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Georgian-South Ossetian conflict

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  • Re: Georgian-South Ossetian conflict

    Jooish Georgian minister: Thanks to Israeli training, we're fending off Russia
    By Haaretz Service

    xxxish Georgian Minister Temur Yakobshvili on Sunday praised the Israel Defense Forces for its role in training Georgian troops and said Israel should be proud of its military might, in an interview with Army Radio.

    "Israel should be proud of its military which trained Georgian soldiers," Yakobashvili told Army Radio in Hebrew, referring to a private Israeli group Georgia had hired.

    Yakobashvili, Georgia's minister of reintegration, added that this training provided Georgia with the know-how needed to defend itself against Russian forces in the clashes which erupted last last week in the separatist region of South Ossetia.

    Yakobashvili said that a small group of Georgian soldiers had able to wipe out an entire Russian military division due to this training.

    "We killed 60 Russian soldiers just yesterday," said Yakobashvili. "The Russians have lost more than 50 tanks, and we have shot down 11 of their planes. They have enormous damage in terms of manpower,"

    Yakobashvili warned that the Russians would try and open another battlefront in Abkhazia and he denied reports that the Georgian army was retreating. "The Georgian forces are not retreating. We move our military according to security needs."

    "There was no attack on the airport in Tbilisi. It was a factory that produces combat airplanes," said Yakobashvili referring to the attacks in the country's capital.

    "The whole world is starting to understand that what is happening here will determine the future of this region, the future price of crude oil, the future of central Asia, and the future of NATO," the Georgian minister added.

    According to him, "every bomb that falls over our heads is an attack on democracy, on the European Union and on America."

    Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


    • Re: Georgian-South Ossetian conflict

      georgia is just like azerbaijan, always trying to make itself look more important and stronger than it really is. True, Russia has taken some hits in this current conflict, but unlike georgia they can afford it, what the hell will the georgians do when the full might of Russia comes upon them?
      For the first time in more than 600 years, Armenia is free and independent, and we are therefore obligated
      to place our national interests ahead of our personal gains or aspirations.


      • Re: Georgian-South Ossetian conflict

        Sending a cheap Georgian dissatisfaction to the US.

        "BAGHDAD (AFP) - Around half of Georgia's 2,000-strong contingent in Iraq returned home on Sunday to redeploy in the conflict in its breakaway province of South Ossetia, military spokesmen said."


        • Re: Georgian-South Ossetian conflict

          Originally posted by Armanen View Post
          True, Russia has taken some hits in this current conflict, but unlike georgia they can afford it, what the hell will the georgians do when the full might of Russia comes upon them?
          What hits? Militarily Russia is completely destroying Georgia and if it wishes could march to Tiflis in one day. Politically, Russia is a superpower and cannot be touched. Economically, Russia has massive amounts of oil and is relatively spending little on this war.
          Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


          • Re: Georgian-South Ossetian conflict


            Putin does not return calls

            Tension rising in Caucasia affects Turkey, too. Russian press stated that Turkey's military support for Georgia is also one of the reasons triggering war.

            Conflict in Caucasia caused a standoff between Turkey and Russia. Russian press stated that Turkey is effective in the events and two countries' leaders had different reactions to Turkish politicians. The Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan called Georgian leader Saakaşvili; but he could not reach Russian leader Vladimir Putin. Russian foreign affairs minister Sergey Lavrov did not return calls from Turkish foreign minister Ali Babacan. Diplomatic resources expect that Russia will first take a stand and then will respond to diplomatic communication attempts. It is pointed out that the priority is military.

            Publish Date: 11.08.2008


            • Re: Georgian-South Ossetian conflict

              Azerbaijani Georgians not to keep out of war with Ossetians

              It is the third day that war for restoration of territorial integrity has started in neighbor Georgia.

              The politicized part of Azerbaijanis is worried and keeps a wait-and-see position: supporting Georgia's intentions, people make a provision: "let's see what Russia will do".

              The heaviest emotional spirit is in Qakh and Zaqatala regions of Azerbaijan, partially settled by ethnic Georgians. Both regions are said to account for 50,000 Ingiloy Georgians. These people have close ties with Georgia, often visiting it and having relatives there. Their children usually study at Georgian high schools.

              According to Novosti-Azerbaijan, ethnic Georgians-citizens of Azerbaijan in Qakh - worriedly wait for the news from Georgia, getting information about war in South Ossetia from both official mass medias, as well as telephones, directly from the subscribers of the neighbor country.

