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French National Assembly Adopts Bill on Armenian Genocide

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  • #31
    Re: French National Assembly Adopts Bill on Armenian Genocide

    Originally posted by platana
    Yes be sure that Voltaire's and other contemporary writers saying is being respected in Türkiye.There are 75 millions of people. Is this mean each of the people agree with the same thing? you ren't the center of the world and you rent the one who respect freedom (Anyway,you show me you dont respect freedom of speech by supporting this decision)break your lantern and try to know people.

    Yes they were against monarchy, they couldn't criticize the government and Voltaire was jailed because of his criticism.And Now not only a citizen but also a historian can be jailed and cant say his own opinion freely in the same France . "I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend, to the death, your right to say it." — Voltaire and I can see only Freedom of speech and respecting the opposite idea in this saying,but maybe it is only focused on just "monarchy" you may be right You say a lot of things, but please at least dont restrict this thinker's contemporary thoughts. I respect him. All of the world know these libertarians, you havent the right to restrict their ideas focusing just "monarcy" .
    I can understand your tryings in vain but dont bother me these nonsense things please...

    There IS a thread called "jokes and humour" you can send your posts there. It's never late.


    • #32
      Re: French National Assembly Adopts Bill on Armenian Genocide

      Originally posted by Selpak
      Who are they or where are they?
      You re right,if there were armenians in Türkiye, They should cry "OH THERE IS AN ARMENIAN GENOCİDE" . You re showing me how you re uneducated about Türkiye but the real world is more different than your small vindictive world, but the real world is more different than your small closed world.

      And I should say that now there are 70 thousand of armenians who live just in Istanbul and there are a general hospital of which name is Sırp Pırgıç Hospital and also a foundation with the same name(there re many others).And there are 33 armenian churches just in Istanbul all of which is open.I wonder who go these armenian churches?armenians or UFOs?
      Where do you live? in Mars? turks and armenians are living togather now as in the past,you accept or not but diaspora will always carry on diabolical behaviours, because it is nourished with this,if this rancour weren't,diaspora couldn't live, so Go on...

      I want to show you the most fameous photographer in Turkiye Ara Guler,he is of armenian origin(my favourite and experienced photographer)
      fotograf, fotoğraf, Türkçe Fotograf , Turkish Photography, Türk fotograf sanatcılarının özgeçmişleri, portfolyoları ve sergileri, fotograf dersleri, fotograf dernekleri, kitaplar, forum

      yes he lives in (barbaric) Turkiye, What a prejudice is this!
      Last edited by platana; 10-13-2006, 03:17 PM.
      History is written by agreement of scientists and documents-evidences NOT by the decisions of councils or prejudices


      • #33
        Re: French National Assembly Adopts Bill on Armenian Genocide

        Originally posted by ARK
        There IS a thread called "jokes and humour" you can send your posts there. It's never late.
        If I were you, I would try to pass it over, too.
        It shows your helplessness.
        Also, I want to thank you, couse Thanks to you, I learned that there can be a man in the world who conclude from Voltaire's sayings just "anti-monarchy" instead of freedom of speech or democracy. Either you re uneducated person or you re an experienced person on changing history.
        I advice you to ask 10 person what they think about Voltaire, Im sure they mention mostly about "abolishing monarchy" rather than democracy or speech of freedom Come oooon... both you and I know the truth.
        Also,I must say that I told your "monarchy" saying to my friends, we laughed a lot thanks to you, i
        Last edited by platana; 10-13-2006, 03:24 PM.
        History is written by agreement of scientists and documents-evidences NOT by the decisions of councils or prejudices


        • #34
          Re: French National Assembly Adopts Bill on Armenian Genocide

          Typical bromide.

          EU slams French bill on Armenian deaths

          By MATTI HUUHTANEN, Associated Press Writer Sat Oct 14, 12:09 AM ET

          HELSINKI, Finland - The European Union on Friday condemned a French bill making it a crime to deny that the World War I-era killing of Armenians in Turkey was genocide, calling it unhelpful at a critical stage in the Muslim country's EU entry talks.

