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Is the threat of Genocide really in the past?

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  • #11
    Originally posted by HotCoffee
    Winoman, insulting them isn't the solution, they use our insults to create a victim about irony.

    To the two deniers, I only got a personnal experience to share. I got two Turkish college classmates, great guys. Wasn't long before we started to talk about this whole issue.
    When I asked what were their view, they honestly said they couldn't answer, they grew up in Turkey, learning in books entirely about the Ottoman Empire's success story. They also said that it's the worst thing to have a different view in the Turkish community of Switzerland. Here you go, I respect those kind of Turks so much because they admit their country isn't the best place for free thinking.

    They love their country though but one of them said
    "It's just a tourist place for now, only good stuff is mentionned in the brochures"
    you don't even know what you parrot about, as a typical diasporan miserable. what denier? who denied what? I just critisize your obsessions, thats all. but your obsessive racist minds automatically parrot same things when you see a Turk such as: deniers, government propoganda, etc............
    The most important think that makes you miserables is you even do not know what you parrot.


    • #12
      Originally posted by winoman
      I have adressed issues regarding the Armenain Genocide in a factual manner providing real information and worthwhile discussion of issues. I have never expressed any hatred of Turks per se nor do I demean Turks as a people or such - in fact I have often mentioned my Turkish friendships and that I have travelled to Turkey and have had no real problems with Turks or such. However when idiots - regardless of racial or national affiliation - spew garbage, hate and make unfounded acusations - are unable to really discuss anything of relevance, bring no facts to the table just ignorant and uniformed opinons and specifically when they make light of the deaths and suffering of my family and my people - well I don't have time for these type of people. I also don't feel like I need to dignify them by treating them any better then they deserve and what they deserve is contempt and derision and certainly I will not waste my time discussing anything serious with them. I think telling them to F off is entirely appropriate.

      And non-cumanicus - don't fool yourself. You have nothing relevant informed or insightful to offer. You are just another moron who has no clue about the real world or anything in it. You have no idea how much I laugh at your ignorance and impotence every time you post. And you suggest that I don't understand the real world...well you really have no idea who you are talking to and my serious posts here speak for themselves - unlike anything you have every been able to post. Yeah - I'm sure I'm quite a bit older then you and certainly have orders of magnitude more experience in life and understanding of all nearly things. So please go sit on something pointy and sharp and twist away.
      winoman, what you only can do at your last 20-30 posts is only swearing, so don't try to show yourself as if you are a kind of person that deserve respect with your "ideas" or "personality". If you don't have time for me, then stop parroting same swears.


      • #13
        Reading cumanicus makes you hopeless for your cause and his kind of people.'s plainly painful to read him.


        • #14
          Originally posted by cumanicus
          I will repeat the same..paranoia and obsession.
          What you sincerely believe sounds so funny to us.
          You have insulted yourself within one thread multiple times.

          1) At the bottom of the post, it clearly says "I dot not agree with this."

          2) The fact that the Turkish race has done something so horrible, regardless of if you believe it was a genocide or not, it has caused 10 million people to completly evacuate the area, and has caused an ENTIRE race of people to lose any faith they had in getting along with you. If you think that is funny, as a Turk or Armenian, that is sad.

          3) You keep generalizing and singling out the diaspora. One of the reasons why they are the diaspora is because if their grandparents didn't become part of the diaspora...they would probably be dead. WAIT, I'm sorry, they would be RELOCATED - to another area outside of historical armenia...thus, making them...diaspora armenians. It is a sad situation that the majority of our culture is surrounded by foreign, often more tempting cultures - we lose a peice of our history and heritage with every generation. That is not funny at all...if you think that is funny, than you obviously have clear, arrogant, and blind hatred for the Armenians.

          4) I am not a diaspora Armenian. I am an Armenian from Armenia. The general view Turkish-Armenian relationships is that we need to at one point, form a healthy standard with them because after all, they are OUR NEIGHBORS, we can't fued forever. Opening the Turkish-Armenian border would cause an estimated 50-60% boost in the economy and trade. However, the Turkish government (and more importantly the people) have not showed ANY signs of accepting the Armenian people. In our eyes, nothing has changed.

          I for one can't say that the entire Turkish race of people could be so arrogant, cruel, racist, and incompassionate towards the Armenians - so dont tell me I am generalizing or being racist in anyway.

          But in my opionin...Armenians should never co-exist with the Turks. It is near impossible to trust the Turkish race ever again. And more importantly, we should NEVER grow dependant on Turkey for ANYTHING, economy, entertainment, ANYTHING...that will be a step backwards in the growth of the Armenian government, nation, culture, and race.
          Last edited by ace; 11-22-2005, 11:49 AM.


