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Pentagon Attack on 911

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  • Re: Pentagon Attack on 911

    Armenian” you are a true Armenian! Thank you so much for the great job you do, even though I don’t log in every time but I visit this forum almost every day just to read your posts. Peole like you make us proud for who we are. GOD BLESS YOU!


    • Re: Pentagon Attack on 911

      Originally posted by Yedtarts View Post
      Armenian” you are a true Armenian! Thank you so much for the great job you do, even though I don’t log in every time but I visit this forum almost every day just to read your posts. Peole like you make us proud for who we are. GOD BLESS YOU!
      Just a word of wisdom ... don't believe all the election year "hoopla" from either side Next thing you know, "Armenian" will have you believe Bush flew the planes into the buildings himself
      Last edited by Sip; 07-26-2007, 07:24 AM.
      this post = teh win.


      • Re: Pentagon Attack on 911

        Originally posted by Sip View Post
        Just a word of wisdom ... don't believe all the election year "hoopla" from either side Next thing you know, "Armenian" will have you believe Bush flew the planes into the buildings himself
        I know very well who flew those planes. thank you very much!


        • Re: Pentagon Attack on 911

          Brzezinski confirms that the United States can organise attacks in their own territory

          20 February 2007

          With the exception of Washington Note and Financial Times, the mainstream media decided not to report Zbigniew Brzezinski’s comments that shatter the United Stator ruling class. Auditioned on February 1st, 2007 by the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, the former National Security Adviser read a statement the terms of which had been carefully chosen.

          He indicated that : " a plausible scenario for a military collision with Iran involves Iraqi failure to meet the benchmarks, followed by accusations of Iranian responsibility for the failure, then by some provocation in Iraq or a terrorist act in the US blamed on Iran, culminating in a ‘defensive’ US military action against Iran that plunges a lonely America into a spreading and deepening quagmire eventually ranging across Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan".

          As you must have noticed: Mr Brzezinski evoked the Bush administration plausible organization of an attack in the United States, and the possibility of holding Iran wrongly responsible for it.

          In Washington the analysts hesitate between two interpretations of this statement. For certain officials, the former National Security Adviser tried to beat the neoconservatives to it and to cast doubt in advance on any circumstance which would lead to the war. For others, Mr Brzezinski wanted, in addition, to suggest that in case of collision with the war partisans, he could reopen the September 11th file. In any case, Thierry Meyssan’s hypothesis - According to which the September 11th attacks would have been perpetrated by a Military-Industrial Complex faction to provoke the Afghanistan and Iraq wars - Leaves suddenly the taboo domain to be discussed publicly by Washington elites.

          With the exception of Washington Note and Financial Times, the mainstream media decided not to report Zbigniew Brzezinski’s comments that shatter the United Stator ruling class. Auditioned on February 1st, 2007 by the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, the former National Security Adviser read a statement the terms of which had been carefully chosen. He indicated that :

          Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

          edit: added youtube video
          Last edited by Guest; 07-26-2007, 07:46 AM.


          • Re: Pentagon Attack on 911

            Originally posted by axel View Post
            Brzezinski confirms that the United States can organise attacks in their own territory
            I have always paid very close attention to what Brzezinski says. He is a serious man with extensive experience within the upper echelons of government and policy making. He also has allot of political wisdom and insight. If you have not done so already please read his books, they are fascinating.

            Amazon Link to his publications:

            Start with the The Grand Chess Board: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives. Written in 1996, Brzezinski basically forecasts all the geostrategic mayhem that is currently occurring globally. He makes the point that whoever controls the geopolitical order in Eurasia controls the world. And he insinuates that in order for the US to maintain its global supremacy within the 21th century it has to somehow impact and control the Eurasian continent. Thus, the US has to be drawn into Eurasia militarily. With such high stakes at hand, no politician be it democrat or republican, no lobbying group, no public opinion poll will divert the US government's attention from pursuing its goal within the 21th century.

            This grand agenda is also outlined within the Project For The New American Century. This is the neoconservative "Think Tank" that is currently running the show in Washington DC. And here is their website:

            Just spend some time in their site, do some digging, what you will find will astound you. It contains many documents that clearly point out their geopolitical intentions. Afterwards, all the chaos within the world will make sense to you and you will realize that within their grand agenda the Armenian Republic is simply an obstacle that needs to be dealt with.
            Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


            Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


            • Re: Pentagon Attack on 911

              One has to bear in mind the works you cited are intended for public consumption.


              • Re: Pentagon Attack on 911

                Originally posted by axel View Post
                One has to bear in mind the works you cited are intended for public consumption.
                That goes without saying.
                Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


                Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


                • Re: Pentagon Attack on 911

                  US plans Saudi arms deal: official

                  A senior US defence official says the United States is readying a major arms package for Saudi Arabia with an eye to countering a changing threat from Iran.

                  Read the latest news headlines and in-depth analysis from an independent and trusted source. Check the latest news on business, sports, weather, and more.

                  A senior US defence official says the United States is readying a major arms package for Saudi Arabia with an eye to countering a changing threat from Iran.