          The bill was approved by lawmakers in France's lower house Thursday, but still needs approval by the French Senate and
          President Jacques Chirac to become law. Turkey has said the decision would harm relations with France.

          Chirac's government is thought to be unlikely to forward the bill for passage by the Senate.

          European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said "we don't think this decision at this moment is helpful in the context of the European Union's relations with Turkey."

          EU Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn said the bill came at a bad time as the 25-member bloc was trying to avoid "a train crash" in negotiations with Turkey.

          "This law is counterproductive," he told reporters.

          France, which is home to hundreds of thousands of people whose families came from Armenia, has already recognized the 1915-1919 killings of up to 1.5 million Armenians as genocide. Under the bill, those who contest it was genocide would risk up to a year in prison and fines of up to $56,000.

          Armenia accuses Turkey of massacring Armenians during World War I, when Armenia was under the Ottoman Empire. Turkey says Armenians were killed in civil unrest during the collapse of the empire.
          Achkerov kute.


          • #35
            Re: French National Assembly Adopts Bill on Armenian Genocide

            Armenian genocide monument destroyed in France
            Saturday, October 14, 2006; 7:44 AM

            PARIS (Reuters) - A bronze monument near Paris commemorating the 1915 massacre of Armenians by Ottoman Turks has been destroyed just two days after France's parliament passed a bill that would make it a crime to deny the genocide.

            A local member of the Armenian church in Chaville, a town near Paris, said the heavy bronze sculpture was wrenched off its pedestal late Friday night or early Saturday morning.

            "Police say it might have been stolen for the metal, but it seems too much of a coincidence that this should have happened just after parliament voted the Armenia bill," said Stephane Topalian, a member of the Armenian church council.

            Ankara denies accusations that some 1.5 million Armenians perished in a systematic genocide during World War One, saying large numbers of both Christian Armenians and Muslim Turks died in a partisan conflict raging at that time.

            Turkey has protested against Thursday's lower house vote, which establishes a one year prison term and 45,000 euro ($57,000) fine for anyone denying the massacres.

            The bill still needs to be approved by the upper house Senate to become law.



            • #36
              Re: French National Assembly Adopts Bill on Armenian Genocide

              French Lower House Adopts Armenia `Genocide' Law (Update8)

              By Francois de Beaupuy and Mark Bentley

              Oct. 12 (Bloomberg) -- France's lower house of Parliament defied Turkey's pleas and adopted a law punishing anyone denying that the killing of Armenians by Ottoman Turks was genocide, further straining European Union membership talks with Turkey.

              Lawmakers of the National Assembly in Paris today voted 106- 19 in favor of the bill, which sets out fines of up to 45,000 euros ($56,460) and a year in prison for denying the events of 1915 amounted to genocide. French senators from the upper house will now examine the proposed legislation at some later date.

              Turkey's Foreign Ministry said Parliament's decision ``dealt a heavy blow'' to bilateral relations with France, while the European Commission criticized the vote for hindering ``reconciliation'' over the wartime killings.

              ``This is absolutely not what Europe and Turkey needed at this stage,'' said Michael Emerson, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Policy Studies in Brussels. ``The issue now is how the two parties can climb out of the French warfare over the subject.''

              The EU says Turkey's refusal to acknowledge that 1.5 million Armenians were massacred during World War I clouds the nation's bid for membership. Accession talks began a year ago. Turkey denies Armenian allegations of genocide, saying tens of thousands of ethnic Turks and Armenians were killed after Armenian groups sided with Russia in the war. About 500,000 people of Armenian origin live in France.

              `Prohibits Debate'

              ``Should this law indeed enter into force, it would prohibit the debate and the dialogue which is necessary for reconciliation on this issue,'' European Commission enlargement spokeswoman Krisztina Nagy told a Brussels press conference today.

              Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul said Turkey's parliament will discuss what measures to take against France in a special session on Oct. 17.

