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Oreo Cookies...

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  • #21
    Originally posted by anileve I see that you are so fueled by the unreciprocated affections you've held for me, that you've failed to realize the real meaning behind the statement, or perhaps that was an intentional interpretation. By "ring" I meant "rrrrring rrrrring" like the telephone ring you know? And really, I am so hurt now that I have found out about the fate of those chocolate covered cherries. Can someone pass me a nail file please?
    I think your eyes have rolled away a great deal of a sense for humor.


    • #22
      Originally posted by dusken I think your eyes have rolled away a great deal of a sense for humor.
      You don’t think that because I left your feelings unreciprocated, I wouldn’t respond to a supposed witty remark by you, do you? The two are independent of each other. Just as you chose to interpret my statement out of context I’ve equally chose to ignore the humor you’ve poorly attempted to display.


      • #23
        Originally posted by dusken I like finding a good batch of strawberries and melting chocolate myself to fondue them; I do not think I would buy pre-dipped strawberries, especially since the chocolate is solid.
        Yes, I meant home-made chocolate covered strawberries. All you have to do is fill a pot with water and bring it to a boil and place on top of the boiling water another pot with peices of (preferrably) expensive belgian chocolate on it. Espacially white chocolate because if you're going to be so bad as to dip things in chocolate, I'm pretty sure you're not going to be biased as to which is 'healtier'. Ha! The chocolate melts because of the heat from the boiling water and voila, you can dip inside your strawberries, cherries, whatver. Yum.
        The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald


        • #24
          Originally posted by ckBejug Yes, I meant home-made chocolate covered strawberries. All you have to do is fill a pot with water and bring it to a boil and place on top of the boiling water another pot with peices of (preferrably) expensive belgian chocolate on it. Espacially white chocolate because if you're going to be so bad as to dip things in chocolate, I'm pretty sure you're not going to be biased as to which is 'healtier'. Ha! The chocolate melts because of the heat from the boiling water and voila, you can dip inside your strawberries, cherries, whatver. Yum.
          Fondue is very good. Then you can pour the chocolate onto the sexual body parts of your significant other and send yourself into a diabetic coma sensually cleaning it up with your tongue.


          • #25
            Originally posted by ckBejug Yes, I meant home-made chocolate covered strawberries. All you have to do is fill a pot with water and bring it to a boil and place on top of the boiling water another pot with peices of (preferrably) expensive belgian chocolate on it. Espacially white chocolate because if you're going to be so bad as to dip things in chocolate, I'm pretty sure you're not going to be biased as to which is 'healtier'. Ha!
            Too much work, I prefer them already made.

            Originally posted by ckBejug The chocolate melts because of the heat from the boiling water
            And saliva as well, so really there is no problem with hard cover chocolate. It rapidly melts in your mouth without much of that fondue hassle.


            • #26
              Originally posted by anileve I hate Oreo Cookies, they are artificially flavored, racially inspired and do nothing but create clumps of overly processed malnutritious dough in your "outcomes".

              Give me chocolate covered cherries instead, I prefer to eat them slowly. First gently wrapping my tongue around the chocolate cover, then slightly nibbling until the chocolate starts to melt, filling my mouth with it's luscious flavor. I proceed by firmly sinking my teeth into the hiding cherry, making it burst with its sweet juice, which eventually intertwines with the rich texture of the chocolate. I let it dwell a bit further in my mouth, until it covers every oral taste bud I have. After the chocolate and the cherry disappear in my ecstatic esophagus, I slowly lick my lips, absorbing any left over juice that might have dripped out of my mouth in the process.

              What kind of a person would this make me?
              You ever consider writing romance novels?


              • #27
                Originally posted by Emil You ever consider writing romance novels?
                Romance novels? Emil you are insulting my intelligence! I have considered writing good quality erotica, but I am lacking inspiration. Care to be my muse?


                • #28
                  Originally posted by anileve Romance novels? Emil you are insulting my intelligence! I have considered writing good quality erotica, but I am lacking inspiration. Care to be my muse?
                  Gladly. Let me know when and where.


                  • #29
                    Pepperidge Farmer's Italian cookies work for me better!!
                    they taste naturally and u dont need to go through all the ways of eating that Oreo requiers.
                    U just bite them and enjoy them as they last.

