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The Egoist Thread

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  • The Egoist Thread

    'Tis a step up from narcissism. The logical end of self-love is the absolute primacy of self. Note that it is not necessary to actually be caring or nice in order to get what you want - you need only be charming. And remember rule #1:

    The good egoist encourages altruism in all of his friends.

  • #2
    The good egoist gets high off the smell of his fart.


    • #3
      Oh no, how original of you, yet another thread about this new gimmick of yours. First a little boy lost, then the hopeless romantic, now the total narcissist. I can see why you believe in the theory of evolution.
      Achkerov kute.


      • #4
        Just remember, we are the means, not the end.


        • #5
          Hey loseyourname, have you read The Picture of Dorian Gray?


          • #6
            Of course. Great book. If only Oscar Wilde hadn't been so ugly, it might have been more honest.


            • #7
              Indeed, flames, you are all nothing more than another means by which I feed my ego. The good egoist has a very hungry ego and finds many sources from which he may feed it.


              • #8
                A good quote from John Lennon:

                I don't believe in magic
                I don't believe in I-ching
                I don't believe in Bible
                I don't believe in tarot
                I don't believe in Hitler
                I don't believe in Jesus
                I don't believe in Kennedy
                Í don't believe in Buddha
                I don't believe in Mantra
                I don't believe in gita
                I don't believe in yoga
                I don't believe in kings
                I don't believe in Elvis
                I don't believe in Zimmerman
                I don't believe in Beatles
                I just believe in me


                • #9
                  Originally posted by loseyourname
                  Of course. Great book. If only Oscar Wilde hadn't been so ugly, it might have been more honest.
                  Ohhh come on!! He wasn't THAT ugly!!!

                  Latest news coverage, email, free stock quotes, live scores and video are just the beginning. Discover more every day at Yahoo!

                  A slightly off-topic question, does anyone have a picture of Robert Ross? I am yet to see the guy and I am wondering if there are any photos of him floating around on the web? Thanks.


                  • #10

                    The Loser Phenomenonwith Diane and Clark

                    Today's featured topic, Loser:

                    C: Good evening, and welcome to our pilot edition of The Loser Phenomenon. I'm your anchor, Clark Gay, and to my right is the lovely Diane Les.
                    D:If I had a gas oven my head would have been lodged in there long ago, Clark.
                    C: I don't know about you, but I'm digging the shades. What do you think this impact has on the other viewers Diane?
                    D:'Shades' is for cool people, Clark!
                    C:Haha! Whoa there, Diane. Save our slugger Loser some material for next week. He's been yapping all the past month about how he loves himself. Tell me, what's your first impression of the man?
                    D:It looks as if Loser is very perceptive and has distanced himself as a delineated loser from the rest of the losers, to crown himself the king of losers, as if that's a noteworthy accomplishment.
                    C:I have to admit I enjoy the retro theme music that appears everytime Loser makes a guest appearance. I can totally picture myself seeing loser pop up everywhere in between commercial breaks, either in between Frasier or Charles in Charge, or American Idol, and That 70s Show.
                    D:I just hope some advertising agency is looking at this. His picture makes me want to totally buy some 'shades' and/or budweiser.
                    C: *shock* You're kidding!
                    D: Did I tell you that I once successfully breast fed a flamingo back to full health?
                    C:No, but that has to wait for the next episode. Any final thoughts?
                    D:When loser first appeared I cringed at the prospect of having my testicles crushed, but then I remembered I don't have testicles! I was however able to identify with losers, especially the other men here, because I personally have tits! Overall, I give it a 5 out of a possible B! He is really a great man, able to threaten the manhood of everyone else with this love of himself. If I had a penis, I would surely lovemyself as much.
                    C: You're the one that's been stealing the cleanex from my dressing room haven't you, Diane?
                    D: Well, it's important to remember that when you blow your nose, you have to use Kleenex™. Until next time...
                    C: Keep watching the holding high those Kleenex tissues while looking at yourself in the mirror installed in your dog house eating that quarter pounder with cheese of steaming hot adjectives of you are God you have a mirror in your peehole, into yourself channel.Goodnight!
                    Last edited by Anonymouse; 04-09-2004, 06:39 PM.
                    Achkerov kute.