              ``France will have to live with this shame,'' Gul told reports in televised comments in Ankara. ``Our reaction will be a significant one, both on the official level and from the Turkish people. This has become a great national issue for us.''

              Turkey may bar French companies from bidding for state-owned assets, including nuclear power stations, if the bill becomes law, according to a report Oct. 7 in Turkey's Hurriyet newspaper that cited Gul. Hurriyet today carried a headline ``Liberte, Egalite, Stupidite,'' to describe the French Parliament's move.

              French Investments

              Since last year Paris-based lender BNP Paribas and Groupama, France's largest customer-owned insurer, have bought stakes in Turkish companies, joining carmaker Renault SA and builder Lafarge SA in Turkey's expanding $360 billion economy.

              France exported $4.5 billion of goods to Turkey in the first eight months, more than any EU nation except Germany and Italy, according to Turkish government data.

              ``If this draft law is approved, Turkey will lose nothing, but France will first of all lose Turkey,'' Gul said in televised comments late yesterday. Bilateral relations ``have been dealt a heavy blow as a result of the irresponsible behavior of a group of French politicians who are incapable of comprehending the results of their policies,'' the Turkish Foreign Ministry said in a statement today.

              Turkey has accused the EU of double standards on democracy, citing the French vote as an example of a European country seeking to tighten freedoms of expression while it demands Turkey widens them. Olli Rehn, EU Enlargement Commissioner, on Oct. 3 warned Turkey risked a breakdown in its membership talks unless it took steps to end prosecution of writers and intellectuals for criticizing state policy.

              `No Lessons for us'

              ``Turkey has no lesson to teach us on the repression of opinions,'' Patrick Devedjian, a French lawmaker of the governing UMP party of Armenian descent, said in the National Assembly today, in a reference to a Turkish law used to prosecute writers who challenge Turkey's denial of the genocide. ``The Turkish government is very hypocritical.''

              Turkish novelist Orhan Pamuk, who was prosecuted by Turkey's courts last year after he said Turks had persecuted Armenians, was today awarded the 2006 Nobel prize in literature. Pamuk is one of about 80 writers and intellectuals tried by the nation's courts over the past year for ``insulting Turkishness.'' An Istanbul-based court threw out the case against Pamuk in January.

              Football Protest

              Supporters of Galatasaray, an Istanbul-based soccer club, will protest the law with banners at a Champions League match in Bordeaux, France on Nov. 22, Turkish newspaper Vatan said today.

              The French Parliament ``made a huge mistake'' by passing the measure, the Istanbul-based Turkish Industrialists' and Businessmen's Association, which represents Turkey's largest companies, said on its Web site.

              Armenia, a former Soviet state, welcomed the vote as ``a natural continuation of France's principled and consistent defense of human and historic rights and values,'' Agence France- Presse reported, citing Armenia's Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanian.

              France enacted a law in 2001 that classifies the Armenia killings as genocide. The legislation as proposed would make it a crime to deny that genocide, much as denial of the Holocaust is outlawed.

              The proposed bill was introduced by the opposition Socialist Party. The French government itself opposes the bill, though the majority UMP party decided to let its lawmakers make their own decision in a free vote.

              ``This is only the beginning of a long legislative process,'' Jean-Baptiste Mattei, a spokesman for the French Foreign Ministry, said in a statement today. ``The government will use each step to express its position on this draft bill, which doesn't seem necessary and whose adequacy is disputable.''


              • #37
                Re: French National Assembly Adopts Bill on Armenian Genocide

                May I ask our visitor "friends" from the zoo why they are all up in arms about 'democracy' and 'freedom of expression'? Doesn't France also have xxxish holohoax denial laws?

                Oh I'm such an as*hole.


                • #38
                  Re: French National Assembly Adopts Bill on Armenian Genocide

                  the holocaust was a unique thing and the people massacred were God's "chosen people".

                  Note: I know many j ews in France still recieving HUGE amounts of money from the government.
                  Last edited by ARK; 10-15-2006, 02:19 AM.

