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Opinions of a Turk, or two (hi from Turkey)

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  • Originally posted by apaydin2148
    firstly we are in this forum because we want to say you reals.your brains heve washed with some wrong STORYS you can go Turkish forums that about lie genocide but there isn't any.because we dont care about lie history.

    than while you were leaving from anatolia we were helping you like building up a hospital for contagious illness.and we have posted letters some Eurpoen countries.and Spain decided to sent you patetoes.they have sent it because England didnt let to do it because Turkish soldiers were shareing their foods with our food would finish and Turkish soldiers could be hungry and could England didnt let.

    finally you dont read our posts thereis every thing in Turkish posts.pleas read dont be fixed idean,compare,ask and try to understand pls

    What are you talking about? lol!
    i asked you a specific question conerning ONE SINGLE THING! whats with the strange rules about armenian in turkey (CURRENTLY)! as it stand today, and you comment on something else you just pulled out of your arse, much like the lies about your version of history...

    now... ANSWER the question!


    • if you are such great muslims then why do you let the US come and put their weapons in your country? why are you helping the US kill more muslims...???
      Ohh... Nunecha.This is very unfortunate argument....Turkey was one of the strategic allies of the US ,until 1 March before the lauch of Iraqi invasion.Do you knwo why?Do you know why our relations are tense still.... Do you know why Wolfowitz said : "there is resistence in Iraq due to Turkey.Because,they did not ratified deployment of American forces in turkey...

      You have no information to comment...

      it is YOU who is hear talking to us... we are not in your forum... we are not trying to convince you... YOU DECIDED to come to a forum called "ARMENIANCLUB" and you decided to post your rehtoric... this forum isnt called the turkishclub... DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I AM SAYING? CAN YOU READ ENGLISH?
      If you are right,why are you uneasy about us.This is a good thing especially for you.We are reading your ideas,we are surfing your sites.İs this bad thing.In this context,how one can be brainwashed! One can be brainwashed if he is closed to opposite opinion! So,possibility of being rainwashed of us is lower than someone having one-sided information....

      we do not have lobbyists that make politics...
      Ohhh.... do you really believe this?

      it is in GERMANY of all places where they know why HITLER thought no one would care about the holocuats... he did say "Who today remembers the extermination of the Armenians

      In several publications Armenian activists refer to the Hitler statement about Armenians and quote it as "exhibit US-28 of the Nuremberg Tribunal". They obviously fail to indicate that exhibit US-28 was not introduced as evidence by the prosecution because of lack of proof of its authenticity and was not preserved in the records of the trials. This is the record Shirer refers to as being "embellished by persons who were not present at the meeting at the Berghof". Neither of the two versions of the records introduced as evidence in Nuremberg nor the notes kept by General Franz Halder who was present at the meeting, contain any reference to Armenians

      We are in this forum.We are open to your ideas.But,you are contradicting each other.

      One is writing,historians backing Turkey were not specific expertise on the period...Other... Hitler , a maniac irrelevant to the issue, said that it was an extermination...

      Dou you know : Some Armenian citizens like Hırant Dink,Ethen Mahcupyan, of Turkey can advocate "genocide" openly in Turkish televisions! Dou you know they cold write it in the newspapers...

      İs there a posibility for the same in Armenia? İmpossible.Even,in armenian forums.You are uneasy about us.But,this is good for you.We are opan to opposite channels...


      • My countrymen , there is no reason to reply to this insignificant people.They beleive that Sumerians were proto Turks.Recently i heared a Turk claiming that the Scythians were Turks and Caucausus is a Turkish name let alown Yerebouni being a Turkish city.In France they are holding signs on their hands in the streets claiming that EU will be their new Empire. .Who is going to beleive these clowns anyway.They live in their dream world.We are winning the battle that's why they are so upset and they are poping in our sites acting like desperate hysterical kids to show us their ''proofs''.The only reason someone would reply to them would be for his entertainment.

        PS.French are voting along with the European Constitution , about if they want Turkey to joing in Europe or not.You can guess what is going to be the result about the Turkish issue


        • My countrymen , there is no reason to reply to this insignificant people.

          Some people ...important and some not on the basis of their nation... to say it openly... Armenians are important and Turks are not....

          Ohhh.... what is this ... this is exactly "fascist thought" seperating people by grade...

          But i don't think all Armenians is "racist" like you...

          They beleive that Sumerians were proto Turks.Recently i heared a Turk claiming that the Scythians were Turks and Caucausus is a Turkish name let alown Yerebouni being a Turkish city.In France they are holding signs on their hands in the streets claiming that EU will be their new Empire.
          There are neo-nazis in Germany believing they are aryan race.Can we say ....germans believes that kind of fanatic thoughts...If we say... You can say for us that you are living in a dream world!