          • #15
            If the world were to once again take its eyes off of that region dwelling in their own problems (possibly war). That would leave the Turkish government and the Turkish people, once again FREE to attempt genocide. This time though, the difference is, they have the technology and advantage to wipe out the entire Armenian republic within weeks, if not days.
            There is no doubt that they will attempt another Genocide in case of another World War. I am certain for this because Armenia is on the way of Turkey to the
            Caspian Sea, where the rest of the Turkic nations are located and of course Baku's oil.

            We all remember what they tried to do during the WWII, when they were patiently waiting like hyenas for the loss of the batlle of Stalingrad. That is how they won all their battles after all.

            But these things are already known and unquestionable. The point is : What are we going to do about it?

            What we must do is to strengthen our country by kicking these parasites that are sucking the blood of our country. When our country at last attain a strong administration, then the rest are simply a matter of governmental volition and correct organizing. (None of the current candinates are suitable)

            By the way don't answer to these Turks. Never debate with fools, because the longer you argue, the harder it is to tell who the fool is.
            Last edited by Կարմիր Բ; 11-22-2005, 04:17 PM.


            • #16
              Originally posted by ace
              You have insulted yourself within one thread multiple times.

              1) At the bottom of the post, it clearly says "I dot not agree with this."

              2) The fact that the Turkish race has done something so horrible, regardless of if you believe it was a genocide or not, it has caused 10 million people to completly evacuate the area, and has caused an ENTIRE race of people to lose any faith they had in getting along with you. If you think that is funny, as a Turk or Armenian, that is sad.

              3) You keep generalizing and singling out the diaspora. One of the reasons why they are the diaspora is because if their grandparents didn't become part of the diaspora...they would probably be dead. WAIT, I'm sorry, they would be RELOCATED - to another area outside of historical armenia...thus, making them...diaspora armenians. It is a sad situation that the majority of our culture is surrounded by foreign, often more tempting cultures - we lose a peice of our history and heritage with every generation. That is not funny at all...if you think that is funny, than you obviously have clear, arrogant, and blind hatred for the Armenians.

              4) I am not a diaspora Armenian. I am an Armenian from Armenia. The general view Turkish-Armenian relationships is that we need to at one point, form a healthy standard with them because after all, they are OUR NEIGHBORS, we can't fued forever. Opening the Turkish-Armenian border would cause an estimated 50-60% boost in the economy and trade. However, the Turkish government (and more importantly the people) have not showed ANY signs of accepting the Armenian people. In our eyes, nothing has changed.

              I for one can't say that the entire Turkish race of people could be so arrogant, cruel, racist, and incompassionate towards the Armenians - so dont tell me I am generalizing or being racist in anyway.

              But in my opionin...Armenians should never co-exist with the Turks. It is near impossible to trust the Turkish race ever again. And more importantly, we should NEVER grow dependant on Turkey for ANYTHING, economy, entertainment, ANYTHING...that will be a step backwards in the growth of the Armenian government, nation, culture, and race.
              I realised that you are not from diaspora. The language changes suddenly from Beavis-Butthead to a mature person. But same problem again. You don't know what I talk about but just reactionary post something because I am Turk. Don't accuse me with this "deny" thing, because I don't deny anything. What I wrote above are not related with 1915, but the general characteristics of diaspora people. I agree that Turks and Armenians will not be able to become friends after 1915, but as two neighbour countries we have to coopearate and establish at least preliminary relations. Armenia needs this relationship more than Turkey. But because diaspora needs a "Turkish evil" to struggle against their assimilation problems and identity crisis they do not allow Armenia to establish a relationship with Turkey and support the facsist regime at Armenia. On the other hand some stupid Turkish ultra nationalists create an Armenian tabu in Turkey and do not allow Turkish government for the same thing. Another point is Azerbaijan conflict. Since we are a strong ally with Azerbaijan because of historical and cultural background-and ok because of oil-Turkey can not open the border easily because Azeris don't want this. You can't accuse me with generalising because almost all posts here are full of stereotypic and racist generalisatons about Turks. As you see these are the problems of international policies.


              • #17
                The Turkish-Armenian border simply may not be opened until:
                (1) Armenia immediately drops claims on Eastern anatolia, which is TURKISH land, also out of their constitution;
                (2) Armenia immediately puts a stop to the FALSE and LIE of genocide, and take it out of her claims,
                (3) Armenia and the Armenian authorities recognize the bloody rebellion and cooperation with Russians during war time, thus TREASON, and APOLOGIZE, and start paying restoration to the Turks of Anatolia.

                The border may well be opened only with a compulsory VISA. Plus, just like Switzerland tried to apply to Turks, just the same now, but only:
                -You ask every single Armenian nationality person to visit Turkey to answer "Do you believe there was a genocide?" If the answer is YES, then either arrest them (just like Armenians were hailing similar approach by Swiss) or Deport after 1 month jail.

