitting their throats and stabbing them with bayonets; the attacks by the Armenians of the guard station is likely to stir the population of Kilis; 1.500 Armenians leaving Aleppo were accompanied on their departure by Armenian women and children with the cries: vengeance, take revenge.

      24 Ca. 1337 (25. II. 1919)

      Dâhiliye Nezâreti

      Umûm Jandarma Kumandanlığı

      Şu‘be: 1

      Kısım: 3 İstanbul

      Aded-i Husûsî: 2554

      Aded-i Umûmî: 138


      • Massacre Perpetrated by Armenians in the Villages of Sekman, Ardı, Kepenek, Harçlı,
        Penaduz and Todaviran

        During the massacre and pillage perpetrated by Armenians in the villages of Sekman, Ardı, Kepenek, Harçli and Todaviran attached to Erzerum a total of four hundred people were killed with bayonets, knives and axes, some of them were even burnt and two hundred forty four households set fire to and destroyed; provisions and cash money were extorted from villages and besides twelve thousand head of cattles had been grabbed and looted; thirty households of the village Penaduz were all destroyed and their inhabitants exterminated except for a woman and her child; all these facts are related in a written deposition recording the names of the Armenians bandits perpetraors of the massacre.

        18 Za. 1337 (15. VIII. 1919)


        • Oppression Committed by Armenians Against
          Villages in the Vicinity of Novoselim.

          Following the events that occurred in Akçakale Çukuru the whole households of sixteen villages situated in this area had left their homes and emigrated to Bardiz; afterwards Armenians looted the villages of Karaçayır, Iğdır, Akpınar, Kırkpınar, Cavlah and a village attached to Novoselim and killed ten persons seizing their cattles and belongings; thereupon, part of the population had fled to Tiknis; the inhabitants of Yedikilise and Azbuğa had also been exposed to Armenian massacre.

          22 N. 1338 (9. VI. 1920)




          Numara: 1/860


          • We are the only muslim country who managed anti-imperialist independance war.

            In Saudi Arabia,Kuveyt..millions suffer under tyrannies who direct the people under pressure of fundemental islam and clan membership.People are controlled under rule of dynasties which let the resources be exploited by Western colonialism.

            When the tyranny somehow don't let Western colonialism to exploit, it becomes a case of invasion and introducing democracy. When Fahd family deals well in Saudi Arabia, they are welcome to personal farms.When others dont let exploitation, they find themselves at edge of execution.

            Just like Israel-Arab thrill, some forces one earth,try to create Armenian-Turk fight. And unstabilise Caspian Sea and Middle East region.


            • There's no freedom of speech in Turkey, so you're just learning crap the government feeds you.


              • So why are you one of the only Muslim countries who tears down Armenian churches and historical sites and replaces them with mosques?


                • TomServo on action
                  Question to brainless diaspora freak: where are your archives?


                  • TomServo on action here too
                    Question to brainless diaspora freak: where are your archives?


                    • My estimation inside kemalism concept is, probably when there were 1.000.000 armenians, there were 1000 churchs; when there is 50.000 armenians churchs will be reduced in the same ratio.

                      If there is another reason, its probably because of anti-kemalist, anti-republican government of today. Which tries to apply imperialst EU aims on the country.

