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Consequences Of Attacking Iran And Why Tehran Is Not Worried

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  • Re: Consequences Of Attacking Iran And Why Tehran Is Not Worried

    Originally posted by hipeter924 View Post
    I am an internationalist KanadaHye, that could only come with a democratic world government. But right now that seems impossible. Who would give up nuclear weapons in a world where a nation could develop them and hold the world to ransom. Do you suggest we remove the nuclear weapons and wait for a North Korea to nuke us? I think not. True Nuclear disarmament can only happen in a rational world dedicated to peace and I don't see that happening this century if not the next.
    If North Korea wanted to do more damage than a nuke, all they would have to do is invade South Korea. Perhaps they just want to free their own people.
    "Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it." ~Malcolm X


    • Re: Consequences Of Attacking Iran And Why Tehran Is Not Worried

      Originally posted by Anoush View Post
      Thanks for all the information KanadaHye, I didn't know all these numbers. The US really takes control of the world, doesn't she? Democratically mind you.
      You have to distinguish the difference between the "U.S." and the Pentagon. The "U.S." is a country consisting of citizens. The Pentagon is an entity operating with a base inside the "U.S" which is in the business of military domination.
      "Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it." ~Malcolm X


      • Re: Consequences Of Attacking Iran And Why Tehran Is Not Worried

        Iran candidate wants to move Israelis to Hawaii

        Unlike other 12-year-olds, Kourosh Mozouni wants to become the next president of Iran and the youngster has already laid out his political agenda with a proposal to move Israelis to Hawaii and a bid to raise men's wages so that mothers do not have to work.

        Mozouni, who is in the running against 170 people – including 11 women, said if elected he would ban computer games and pass a law allowing women to have jobs on the condition that they have children no younger than five.

        Mozouni also said he would negotiate with United States President Barack Obama "to buy Hawaii Islands and moves Israelis there so that Palestinians can live peacefully on their lands," official news agency Press TV quoted him as saying.

        "Mothers, children and young adults will vote for me," Mozouni confidently told reporters at the Interior Ministry's election headquarters. The interior ministry has already rejected the 12-year-olds bid.

        With Iran at loggerheads with the West over its nuclear program, reporters asked the young hopeful if he knew what yellow cake – a substance used for nuclear fuel – was and he replied that a "president does not have to know everything."

        "You all have refrigerators at home but do you know the different parts of it? All Iranians believe nuclear energy to be their legitimate right, but this does not mean that they should know everything about it," the 12-year-old was quoted by the official news agency as saying.

        Mozouni also said if elected he would seek to stop the killing of the world's oppressed children, including Gazans.

        Last week, a former head of the elite Revolutionary Guards became one of the most prominent figure to register as a candidate in Iran's June presidential election a few hours before incumbent president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, registered.

        Candidates will be vetted by the Guardian Council, which has strict moral and other criteria, requiring them to be established statesmen. In the last vote in 2005, only about 10 were cleared.

        Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


        • Re: Consequences Of Attacking Iran And Why Tehran Is Not Worried

          What an idiot. All I can say. I am glad they refused him.


          • Re: Consequences Of Attacking Iran And Why Tehran Is Not Worried

            I don't think the Israeli's can live peacefully with Oprah as their neighbour either
            "Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it." ~Malcolm X


            • Re: Consequences Of Attacking Iran And Why Tehran Is Not Worried

              More rhetoric....

              Israel stages biggest-ever war drill

              JERUSALEM (CNN) -- Israel started its biggest emergency drill in the nation's history Sunday to prepare civilians, soldiers and rescue crews for the possibility of war, the defense force said in a statement.

              The five-day drill, nicknamed Turning Point 3, comes amid the nation's rising tensions with Iran.

              It will be conducted in public facilities, including schools, military bases and government offices. Students, soldiers and other civilians will practice how to gather at protected places during an emergency.

              Officials said the drill will include simulated rockets, air raids and other attacks on infrastructure and essential facilities, and use of weapons on civilians.

              Everyone is expected to go to a protected place at the sound of sirens, the defense force said, adding that more instructions will be broadcast on a public channel.

              "It is of great importance that every civilian, institute and workplace will seriously practice in order to improve our preparedness and national resilience," Maj. Gen. Yair Golan of the Home Front Command said in a news statement.

              The move comes amid tension between Israel and Tehran.

              The Israeli government considers Iran's nuclear program as the dominant threat facing the country. Israel is publicly supportive of President Barack Obama administration's outreach to the Islamic state.

              Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak told Israeli Army Radio last week that he believes "that the chance the dialogue has of stopping Iran's nuclear efforts is very low."

              Barak's views are keeping with the majority of his countrymen.

              An Israeli poll released this month found that 74 percent believe that the U.S. policy of engagement with Iran will fail and 81 percent think Iran will develop a nuclear weapon capability.

              Israel has conducted emergency drills the past two years, but officials said this is the biggest so far.

              "Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it." ~Malcolm X


              • Re: Consequences Of Attacking Iran And Why Tehran Is Not Worried

                They must keep the paranoia high for the next Israeli election.


                • Re: Consequences Of Attacking Iran And Why Tehran Is Not Worried

                  Or better yet, try saber rattling just before the Lebanese elections. : (
                  "All truth passes through three stages:
                  First, it is ridiculed;
                  Second, it is violently opposed; and
                  Third, it is accepted as self-evident."

                  Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


                  • Re: Consequences Of Attacking Iran And Why Tehran Is Not Worried

                    Originally posted by Gavur View Post
                    Or better yet, try saber rattling just before the Lebanese elections. : (
                    That could work too.


                    • Re: Consequences Of Attacking Iran And Why Tehran Is Not Worried

                      Barack Obama: Iran has right to develop peaceful nuclear energy

                      /PanARMENIAN.Net/ Iran has a right to develop peaceful nuclear energy, said the U.S. president Barack Obama in his speech at the Cairo university. However, according to him Tehran must join The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.

                      Long years Iran has been an adversary of the U.S. Instead of remaining in the past it is necessary to look in the future,” the U.S. president said. “Certainly, when we speak about nuclear weapons, there mustn’t be another decision. This topic relates not only to American interests, but directly to prevention of nuclear arm race in the Near East,” Barack Obama said.

