Hezbollah Begins Formation Of Navy

One of the anti-ship missiles that struck the Israeli navy during the 2006 Lebanon war.
Jerusalem - The Middle East Newsline has confirmed the Israeli intelligence community has determined that the Iranian sponsored Hezbollah was forming a navy.
The report said Hezbollah has been working with Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps for naval training and procurement.
And, it said, Hezbollah has developed a naval capability designed to attack Israeli ports and coastal facilities.
"They have operational war ships," said Israel Navy Rear Adm. Ram Rutberg and the commander of the Haifa Naval Base. "We are currently studying their capabilities and maintaining readiness."
Adm. Rutberg, in a Sept. 16 briefing to President Shimon Peres, did not cite platforms acquired by Hezbollah. He said Hezbollah has also been armed with Iranian-origin cruise missiles that could strike Israeli warships.
Sources in Israeli intelligence also confirm that Hezbollah has also been helping Hamas develop a naval capability, so that Hamas could also form a navy in 2009 comprised of fast patrol boats and rubber platforms.
From http://www.thebulletin.us/site/index...d=576361&rfi=8

One of the anti-ship missiles that struck the Israeli navy during the 2006 Lebanon war.
Jerusalem - The Middle East Newsline has confirmed the Israeli intelligence community has determined that the Iranian sponsored Hezbollah was forming a navy.
The report said Hezbollah has been working with Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps for naval training and procurement.
And, it said, Hezbollah has developed a naval capability designed to attack Israeli ports and coastal facilities.
"They have operational war ships," said Israel Navy Rear Adm. Ram Rutberg and the commander of the Haifa Naval Base. "We are currently studying their capabilities and maintaining readiness."
Adm. Rutberg, in a Sept. 16 briefing to President Shimon Peres, did not cite platforms acquired by Hezbollah. He said Hezbollah has also been armed with Iranian-origin cruise missiles that could strike Israeli warships.
Sources in Israeli intelligence also confirm that Hezbollah has also been helping Hamas develop a naval capability, so that Hamas could also form a navy in 2009 comprised of fast patrol boats and rubber platforms.
From http://www.thebulletin.us/site/index...d=576361&rfi=8