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Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

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  • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

    Originally posted by crusader1492 View Post
    Jackass, this debate is bigger than me and Ara. Don't demonize it by saying I "hate" the man and "wish death upon him". This is s blatant lie. Where the hell did you see me post such things?

    Zourna, when you lie for the sake of winning an argument, you lose all credibility.

    How is that for insight?
    A little harsh i guess.

    you = you guys; the anti-Ara.

    Originally posted by Armenian View Post
    Today, he is living alone and on welfare in Canada. Soon he will cease to exist. And once he is gone so will his life time works. The works of "writers" like him last as long as they do.

    Funny you obtrude such a label upon myself. What does it read again?!

    Winning an argument is the last thing that is sought after for a simpletone of my genus.
    Am just laying out my thoughts.

    Originally posted by crusader1492 View Post
    It's amazing how out of control these threads become with these people. They equate criticizing as attempts to silence...some whackjobs, (like Zourna), leap even further and equate my critisizm (or "mud-slinging" ) as "wishing death" on Ara.

    I don't know what else to say, except these are BS people.
    too harsh.
    Last edited by zourna; 01-31-2008, 10:09 AM.


    • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

      an armenian does not hate a fellow armenian.
      he just slings mud and keeps slinging hoping some of it will stick, eh friends?
      i live alone?
      i survive on welfare?
      did you really investigate me and my private life?
      do we know each other?
      how come you know everything there is to know about me and i know nothing about you? is it because you are afraid to crawl out of your hidden anonymous cowardly cave?
      is everything you know and understand as true as the mud you sling?
      is that armenianism or ottomanism?
      scratch an armenian and expose the turk.


      • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

        Originally posted by arabaliozian View Post
        an armenian does not hate a fellow armenian.
        he just slings mud and keeps slinging hoping some of it will stick, eh friends?
        i live alone?
        i survive on welfare?
        did you really investigate me and my private life?
        do we know each other?
        how come you know everything there is to know about me and i know nothing about you? is it because you are afraid to crawl out of your hidden anonymous cowardly cave?
        is everything you know and understand as true as the mud you sling?
        is that armenianism or ottomanism?
        Oh you poor, poor martyr.

        Seriously, after all the hateful things you write about Armenians/Armenia (or "Hayvanastan", as you say), do you really expect sympathy?

        C'mon Ara, you love this attention. That is why you post your name...if you don't want people to know about your personal life, then post under an alias. After all, you write for selfless reasons, right? You don't need glory, do you?

        After all these years, one would think you have grown a thick skin...but, the drama-queen rant above proves otherwise.

        scratch an armenian and expose the turk.
        Coming from you, that could be considered a high compliment.
        Last edited by crusader1492; 01-31-2008, 10:45 AM.


        • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

          The savages I was referring to were Armenian, Crusader1492 and Virgil.

          You lack decency, humanity and knowledge.

          I mean Armenian doesn't think a journalist is a writer.

          The three of you are not only embarrassing yourselves but you are embarrassing Armenians.

          Think more, type less.

          Yes, Crusader, I am incredibly proud of my father. He raised the bar for me so high, I almost can't see it to reach it. But, he gave me the ability to do so.
          Last edited by freakyfreaky; 01-31-2008, 10:27 AM.
          Between childhood, boyhood,
          & manhood (maturity) there
          should be sharp lines drawn w/
          Tests, deaths, feats, rites
          stories, songs & judgements

          - Morrison, Jim. Wilderness, vol. 1, p. 22


          • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

            Originally posted by freakyfreaky View Post
            The savages I was referring to were Armenian, Crusader1492 and Virgil.

            You lack decency, humanity and knowledge.

            I mean Armenian doesn't think a journalist is a writer.

            The three of you are not only embarrassing yourselves but you are embarrassing Armenians.

            Think more, type less.
            Judging from you anger, I am beginning to think that you are not proud of you father.
            You lash out like a child that has never been shown love.


            • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

              ^^^ read above Crusader.

              No anger here, bro.

              I think you are confusing me for your ringleader Armenian.
              Last edited by freakyfreaky; 01-31-2008, 10:31 AM.
              Between childhood, boyhood,
              & manhood (maturity) there
              should be sharp lines drawn w/
              Tests, deaths, feats, rites
              stories, songs & judgements

              - Morrison, Jim. Wilderness, vol. 1, p. 22


              • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                Originally posted by freakyfreaky View Post
                ^^^ read above Crusader.

                No anger here, bro.

                I think you are confusing me for your ringleader Armenian.
                I would never confuse you with Armenian.


                • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                  You are again contradicting yourself, freaky. Personally, I really don't care about Ara's person. You are accusing some people here of throwing insults to Ara by stating their opinion while you are unable to see that what Ara, himself spreads about your people,all, in reality, insults put very eloquently ( that's probably why you cannot see it??). As a result, many many people feel insulted ( including me) by his words and want to react somehow. So, why not let those who feel really insulted use this podium of 'freedom of speech' to express themselves, if there is any???

                  There are -sometimes- points made by him (about our problems, charlatans, dupes, lack of support and collaboration amongst us, etc.) that I, as many may agree with, but are they seriously like some sort of "revelation" to you??
                  What's more, he is clearly trying to attribute all the vile, vicious, immoral human traits to Armenians; he is just not speaking or criticizing generally. Note that some of the issues he is obsessively whining about is typical of people, everywhere, not only Armenians; and actually, to tell you the truth, I believe that he does possess the lucidity and insight to see that and comprehends it perfectly; hence my assertion about his own 'charlatanism' , absolute lack of honesty and objectivity.

                  And if he is talikng about our "problems", why post it everywhere? what has it got to do with odars? I can't see any relevance.

                  Anyway, he can go on writing(= bashing his people) as much as he wants… But just imagine what would have happened to him, had he been a Parsik or a Turk.
                  The situation of journalists and writers in Armenia in not even comparable to her neighbouring countries.
                  Last edited by Lucin; 01-31-2008, 12:42 PM.


                  • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                    Ara has never insulted any of my people. Criticism, dissent, opinion, robust debate is a key component of a free society. Insults are usually far more intimate (i.e. between identified people or groups of people) than criticism. Defamatory insults are not protected speech. An immature government or individual is unable to accept criticism.

                    If Ara's opinions insult you or offend you, then by all means intelligently confront him. Show me an example of where his detractors have done so.
                    Mostly, what I have seen are insults hurled at him. He never insulted Armenian or Crusader (at least not initially).

                    Armenian appears to be a remnant of the Soviet Era. He believes tyranny should rule over democracy in Armenia.

                    Armenia cannot survive without the diaspora. How many fled Armenia when it was under Soviet rule to America or elsewhere? Certainly, those in the diaspora that have experienced free society after fleeing Soviet Armenia would not return nor those who have known nothing different than free society. Now, how does promoting authoritarianism in Armenia help Armenia or Armenians. Tell me.

                    I don't hear many persons in the Armenian community freely discussing the impact of the Soviet Era on our identity. My immediate family members didn't live in the Soviet Republic for much or any of their lives. So, this is to be applauded. He may be completely wrong in his opinion but he is right for bringing it to the table.

                    Some Armenian intellectuals in Armenia have agreed that in the modern era we have suffered for lack of self-reference and critique. That he is able to do it eloquently - whether or not he is wrong or right - should be embraced and encouraged amongst all of us. Its for the good our identity, our people and Hayastan.

                    The detractors here are unable to comprehend opinion contrary to their own belief. And, they are unable to debate intelligently.

                    If he speaks in broad generalizations that appeared c-ock-eyed, call him on it. Ask for details to support his premise. He'll obviously engage you eloquently. Then, you shall have your proof that Ara is a fool.

                    But don't belittle his accomplishments, his experience or his beliefs with petty insults that he hates himself.

                    And, don't hold him to standards that are not practiced by his detractors. Honesty and objectivity?

                    Odars have as much influence in Armenia as the common person there. Perhaps, more. And, to say that one is not Armenian unless he or she has an immediate relation (i.e. living within its borders) or less Armenian on this basis, is irresponsible. There are more Armenians outside the country than there are in the county and its equally self-hating. The motherland needs diaspora assistance from diaspora that will never likely return for long-term residence during productive years and they are being alienated. How is this beneficial to Armenia or Armenians?

                    Who amongst the detractors has Ara bashed unprovoked? Who? Bring him or her forth.
                    Last edited by freakyfreaky; 01-31-2008, 01:48 PM.
                    Between childhood, boyhood,
                    & manhood (maturity) there
                    should be sharp lines drawn w/
                    Tests, deaths, feats, rites
                    stories, songs & judgements

                    - Morrison, Jim. Wilderness, vol. 1, p. 22


                    • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                      Originally posted by freakyfreaky View Post
                      Who amongst the detractors has Ara bashed unprovoked? Who? Bring him or her forth.

                      Ara called. He needs his soapbox back.
                      Bring it "forth"

