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My First Meeting with Luck

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  • My First Meeting with Luck

    I know that this is a weird question to ask, but have you ever talked to your parents about their pregnancy with you? Im not asking if you were illegitimate or anything lol just sometimes there are interesting stories. Feel free to share.

    For example, I have a story. My parents were married for over a year before I came and they were very happy to learn that I was coming, but two months into the pregnancy my mother almost had a miscarriage, and was advised by all the specialists to abort me because my survival was so unlikely.

    I asked my mother last year (while drugged up after having my wisdom teeth pulled lol) why she didnt listen to the Drs and abort me. I mean, she could have aborted and tried for a normal pregnancy. Instead she chose 7 months of bedrest with the odds against her. Its a totally irrational choice I thought.

    She was kind of shocked at my question at first, and then she explained that she just wanted me to have every last chance. My mother has a lot of shortcomings as a parent, but this makes me so greatful to her. She really faught so that I could have a chance. When the time came, I came out weak but perfectly normal and healthy.

    I guess that after I came, it wasnt really seen as a good idea for her to have kids again. I asked her if she wanted to have more children. She just said, "I want what I have."

  • #2
    Aren't moms the most selfless ever?


    • #3
      Great story Barbi. I can understand her choice. She was already attached to you and didn't want to give up because it might be more difficult. I'm glad she didn't.

      I've never asked about my mom's pregnancy. From what I know it wasn't really eventful. Though my mom did sleep on her stomach even to almost the very end of her pregnancy against her mother-in-law's advice. Wonder if that's even a problem... I was squished and oxygen deprived.
      [COLOR=#4b0082][B][SIZE=4][FONT=trebuchet ms]“If you think you can, or you can’t, you’re right.”
      -Henry Ford[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]


      • #4
        ohh armobarbi you and your mom are so cute... i wish her a happy womans day and you too...

        my mother had a rather painless pregnancy with me, she even told me at times i didnt move at all, and when i was born, i was the most quiet baby ever, i would sleep for long hours (like adults) wake up and not make a sound, i would be talking to myself, making baby sounds but i was not a screamer... she said she really wanted a girl when she had me... and she was glad that i came without the attitude that my brother came with...

        but if i found out more, i will let you know...


        • #5
          Yeah - great story AB! (and so glad - for you...for us etc - that your mom made the right choice and toughed it out...kudos to her! eh...)

          My mother carried a baby to term (my older brother who never was as it were...) - and stillbirthed. It was quite traumatizing for her as you might imagine. I can't say I can recall her talking about her pregnancey with myself or my sister.

          My wife did very well with her 2 pregnancies. Each certainly had its difficult moments - but she did great in managing and dealing with it (have to think I helped a minor ways at least). And mid-way through her first pregnancy she actually was away in Europe (with her work) for nearly 2 months of it! Pretty awesome really - and she had no problems at all...we've been very lucky and have 2 wonderful, healthy boys!


          • #6
            Beautiful barbi..
            I've never asked about my mom's pregnancy either, but I know I'm scared of giving birth! I think I should just adopt! lol


            • #7
              but catwoman dont you want to feel that baby inside you? dont you want to feel that majestic and one of a kind feeling of physical nurturing? i actuall am scared of the whole birth process myself, but i've seen so many people do it, and i think i can do it too...

              its such a woman and feminen thing, that i know that i will not have lived wholly as a woman if i dont give birth...


              • #8
                I'm a twin...and my mom or the doctors didn't know my mom was pregnant with twins...until AFTER I was born

                umm, surprise


                • #9
                  That is very sweet Barbi, what a great thing your mother did.... I read about my birth in the newspaper.......... I was too impatient (and still am) and decided to be born while my mom was thousands of miles in the air, on an airplane. I am the proud reason a plane made an emergency landing in the wrong country. lol.
                  The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald


                  • #10
                    Wow - lots of cool stories/experiences...

                    and yeah - I understand the trepidation about giving birth (having been very involved in 2 very different births of my sons)...just thinking about it - but you see - you gals are alot stronger then you might think! ...and yeah - its a way cool thing too...(but really not for me...) - I've been close enough. I pretty much delivered our first child - with the help of a nurse...ultimatly we needed a doctor for the very final bit...but until then (and as I had drove the previous doctor away - where no one in the hospital could find him anymore! lol) - well it was pretty much up to me to do the delivery! ...and as our first took so long (30 hours in labor plus or minus a few - I've forgotten the exact count...they had overmedicated my wife against my explicit detailed instructions as she is overly sensitive to narcotic type drugs...and of course part of my fury at the doctor & staff - etc) - so when my wife started the contractions with the second we stopped at a Restaraunt to eat on the way to the hospital! ....when we finally arrived they couldn't believe it and rushed us to the delivery room...10 minutes later (with no pain killers! ...yeah it was quite loud! ) baby boy!!!!!