              There is a transport communication between our countries, and according to the Qakh Georgians, who wished to stay unknown, some young people of Georgian nationality have already crossed the Azerbaijani-Georgian border with a firm intention to help Georgia to restore its territorial integrity.

              By Azerbaijani laws, such behavior is considered a crime, as it falls under the law, banning illegal military formations, but these people can not be stopped by it. On the other side, Georgian young people, having Azerbaijani citizenship, study at the high schools in Georgia, which means that they will not preserve aloofness, if their fellow-students go to fight in Ossetia.

              "Our guys were protecting the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan in the war with Armenia. They are also ready to sacrifice their lives for our mother Georgia", said Gergi Japaridze, resident of Gakhengilov village of Qakh, Azerbaijan.



              • Re: Georgian-South Ossetian conflict

                Originally posted by robertik1 View Post

                Azerbaijani Georgians not to keep out of war with Ossetians

                It is the third day that war for restoration of territorial integrity has started in neighbor Georgia.

                The politicized part of Azerbaijanis is worried and keeps a wait-and-see position: supporting Georgia's intentions, people make a provision: "let's see what Russia will do".

                The heaviest emotional spirit is in Qakh and Zaqatala regions of Azerbaijan, partially settled by ethnic Georgians. Both regions are said to account for 50,000 Ingiloy Georgians. These people have close ties with Georgia, often visiting it and having relatives there. Their children usually study at Georgian high schools.

                According to Novosti-Azerbaijan, ethnic Georgians-citizens of Azerbaijan in Qakh - worriedly wait for the news from Georgia, getting information about war in South Ossetia from both official mass medias, as well as telephones, directly from the subscribers of the neighbor country.

                There is a transport communication between our countries, and according to the Qakh Georgians, who wished to stay unknown, some young people of Georgian nationality have already crossed the Azerbaijani-Georgian border with a firm intention to help Georgia to restore its territorial integrity.

                By Azerbaijani laws, such behavior is considered a crime, as it falls under the law, banning illegal military formations, but these people can not be stopped by it. On the other side, Georgian young people, having Azerbaijani citizenship, study at the high schools in Georgia, which means that they will not preserve aloofness, if their fellow-students go to fight in Ossetia.

                "Our guys were protecting the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan in the war with Armenia. They are also ready to sacrifice their lives for our mother Georgia", said Gergi Japaridze, resident of Gakhengilov village of Qakh, Azerbaijan.

                HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Bring it on Azerbaboonjan. More canon fodder for the Russians now and less Azeris the Armenians will have to waste ammo on later.


                • Re: Georgian-South Ossetian conflict

                  Google translates:

                  In South Ossetia captured two groups of Georgian saboteurs
                  Brussels. August 10. INTERFAX.RU - On Sunday on the outskirts of Tskhinvali detained two Georgian military sabotage group, reported "Interfax" the official representative of the Government of South Ossetia Irina Gagloeva.

                  "Two Georgian sabotage group, numbering 8 and 11 people respectively, were taken prisoner on the outskirts of Tskhinvali. Now they are heavily guarded, as well as local residents to learn about it, like lynchings massacre" - said Gagloeva.

                  Earlier site Osetinskogo radio and television reported that a group suicide, arrested in the vicinity of the village of Zar, a member African American, who was transferred to Vladikavkaz to ascertain all the circumstances of his stay in the territory of South Ossetia.
                  Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


                  • Re: Georgian-South Ossetian conflict

                    Thousands flee Georgian town

                    Thousands of Georgians have protested against what they call Russian aggression [AFP]

                    The war involving Georgia, the breakaway region of South Ossetia and its supporter Russia appears to be widening, with reports of a fresh Russian bombardment of the strategic Georgian town of Gori.

                    A Georgian interior ministry spokesman said in the early hours of Monday that Gori was under "massive" attack from Russian artillery and aircraft while tank-led ground forces were preparing for an assault.

                    "There was massive bombing of Gori all evening and now we are getting reports of an imminent attack by Russian tanks," Shota Utiashvili said.

                    "Gori is being bombed massively from the air and from artillery as well," he added.

                    Temur Yakobashvili, a Georgian interior ministry spokesman, said Russian tanks had tried to cross from South Ossetia into Gori but were turned back by Georgian forces.

                    Rapid evacuation

                    Al Jazeera's Jonnah Hull, reporting from Gori, said thousands of Georgians had rapidly evacuated the town at the first mention of a possible full scale Russian invasion.