          I am sure that you are living in a dream world.There are ultra-nationalist, racist people in Turkey like you... But,even a hanful of them believe that kind of thoughts.


          • Originally posted by Red Brigade
            My countrymen , there is no reason to reply to this insignificant people.
            yeah sure... thats what racisim really is.. LOL


            • PHP Code:
              Some people ...important and some not on the basis of their nation... to say it openly... Armenians are important and Turks are not.... 
              You are insignificant to us from the moment that you deny a Genocide which is self evident ,the same way the Neo Nazis are isignificant for denying the self evident Holocaust

              PHP Code:
              There are neo-nazis in Germany believing they are aryan race.Can we say ....germans believes that kind of fanatic thoughts...If we say... You can say for us that you are living in a dream world
              So you dont beleive that the Sea People,Trojans ,Sumerians , the Hiities , the Scythians , the Huns , the Mongols are Turks..right?And you dont beleive in the Turkish Sun theory and Pan Turkicm which says that Turkey is the nation which contains all the turkic nations in the world ,from Turkey untill Turkmenistan and the Turkic nations of deeper Asia... right?Also you do beleive that Ataturk was nothing more than a butcher which built the Turkish Republic through lies and from the blood of innocent people...right?If you dont beleive in this things , then you are the first Turk i see that denyies this theories above.All the other Turks claim that Turkey has a nation of 5000 history and all the above , and they dont consider themselves nationalists or racists either

              PHP Code:
              There are neo-nazis in Germany believing they are aryan race.Can we say ....germans believes that kind of fanatic thoughts...If we say... You can say for us that you are living in a dream world
              There are not many Germans that beleive in that aryan race theories , all of them ,except some few neo nazis, are very ashamed of what they have done and they have regreted it , the same way the Turks should do so.
              The problem with you Turks is that almost ALL of you beleive in all that theories and you ALL deny the Genocide.If you do so then you are simply all nothing more than neo nazis.Perhaps you should at last open your eyes and see clearly why the people of the democratic nations are so much against you...and dont tell me its our Propaganda , you can think that if it makes you sleep better.


              • Originally posted by Red Brigade

                You are insignificant to us from the moment that you deny a Genocide which is self evident ,the same way the Neo Nazis are isignificant for denying the self evident Holocaust

                just to remind you .. its not a genocide . its a so-called genocide. its not like you believe it is to be . consider it as a genocide you just fool yourself nothing else ...what i think is its not a genocide its an exile.


                • So you dont beleive that the Sea People,Trojans ,Sumerians , the Hiities , the Scythians , the Huns , the Mongols are Turks..right?And you dont beleive in the Turkish Sun theory and Pan Turkicm which says that Turkey is the nation which contains all the turkic nations in the world ,from Turkey untill Turkmenistan and the Turkic nations of deeper Asia... right?
                  You are some perceptions on Turkey,but wrong ones!

                  I must rewrite for you... Only ultra-nationalist peole believes these ones.We generally are ridiculing these thought of 1930s...

                  Maybe you are confronting ultranationalist Turks due to the your racist tendencies.Paths of racists are crossing with each other...

                  Also you do beleive that Ataturk was nothing more than a butcher which built the Turkish Republic through lies and from the blood of innocent people...right?
                  Ataturk was excluded by the Young Turks!He appeared in the scene after several years from the deportation.In 1915,he was a commender in Canakkale wars... So,firstly,you must be informant for something...

                  All the other Turks claim that Turkey has a nation of 5000 history and all the above , and they dont consider themselves nationalists or racists either
                  Even our official history books write that "Turks came to the gates of Anatolia with the Malazgirt War in 1071... Now,every little child knows this well.

                  You are painting a Turkey for yourself ... But,irralevant to the realty... Sorry...


                  • first in 1071 Turks fought against byzantines in lead of roman diogenes... they beat byzantine army

                    Thats how Turks' live in anatolia since then. just for your info red brigade


                    • If kemalism was %5 hitler, it was %95 Lenin

                      Only 2 revolution resisted to west in history : socialism & kemalism .

                      Young turks were %5 racist, %95 modernisation-enlightment believers. They were %5 german because of WW1 deal. They were %95 french.

                      Ittihat ve Terakki was established in 1889,100th anniversary of 1789. Young turks are the people banished from Abdulhamit despotism and lived and published in france in 1880s,1890s.Young Turks are roots of kemalism. If this root is %5 racist it is %95 distinguished enlightment ideology,ideas about turning a middle age empire into a modern time state.

                      Kemalism was %5 hitler ,becasue armenians were %5 of anatolia population and wanted half of Anatolia.


                      We took german support you relate us with hitler.You took england support. England colonies (USA) destroyed american natives, african natives, India’s people.. so?

                      you made the same for anatolian muslims just like your supporters?