                  The official says Defence Secretary Robert Gates is expected to discuss the US recommendations with the Saudis next week in a visit to the kingdom with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

                  "We've been working very hard on the Saudi arms package, which we believe is critical to the overarching architecture that we believe we are going to need ... to deal with the changing strategic threat from Iran and other forces," the official said.

                  The official, who briefed reporters on condition of anonymity, says discussions with Congress on the arms package have just begun and that no announcements were expected during Mr Gates' visit to Saudi Arabia.

                  "What there may be is discussion about what the administration is willing to go forwards with (and) ... what we would recommend to the Hill and others," she said, referring to Congress on Capitol Hill.

                  The Pentagon provided no details on the arms package, which will reportedly total $US20 billion over the next decade.

                  But administration officials speaking on condition of anonymity say it will include selling Saudi Arabia advanced weapons known as Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAMs).

                  JDAM is a low-cost guidance kit converting existing unguided free-fall bombs into accurately guided "smart" weapons.

                  Munition equipped with such kits can attack simultaneously multiple targets in a coordinated strike by single or multiple aircraft.

                  Defence experts say JDAM weapons were extensively used by the United States in recent conflicts in Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq.

                  The package also will include new weapons for the United Arab Emirates, another US ally in the Persian Gulf, and both military and economic support to Egypt, the officials said.

                  Meanwhile, the Boston Globe reported in March that it is believed to include air and missile defence systems, advanced early warning radar aircraft, and light coastal combat ships.

                  The New York Times reported in April that the package had been delayed because of Israeli concerns over the sale to Saudi Arabia of certain precision guided munitions.

                  Mr Gates and Dr Rice are expected to emphasize US commitment to the region's security at a time when there is fierce debate at home of whether to withdraw US forces from Iraq.

                  Congress has the power to block such sales, but the White House is hoping to avoid a major fight on the issue.


                  • Re: Pentagon Attack on 911

                    House members pledge to block Saudi arms deal

                    WASHINGTON - The Bush administration's plan to sell $20 billion in advanced weaponry to Saudi Arabia and five other Persian Gulf countries is running into congressional opposition and criticism from human-rights and arms-control groups.

                    Members of Congress vowed Saturday to oppose any deal to Saudi Arabia on grounds that the kingdom has been unhelpful in Iraq and unreliable at fighting terrorism.

                    The administration plans to sell advanced satellite-guided bombs, fighter aircraft upgrades and new naval vessels to six Gulf Cooperation Council countries, including Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain and Oman, U.S. officials say.

                    U.S. officials acknowledged that congressional reaction has been mixed but cautioned that details of a broader arms package -- including $30 billion in military aid to Israel and $13 billion to Egypt over the next 10 years -- have yet to be released. "As we move forward, we will work very closely with Congress, as well as our friends and allies in the region," State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said.

                    But Tom Lantos (D-Calif.), chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, who was briefed on the deal Tuesday, said he had reservations. "This is not a sale at Macy's that you go in and buy a bunch of stuff. There are a complex set of relationships behind it."

                    Reps. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) and Robert Wexler (D-Fla.) said Saturday that they will introduce a joint resolution of disapproval to block the deals when Congress is formally notified. They have seven Democratic co-sponsors.

                    "The reputation of the Saudis has taken quite a beating since 9/11," Weiner said.

                    Arms experts called for a serious debate on the quality and quantity of weapons going to the gulf states. "This administration does not have an arms sales policy, except to sell, sell, sell," said Daryl Kimball of the Arms Control Association. "That approach in the Middle East can be like throwing gasoline on a brush fire."

                    Human Rights Watch said the arms deals would undermine long-term U.S. goals in the Middle East. "This will reduce pressure on Egypt and the Arab states to reform their politics. It's another case of trying to purchase stability at the expense of liberty," said Washington advocacy director Tom Malinowski.


                    • Re: Pentagon Attack on 911

                      Israel hails US military aid rise

                      BBC, News, BBC News, news online, world, uk, international, foreign, british, online, service

                      Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has confirmed that the United States is planning a significant increase in military and defence aid to Israel.

                      The package would reportedly amount to more than $30bn (£14.8bn) over the next 10 years.

                      Mr Olmert described it as an important element for the security of Israel.

                      Washington is reportedly preparing a package of major arms sales to Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states because of concerns over Iran's nuclear programme.

                      US defence aid to Israel currently stands at $2.4bn a year - the new package would amount to a 25% increase.

                      Mr Olmert said the aid had been agreed at a meeting with US President George W Bush in Washington last month.

                      Saudi arms deal

                      The BBC's Bethany Bell in Jerusalem says the package is seen as an attempt to allay Israeli concerns over the planned arms deal with Saudi Arabia, reportedly worth $20bn (£9.8bn) over the next decade.

                      Defence officials quoted by US media said the sales would include advanced weaponry, missile guidance systems, upgraded fighter jets and naval ships.

                      Mr Olmert said the increased support was a sign of US commitment to maintain Israel's military "advantage over the Arab states".

                      "We understand the need of the US to assist the moderate Arab states which are in one front with the US and us in the fight against Iran, and on the other hand we appreciate the renewed and re-emphasised support for Israel's military and security advantage," he said.