                    But he could not confirm if an invasion was imminent and said there had been no official word from the Georgian government on the attack.

                    About 65km northwest of the Georgian capital Tbilisi, Gori is just south of the border with South Ossetia, which has seen fierce fighting between Russian and Georgian forces in the last few days.

                    It is the largest Georgian town, about 50,000 in population, that sits close to the region and an important strategic link between eastern and western Georgia.

                    Utiashvili said Russian troops were preparing for a ground assault.

                    They "are not there yet but it looks like they are getting ready for it," he said, adding that Georgian forces were returning fire on Russian positions.

                    More here
                    Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


                    • Re: Georgian-South Ossetian conflict

                      Interesting...Looks like Obama is calling out McCain on his close ties to a pro-Georgian (and most likely pro Turk and Azeri) lobbying firm(s). In effect, Obama's camp is saying that McCain cannot be trusted to make the best decisions for America because he is beholden to lobbyist...Obama's camp is right.

                      Georgia crisis triggers war of words on White House trail
                      9 hours ago

                      WASHINGTON (AFP) — Prominent supporters of White House runners John McCain and Barack Obama clashed Sunday over the crisis in Georgia as a McCain adviser came under fire for his links to the government in Tbilisi.

                      As the Russian military seized control of the breakaway Georgian region of South Ossetia, the campaign of Democratic hopeful Obama defended its attacks on McCain foreign policy adviser Randy Scheunemann.

                      New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson said McCain's campaign "is run by lobbyists that represent Georgia and other countries."

                      "He takes huge amounts of money from oil companies that are profiting in the (former) Soviet Union and many parts of the world," the Democrat told ABC News, attempting to depict a conflict of interest for McCain.

                      Richardson, a former US ambassador to the United Nations, said the crisis vindicated Obama's pledge to rebuild US alliances in Europe that were strained under President George W. Bush.

                      "This has been one of the failures of the Bush administration, failing to build a strong relationship, a mutually beneficial relationship with Russia, so we'd have the kind of influence to persuade them to stop some of these very, very dangerous efforts within their territory," he said.

                      Virginia Governor Timothy Kaine, who is touted as a prospective running mate for Obama, denied that the crisis might drive US voters to the more experienced McCain.

                      "Experience is only positive insofar as it creates good judgment," he said on CBS News.

                      "And I think Senator Obama's strong case to the American people is that he will have the right judgment about how to balance America's military force with strong diplomacy to protect our interests abroad," Kaine said.

                      Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, one of the names mentioned as McCain's vice presidential pick, said on ABC that the Republican's warnings about Russian expansionism had been borne out by events in Georgia.

                      "They're an example of Senator McCain's push to spread democracy in that part of the world as a very important advance of America's interest, as well as being good for international stability," he said.

                      "I think it was wrong for Senator Obama to try to focus on a McCain adviser, rather than actually listening to what McCain had to say about the policy, rather than recognizing McCain's years and years of experience when it comes to international affairs."

                      Richardson, however, said that McCain's frequent calls to expel Russia from the G8 club of powerful nations would prove disastrous if enacted.

                      "I believe what Senator McCain is proposing is totally, totally wrong," he said, stressing the United States needs Russia's help with Iran, with Middle East peace and in Iraq.

                      McCain and Obama both said Saturday they had spoken to Georgia's pro-Western President Mikheil Saakashvili, and called for an end to Russia's military campaign launched after Georgian forces had moved into South Ossetia.

                      McCain urged Russia to "immediately" halt military operations while Obama demanded that Georgia's territorial integrity be respected.

                      The Obama campaign, attacking McCain as a creature of Washington because of his reliance on several former lobbyists high up in his operation, highlighted Scheunemann's work for the Georgian government.
                      "John McCain's top foreign policy adviser lobbied for and has a vested interest in the Republic of Georgia, and McCain has mirrored the position advocated by the government," Obama spokesman Hari Sevugan said Saturday.

                      There was outrage from the McCain campaign, which said the attacks on Scheunemann were "disgraceful" and showed Obama to be a stooge of Moscow indulging in "cheap and petty political attacks."

                      "Mr Scheunemann proudly represented a small democracy that is one of our closest allies in a very dangerous region," McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds said in a statement late Saturday.

                      "The reaction of the Obama campaign to this crisis, so at odds with our democratic allies and yet so bizarrely in sync with Moscow, doesn't merely raise questions about Senator Obama's judgment -- it answers them."
                      Last edited by crusader1492; 08-10-2008, 06:43 PM.

