Originally posted by cemil
I told you MANY times now that my research dissallowed Armenian sources (which I have yet to hear a Turkish citizen try such a procedure/method), but was VERY extensive, nonetheless. With all that is out there information wise, even if it were 100% provable that the Blue Book was propoganda, we don't NEED it! Throw the freaking book away! There are too many Turkish and Turkish ally traitors who turned their backs on you (because they couldn't tolerate what you were doing), and recorded/reported what you were doing in many different ways. There were too many Turkish citizens reporting just how appauled they were by the the Young Turks' policies towards Armenians. Even if we set aside all policital evidence (archives, records, etc), there is just too much damning eyewitness testimonials from Turks and Turkish allys ALONE to make your defense credible. Again, I say maybe if you guys had one steady story to fight with, it wouldn't look like a disaster, but when YOU guys can't decide what really happened amongst yourSELVES.....well.....your denial becomes....a bit shaddy, to say the least.
Originally posted by RookieArcher

Originally posted by RookieArcher

Maybe instead of me joining another thread, you guys should stop making half a dozen of them. I'm not the one who split the discussion into several, seperate threads for basically the same subject.
Originally posted by RookieArcher
Being a completely preposterous fable as Turks claim the Armenian tale to be, they should have been able to tear apart our argument long ago, and leave NO DOUBT IN THE WORLD'S MIND that we are liars by now. Interestingly enough, rather then Turkey clearly showing our story to be a lie, and having the world dismiss/reject the case, more and more nations are beginning to embrace our "fable" officially, after carefull investigation. Even those that don't make it official (for fear of political relations repercussions/lossing an ally), they still address the event as a genocide when they speak of it in public. Why do you suppose that is?
Also, if we are the liars, I don't care HOW well we "fine-tuned" our story. There is only one truth to the past events/history, so Armenians "fine tuning" their story has absolutely NOTHING to do with you guys not being able to stick it out on one version of "history". So I ask you again, if Armenians are the liars, and Turks have the accurate knowledge and perception of history, why is it Turks can't agree on what that accurate/correct history is?
