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You can all thank Mr. Bush for saving your life.

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  • #31
    Baronchik, maybe it's you that needs the practice, my french is superb!


    • #32
      "Pas l'inquiétude" means "not the worry". That doesn't make sense. "Pas d'inquiétude" means no worries, which I guess is what you wanted to say. While I was able to understand the rest, it still sounded kind of....immigrantish, shall we say?


      • #33
        Anileve the LEAST you can do at this point is admit that your French sux... come on now...


        • #34
          Surfer jan, C-Span and the whole group of channels who call themselves " news channels" are the worst source to know whats going on in the country!!!!!!!!

          None of our leaders is going to say " we did the war for personal
          profits"! of cousre they are going to say that we are saved and the evil Saddam will no longer endanger us and the rest of blah blah blah........

          instead of making fun of what I'm saying, you and the rest 98% of Americans are brainwashed, because you believe whatever you see, you don't have the ability to THINK and to ANALYZE
          why are we doing all these things. the problem begins from the country and later goes to the rest of the world. So first we need to solve our problems and later on the others'.

          Now say whatever u want, Im gonna read ur "anughegh" way of thinking...............................buh byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


          • #35
            Originally posted by anileve

            Iraq– reason for the Muslims to despise the US and the West; hold little or much political power and unity thus exposing themselves to constant intrusion.

            Lets light up our cigars
            Au Contraire...
            Muslims despise the US because the US is led by jews that are supporting other jews in "ISRAEL" to eliminate the word "Palestine" from the map!!
            waaaaay before the whole Iraq thing...

            oh and one more thing!
            STOP smoking!
            Last edited by jahannam; 11-06-2003, 03:52 PM.


            • #36
              [QUOTE]Originally posted by fIReBuRntInHeLL [B]Surfer jan, C-Span and the whole group of channels who call themselves " news channels" are the worst source to know whats going on in the country!!!!!!!!

              I'm saying, you and the rest 98% of Americans are brainwashed,
              Have you ever C-SPAN? All they do is show tapes if meetings of congress and other events. There isn't even any commentary !

              Thinking you're smarter than everybody else only proves you're a big idiot.


              • #37
                Originally posted by patlajan Have you ever C-SPAN? All they do is show tapes if meetings of congress and other events. There isn't even any commentary !

                Thinking you're smarter than everybody else only proves you're a big idiot.
                Much like you
                Achkerov kute.


                • #38
                  Oh I almost forgot. It is time for the feel good picture of the day kids !


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by fIReBuRntInHeLL Surfer jan, C-Span and the whole group of channels who call themselves " news channels" are the worst source to know whats going on in the country!!!!!!!!

                    None of our leaders is going to say " we did the war for personal
                    profits"! of cousre they are going to say that we are saved and the evil Saddam will no longer endanger us and the rest of blah blah blah........

                    instead of making fun of what I'm saying, you and the rest 98% of Americans are brainwashed, because you believe whatever you see, you don't have the ability to THINK and to ANALYZE
                    why are we doing all these things. the problem begins from the country and later goes to the rest of the world. So first we need to solve our problems and later on the others'.

                    Now say whatever u want, Im gonna read ur "anughegh" way of thinking...............................buh byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

                    C-Span is not a news channel. Ignorance is bliss I suppose. You must be so caught up in it. It is nothing more than live coverage of senate debates, congressional debates, and all sorts of hearings. There is no opinion section. It lets you know what they are saying, exactly how they mean it. There is no reporter. It just tapes the meetings so you can see what is going on. I saw the whole debate for the new ban on the partial birth abortion. Very interesting.

                    I feel very bad for you. You have been fooled. The Democrats lured you in, claiming them to be the party of immigrants. However, thus has proved false. Tell me what they have done for you. Since you only care of Armenian legislation, tell me what they have done for Armenia. Nothing. BUsh sent 90 million or billion, i forgot, but he sent a large amount of money to Armenia in financial aid. No, a news report did not tell me this, C-Span told me this. Again, read this very carefully or have someone translate it for you, C-Span is not a news channel. It is you who have been brainwashed by your liberal professors on your liberal college campus. No one tells me I am right on my campus, I can tell you that much. There is no way I can be brainwashed. That is fallacious. My professors tell my I am wrong everyday, yet I find proof to discourage their message.

                    You criticise America for having problems...well aboosh, Iraq has a xxxx load more problems than we do. Tell them to fix their problems before they start trying to bomb us! Tell Saddam to hold his end of the deal in economic transactions. You are too quick to believe what your shcool tells you. They read only what they want. They are liberal because they work in a socialist institution. They are ten yeared, and can not get fired. Such is the way solicalism works. Even if they are xxxxty professors, they can not be fired. You thus have professors that become sloppy in their teachings, because they are no longer working because of merit, they are working because they can not be fired. This is why they support the leftist views, because they get to be lazy in a system that provides incentive for them to be lazy, and teach you leftist material. There is more than economic interests to this war. Even leftist professors can acknowledge that.

                    Think and analyze this "ohh inteligent one." If all of your professors and peers were conservative, you would have been conservative yourself! Seeing that you like to go with the flow does not suprise me.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by jahannam Au Contraire...
                      Muslims despise the US because the US is led by jews that are supporting other jews in "ISRAEL" to eliminate the word "Palestine" from the map!!
                      waaaaay before the whole Iraq thing...

                      oh and one more thing!
                      STOP smoking!
                      Wrong again. Jahannam, overdose on something please.

