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Who plans on going back home?

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  • #31
    well said my friend...
    even though I wouldn't expect a comment like that from a canadian armo!!


    • #32
      Re: Who plans on going back home?

      Originally posted by Baron Dants
      Originally posted by fIReBuRntInHeLL

      ure yerkire yegpayr, no yerkir anymore only atorakriv!
      bah, what armenians don't understand is that Armenia is another country going through the harsh transition between communism and capitalism. It has only been eleven years, and we're all expecting Armenia to be a super power tomorrow. It's gonna take time to turn Armenia into what we want it to be, but sitting here and xxxxxing is the last thing needed. Everybody that has been to Armenia tells me that the situation is getting better and better, and I choose to believe them. And even if it were getting worse, I'd still choose to go and live there, because it would then be our duty to reverse the situation.

      armenia will be great when im not gonna be alive! if the situation continues this way, i dont think we'll have country in near future, we are spread all over the world and no one cares to return. Since the anarchy rules there and each of the rulers thinks only for his pocket, forget to return there. the ones who say its great there, they have money thats y, wherever u have money thats the best place to live my friend. Very few say that ask the majority..............


      • #33
        Re: Who plans on going back home?

        Originally posted by fIReBuRntInHeLL
        armenia will be great when im not gonna be alive! if the situation continues this way, i dont think we'll have country in near future, we are spread all over the world and no one cares to return. Since the anarchy rules there and each of the rulers thinks only for his pocket, forget to return there. the ones who say its great there, they have money thats y, wherever u have money thats the best place to live my friend. Very few say that ask the majority..............
        Do you see how you're contradicting yourself? You say that no one cares about Armenia, and no one wants to go back, yet you still tell me not to go back either. Is the situation better in Azerbaidjan? Or what about Georgia? You still are not able to accept that Armenia is in TRANSITION. If you were expecting capitalistic "heaven" one year after independance, then Armenia is not to blame for that. And if you're expecting somebody else to go fix it for you, then a wake-up call might be needed. This just proves what anonymouse has been saying all along about sacrifice. No one's willing to make them. The only cause people have now is theirselves.

        Oh, and my former scouts leader just moved back there with his wife and two daughters. To my knowledge, they don't have a money tree growing in their backyard. And the projects they will be undertaking there will already make a difference.

        And jahannam, SHUT UP! :P canadian armos are cool..hehe


        • #34
          seriously you guys ... think about it....
          if ALL the armenians living abroad, college proffessors, doctors, lawyers, engineers, musicians, accountants, software developers, graphic designers, computer scientists, Architects, bartenders lol, old peeps, kids, club owners and promoters...EVERYOne... if we ALL went to Armenia and started from scratch ... we would turn Armenia into HEAVEN for God's sakes...
          how craaazy would that be? :P :P :P
          by the time my kids go to college... the schools in Yerevan will be soo advanced that they'll have classmates who've moved there from california and D.C. and like Quebec and everywhere...
          I sooo see that happening .... I wonder how we can start a campaign...


          • #35
            aaaakh jahannam, we share a dream. That would make Armenia one helluva country.

            But don't count on it. At least 60% (and I'm being very nice here) wouldn't be willing to go there because of the many "opportunities" they have here. Personally, I see a move to Armenia as the perfect opportunity for myself, to actually make something out of my life (and I'm not talking about the mansion in the suburbs). I CAN, however, see you, anonymouse, flames, vrej and myself (did I forget anyone) sitting on a sidewalk café in downtown Yerevan, talking about the wife/husband and kids

            As for the club promoters, don't count on it...there aren't too many black people to beat up in Yerevan...


            • #36
              nono... I mentioned club promoters... cuz if the fairly "stupid" young Armenian crowd in the US and Canada, knew about the craaazy raves and parties in like the cool deserted areas of Haiastan(e.g. arakadzi lancher)... they wouldn't WAIT to move there... lets face it...if it works out as planned, it's gonna be the besst armo DJs (as well as DJ Tiesto as a guest) in the world for like 200 dram to get in...
              (and about DJ Tiesto... I'll tell Krk Krikorian to take care of his expenses)


              • #37
                heh...arakadzi lancheri mech rave. I love it. Well, this is a project that I would seeeeeeeriously consider undertaking if there were other willing armenians. Also, we would need organizations (Central Board of AGBU?) to sponsor it.

                And about DJ Tiesto, I hear his real name is DJ Tiestian


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Baron Dants
                  aaaakh jahannam, we share a dream. That would make Armenia one helluva country.

                  But don't count on it. At least 60% (and I'm being very nice here) wouldn't be willing to go there because of the many "opportunities" they have here. Personally, I see a move to Armenia as the perfect opportunity for myself, to actually make something out of my life (and I'm not talking about the mansion in the suburbs). I CAN, however, see you, anonymouse, flames, vrej and myself (did I forget anyone) sitting on a sidewalk café in downtown Yerevan, talking about the wife/husband and kids

                  As for the club promoters, don't count on it...there aren't too many black people to beat up in Yerevan...
                  Baron Dants, I LOVE THIS (with the sitting at the cafe and all ). The more I read your guy's positive posts on this issue, the more the hope grows inside of me. I mentioned that it was a possibility that I will move back, but with every day passing, it feels more and more like it's going to be a reality. I am completely willing to do my share, as long as I have good people like yourselves to work with.

                  Sadly, I know that the majority of Armenians wouldn't be willing to do this, as they are too comfortable where they are. Unlike them, and I'm sure most of you on here can relate, I DO NOT feel comfortable living in a foreign country. There is this pull inside of me that has not died out ever since I set foot outside of Armenia. The vision that we have WILL take time, but sure as hell, it is not an impossibility! The most important thing is not to lose hope, as that is the only thing we have to keep us going sometimes.


                  • #39
                    Yeah I all sounds like a pipe dream at first, because everybody thinks that they're the only ones thinking so. All we need is support from other people who think alike. Call us the Armenoholics Anonymous

                    As for the feeling of being an outsider...I haven't even been to Armenia yet, and I know that that is the only place I will feel at home. For once, everybody will be able to pronounce my name. If that's not a sign of belonging, I don't know what is.

                    As for the other people, the hell with them. I've tried like hell trying to get some "armenians" at my school more involved in armenian causes, but after seeing their passiveness, I don't want them to pollute my country... :twisted:


                    • #40
                      Hi, my name is flames, and I am an Armenoholic.

                      HAHAHA, THAT'S AWESOME!!!!!!!!

