Originally posted by Anonymouse
It's a bit more complex than that. I already explained I am not drawn to American culture, even though I understand it.
First you said culture is taught, then when I explained that, you say the pattern of multicultural empires collapsing is taught. Culture is innate to man, it isn't taught, for how could have the first man taught himself culture? It is inborn in people, the capacity to, that is. And throughout the globe and history different "races" have produced very different cultures, as cultures are a form of expression.
That is what I was referring, perhaps that instinctive trait is not as strong as those of eating, and sex, but they are prevalent nonetheless.
And before you go arguing with evolutionary theory, be aware that the evolution of a new instinct within a species is an example of microevolution, something that you have said you have no qualms with.
These are all so subjective as to how one interprets them that one can construct another model detailing how Jews and Mexicans do not assimilate but stick to their own.
This goes back to the basic. There will be some non-whites that will hold American beliefs, but for the most part, others won't as this is alien to them.
This goes back to the idea that culture is a product of the people that create it. This idea of a liberal constitutional republic, or what not, is a mainly European idea. It has worked well for Western Europeans but it cannot work for others, as that culture is foreign to them and doesn't reflect them.
Take a look at Rome. Towards it's latter day we witnessed the barbarization of the Roman Empire, in which the barbarians became more Romanized, and the Romans became more barbarized, and as the original Romans disappeared, those who called themselves "Romans" were in reality a pale comparison to the original creators of that Republic, and so could not understand the principles that culture laid down, and so hence it shifted away from its original precepts as that previous idea, or culture, did not reflect the new peoples.