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  • #21
    Originally posted by surferarmo
    Reaganomics was a period of serious entrenchment. It was a breath of fresh air as compared to the horrible new deal and the permenant social programs that would hurt rather than help our economy.
    Trust me, the new deal is the worst sort of socialistic crap ever unfurled onto the Republic of America, but Reagonomics was hardly the bastion of free enterprise. While it was lesser in terms of socialistic policies, and since I'm of the laissez faire persuasion, I still see reagonomics as a barrier to the free market.
    Achkerov kute.


    • #22
      Originally posted by dusken
      Reaganomics was a breath of fresh air from a fifty year old action that was a direct response to the Great Depression? Stupid Republican...tricks are for wh0res.
      The Great Depression was in fact worsened by the socialistic New Deal policies, and the market crash was initiated precisely because of government regulation and interference into the market, as well as the Federal Reserve.
      Achkerov kute.


      • #23
        That is arguable. The New Deal was not all good or all bad. However, my point was that he was using meaningless republican rhetoric to validate something that has no valid points and was entirely speculative.


        • #24


          • #25
            Stop posting that article everywhere. What is your point?
            Achkerov kute.


            • #26
              if you read the article you'll know...and i only posted it in 2 places, not everywhere..."nerfbrain"


              • #27
                I have heard from very convincing sources that Kerry has lied infront of senate about actions of other soldiers in Vietnam. There is an advertising bit going around most conservative radio stations and very few television stations about the truth. This contains eye witness accounts of fellow soldiers, he is also claimed to have given up in torture and handed information down to the enemy while his comrads suffered and didnt give it up... this guy cant be trusted, he has been looking out strictly for himself the whole time.. he is making such bold and obviouse lies to the groups he speaks to.. He tells a group of "more conservative than liberal" people that he is pro-life, turns around and tells the liberal group he does not see a problem with women chosing for themselves.. uhhumm aka "pro-choice".. i know all politicians are liars, but this guy doesnt have a reference point of his own beleifs, he molds into the crowd.. he will never be a leader.. and tax the hell out of businesses, to spend our money for ourselves..
                How do you hurt a masochist?
                -By leaving him alone.Forever.


                • #28
                  apparently you've been blinded and lied to about that information....they released ad's about him quoting other soldiers in Veitnam, and they only played the audio to the part where it made it seem like it was him saying those things. They will make up anything and lie about anything, because these are the only attacks they have...BUT

                  If the Bush campaign and its supporters want to hide behind negative attack ads, focusing on the trying to re-do the past, talk about negative things, that should tell you that they're afraid to talk about the REAL ISSUES, such as health care, jobs, security, backdoor drafts, envirnoment....


                  • #29
                    to you understand the other side, which happens to be correct in facts here's a press release responding to the false ads.

                    AND here's a link to Sen. Kerry's official Naval records...

                    its funny how people can support a man who ran and hid to avoid serving, and then attack someone who voluntarily went to war and risked his life....shame shame shame

                    they pulled the same crap in 2000 against their own fellow Republican and WW2 Vet John that is a new low


                    • #30
                      jilbagh, calm down.. u dont know what you are saying. This is not advertised or in any way founded by the Bush campaign... this is a private party made up of those who have been let down and lied to by kerry, his "comrads" not some politician. U should check into it before you make thewse claims, ill post a link to the advertisement as soon as i can.
                      How do you hurt a masochist?
                      -By leaving him alone.Forever.

