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  • #21
    mmm i made myself a grilled cheese sammich.

    sometimes i like to put hot ham in it, its very goot!
    words are meaningless and forgettable...
    words are very unnecessary, they can only do harm.


    • #22
      Nothing feels like when you've been in an incredably bad situation that caused you to forget what happened, as if time was erased. That period of, seconds, minutes, hours, days etc... is foreign to you and it is as if it was "nothing"

      Now i know this is not nothing in general, but believe me i'm almost positive thats what it feels like.

      like death.


      • #23
        Originally posted by DvlzAdvocate
        Nothing feels like when you've been in an incredably bad situation that caused you to forget what happened, as if time was erased. That period of, seconds, minutes, hours, days etc... is foreign to you and it is as if it was "nothing"

        Now i know this is not nothing in general, but believe me i'm almost positive thats what it feels like.

        like death.
        No living thing knows what death is like.


        • #24
          The creation.

          This <<Creation >>Subject is ver deep and little away of our undersatanding...but we can try to make it much more understandble...
          There are theorys about the <<Creation>> and a lot of them...but I think that The <<Creation>> cant be understood 100% only by it's Creator...
          In fact I belive that everything that the Creator invented look like this...
          Imagine a coin...okey...Imagine One side of it is the creator and the other one is the relative world (Our world)...Our world will not be able to see the other part of the coin because it is not possible.But when It becomes the Coin it will know what there is In the other part...
          So I can say By this that we canot escape our destiny ....I mean In the end we all gonna know whats on the other part, the diffrence only the time...
          Because Imagine that God created something so that something is a part of God...And that means a part of God Body is still God itself...The only problem is that we do not know this yet ..
          How can we know it...this is an other deep subject ,I can give a hint ..Like Ancient people or Sages (guru) High Priest ...used to rich that level and they have scriptures that talk about ways, it is a kind or religion but not religion...
          If any of u have anything to say I am waiting a replay..
          ..(intresting subject and confusing in the same time)bye bye c ya guys..
          <<With Great Power comes Great Responsibility>>
          <<We are the consequences of what we where,and what we will be is what we are now>>


          • #25
            Originally posted by sSsflamesSs
            No living thing knows what death is like.

            I do
            Personal experience, I died for a few minutes and came back in the hospital, and I don't remember anything that has to do with me getting in that hospital. Those periods of time is what I'm talking about.

            Nothing feels almost identical to that.


            • #26
              Originally posted by DvlzAdvocate
              I do
              Personal experience, I died for a few minutes and came back in the hospital, and I don't remember anything that has to do with me getting in that hospital. Those periods of time is what I'm talking about.

              Nothing feels almost identical to that.
              How long did your heart stop for?


              • #27
                You're not describing nothingness. You're describing a gap in your memory. Death is defined as the end of body functioning, from which there is no return. You were never dead. If you had been dead, you would still be dead, and you wouldn't have any feelings at all.


                • #28

                  I always notice that people talk about death and like it is something very extra ordinary,it may be for people who did not experiance theire fully awearness(consioness.)Because it is very Obvios that Death is an other level of life ,Because our Mind will still operates...So dont talk about death and give theorys coz whatever u say may not happen to an other person...
                  And I would prefer if people talked about more practical things...Coz knowing the after death or knowing anything that will not make us more stronger or wiser is all .false...I mean why should we know after death when we dont know what we are now..Can anyone of you tell me that he knows himself as much as needed so that he can know the after this level of his life?
                  I hope there are some people who Are Understanding my point of view..I talked about The Creation and No Comments.,..I think I did great..haha.. bye bye c ya..
                  <<With Great Power comes Great Responsibility>>
                  <<We are the consequences of what we where,and what we will be is what we are now>>


                  • #29
                    Originally posted by loseyourname
                    You're not describing nothingness. You're describing a gap in your memory. Death is defined as the end of body functioning, from which there is no return. You were never dead. If you had been dead, you would still be dead, and you wouldn't have any feelings at all.
                    So you deny near death experiences?
                    Achkerov kute.


                    • #30
                      What the hell are you talking about? She may have been near death, but that doesn't make her dead.

