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Anon, I see you are online too

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  • #31
    Originally posted by patlajan Interesting way of putting you think you're better than everyone. I love it when people invent philosophies that revolve around their superiority.
    I never said I am superior really, it's just your inferiority is surfacing, that's all. Why do you feel inferior?

    I myself just as well am insignificant according to the money masters and a child and I should be treated as such.

    The masses are better when they think alike, individualism is dangerous, so its bad if you are the only one thinking the way you do. It's always better to align ourselves with group thinking since thats cooler plus we get our own views sort of validated by numbers!
    Achkerov kute.


    • #32
      Mad indeed, genius could be argued...


      • #33
        Originally posted by patlajan The "thinking of the masses" is how you justify to yourself no one agrees with you. Because you're superior and the masses don't understand.....I bet you cry into your pillow at night, poor little mad genius.
        I don't want anyone to agree with me.

        Couldn't care less.

        It's just you don't think critically. That's all.

        I'm an inferior mild mannered poster. How many times must I tell you this? I post on forums, I masturbate to internet porn, and I eat at a Mexican fast food resteraunt.

        That is in sum and substance all the excitement in my life.
        Achkerov kute.


        • #34
          Originally posted by anileve Must you always look at things from a political angle?

          By the way I know it's a tad late for my response, but San Diego is split equally between Dems and Reps. They just don't have unions to deal with since in order to live there you must inherit your oil tycoon daddy's fortune.
          First of all: no not everything must be analyzed with a political angle. Anon, pat, and myself have been here for a long time battling politics. While pats party affiliation remains anonymous he is definetly into right wing ideology (anon is too). What pat wrote was, in fact, specifically dealing with politics, that is why pat mentioned Newt Gingrich. Do you even know who he is?

          Second: Yes San Diego is dominated by Republicans. Not by much, but it is enough to say that. I dont know who told you that but when I last checked on voter vault while working at CRP, San Diego is a strong Republican city. Voter Vault has the information of every registered voter. Very militaryish, a lot of agriculture and private businesses. It is in fact mostly Republican.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Anonymouse Haha funny I hate hippies yet somehow on these forums I'm a hippie.

            The Patriot Act is oppression at its finest, with secret tribunals, loss of due process and protection 'under the law'.

            Just the other day I was reading in my school paper how the government is organizing a bill, if that passes, they will form 'commitee's to oversee the student's work in universities so as to not be 'anti-American'.

            Wake up eggplant.
            And on another thread you were trying to discredit the Wallstreet journal. Shame on you Anon.


            • #36
              Originally posted by patlajan In both cases the finger is not on the trigger. They should have given that boy asylum. Bad move by the Clinton administration. The whole wet foot dry foot policy is stupid.


              • #37
                Originally posted by Anonymouse And hence you prove you would rather stick with lemming logic ( oxymoron ? ), then expose yourself to uncomfortable truths, namely that your vote doesn't count.
                Those are made up truths (oxymoron). We like the real truth, as any other such truth is inconceivable, like the ones you spout off.

