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What/who made GOD?

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  • #11
    OK OK i'll answer allllllllllllllllll your questions for you. Meet me at the end of the rainbow at noon on the 32nd of December!!!!


    • #12
      No offense to anyone, but Anonymouse has the best sense of humor

      (back to the topic)

      There is a GOD, I belive in GOD and only HIM.
      THe reason is simple, HE helps when you are in real need!
      HE helped me, whenever I needed him. I am thankful to Him for whatever He did to me. I know one thing for sure, GOD is always there when you need HIM. Trust me I know what I am saying

      P.S.: I am not fanatic baptist,methodist,protestant,congragationist, Jehova's witness.
      I belong to HYE LUSAVORCHAKAN YEKEGETSI period.


      • #13


        • #14
          [i] GOD is always there when you need HIM. Trust me I know what I am saying..........I belong to HYE LUSAVORCHAKAN YEKEGETSI period.[/SIZE] [/B]
          hmmm.... sooo.... if I need "god" right now, will god be there for me? and if he isn't then I guess there's a lot of flaws lol.


          • #15
            you're free to believe whatever u want.


            • #16
              I don't understand why it's difficult to accept that God has been around infinitely if science itself says that energy was never created.


              • #17
                First off, I think anonymouse should have his own fan-club in this forum, since everyone loves his odd humor.

                Second, your name Ani?


                God, is not something that either exists, or not. God is a belief, if you believe in God, than you breathe existence into your 'God' and give it 'life' , if you don't believe, then God does not exist.

                For some there is a GOD for others there isn't.

                as for fire...How can you whole-heartedly believe in something for which there is no proof of?

                I would like to believe that there is a God, since I'd think it does offer some closure, and comfort, but its hard for me to do so, because I have nothing to base my believe on. I can't simply believe.

                so what made you believe so devotedly?


                • #18
                  First of all, welcome back spiral, it's been a long time you've been gone. Why did you leave?

                  Second of all, no fan club for me, I am against idolatry. That rhymed.

                  Third, can we please get into a deeper philosophical debate using bigger words and theories than just surface opinions of "I believe in God because it makes me feel good" rhetoric.
                  Achkerov kute.


                  • #19
                    Hey Anon, thanks for the welcome buddy!

                    I didn't really decide to intentionally leave or anything, it's just that I have 2-and-a-half jobs, plus school, so it sometimes slips my mind to visit here.

                    Bussiness has been slow the past couple of days, so i'm foruming much much more, but I shall slip into hybernation by Friday once again.

                    As for getting into philosophical theories, why bother, this topic always goes round and round and round, nothing changes, and no one is the wiser'


                    • #20
                      ...and that's a mighty ugly avatar you got there =)