                GOOD ENOUGH????


                • #18
                  Originally posted by loveataturk
                  The Turkish-Armenian border simply may not be opened until:
                  (1) Armenia immediately drops claims on Eastern anatolia, which is TURKISH land, also out of their constitution;
                  (2) Armenia immediately puts a stop to the FALSE and LIE of genocide, and take it out of her claims,
                  (3) Armenia and the Armenian authorities recognize the bloody rebellion and cooperation with Russians during war time, thus TREASON, and APOLOGIZE, and start paying restoration to the Turks of Anatolia.

                  The border may well be opened only with a compulsory VISA. Plus, just like Switzerland tried to apply to Turks, just the same now, but only:
                  -You ask every single Armenian nationality person to visit Turkey to answer "Do you believe there was a genocide?" If the answer is YES, then either arrest them (just like Armenians were hailing similar approach by Swiss) or Deport after 1 month jail.

                  GOOD ENOUGH????
                  Hmm, not a much fair deal.
                  Well, I personally do not think that 1915 is totally false or lie. Hundreds or thousands of Armenians are died during “deportation”. Many of them are killed by either Kurdish tribes or criminals who were released before the “deportation”. Even if we agree to use the word deportation and consider that CUP had no aim to exterminate Armenians, still we have to admit that the result of this “deportation” has turned into a massacre. No matter how Armenians revolted or joined the Russian army, nothing can justify what had done against civilians.
                  My point is not 1915, my point is this crazy diaspora attitudes. We are talking about 90 years ago and they behave as if it was at 2005 instead of 1915. They live this Turkish hatred in their everyday life.


                  • #19
                    Originally posted by cumanicus
                    I realised that you are not from diaspora. The language changes suddenly from Beavis-Butthead to a mature person. But same problem again. You don't know what I talk about but just reactionary post something because I am Turk. Don't accuse me with this "deny" thing, because I don't deny anything. What I wrote above are not related with 1915, but the general characteristics of diaspora people.
                    That wino guy I was in his early posts when you first got here, was pretty respectful and responded properly. But after awhile of going in circles on this issue, I can see how he told you to xxxx off. Thats happened to me too.

                    Originally posted by cumanicus
                    I agree that Turks and Armenians will not be able to become friends after 1915, but as two neighbour countries we have to coopearate and establish at least preliminary relations. Armenia needs this relationship more than Turkey. But because diaspora needs a "Turkish evil" to struggle against their assimilation problems and identity crisis they do not allow Armenia to establish a relationship with Turkey and support the facsist regime at Armenia. On the other hand some stupid Turkish ultra nationalists create an Armenian tabu in Turkey and do not allow Turkish government for the same thing. Another point is Azerbaijan conflict. Since we are a strong ally with Azerbaijan because of historical and cultural background-and ok because of oil-Turkey can not open the border easily because Azeris don't want this. You can't accuse me with generalising because almost all posts here are full of stereotypic and racist generalisatons about Turks. As you see these are the problems of international policies.

                    Good relations? Armenia's official stand point on Turkey joining the EU is giving approval. Turkeys response Azeri soldiers and CONTINUING the bloackade.

                    Originally posted by loveataturk
                    The Turkish-Armenian border simply may not be opened until:
                    (1) Armenia immediately drops claims on Eastern anatolia, which is TURKISH land, also out of their constitution;
                    (2) Armenia immediately puts a stop to the FALSE and LIE of genocide, and take it out of her claims,
                    (3) Armenia and the Armenian authorities recognize the bloody rebellion and cooperation with Russians during war time, thus TREASON, and APOLOGIZE, and start paying restoration to the Turks of Anatolia.

                    The border may well be opened only with a compulsory VISA. Plus, just like Switzerland tried to apply to Turks, just the same now, but only:
                    -You ask every single Armenian nationality person to visit Turkey to answer "Do you believe there was a genocide?" If the answer is YES, then either arrest them (just like Armenians were hailing similar approach by Swiss) or Deport after 1 month jail.
                    And to end all future discussions on this. The Genocide was real. The Armenian people are not going to let this issue die, it is NOT a possibility.

                    Turkey on the other hand, one day, will have no choice but to acknowledge the Genocide. Some reforms in Turkey will have to be made though, like for one - you guys need to try that whole "free nation" thing. Turkey is a place for TURKS WHO ARE HYPER-NATIONALISTIC. Its a country for only ONE type of people.


                    • #20
                      Originally posted by cumanicus
                      Even if we agree to use the word deportation and consider that CUP had no aim to exterminate Armenians, still we have to admit that the result of this “deportation” has turned into a massacre. No matter how Armenians revolted or joined the Russian army, nothing can justify what had done against civilians.
                      Do you agree that it was a genocide?

                      I was also just wondering, where do you live/are you from?

