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Jokes from "Outsiders"

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  • Jokes from "Outsiders"

    Im watching Seinfeld, and there is this thing about non Jewish people making Jew jokes etc...

    I never really gave this issue much thought, but I can see how it would be offensive or rude. Do you guys think that its wrong to make jokes about a group of people to which you dont belong yourself?

    Also, are you offended by "Armenian jokes" from Otars?

  • #2
    well, duh! of course it's offensive! i wouldn't be too happy with a persian or a russian, or anyone other than an armenian making armenian jokes; same thing with blacks, they're not happy with us making jokes or using that god forbidden word when making references to them...; however, i will not 'over-react' if someone does joke about armenians..ehh what can you do? people don't have much class, respect, dignity, consideration, and sensitivity anymore! just look around you (well you're in the mid-west! maybe there's still SOME consideration left for fellow humans there) in cali (especially in l.a.), it's like a freakin jungle! no manners! no class! and $$$ cars and a doctorate don't buy class and manners either! ehhh....i dont' wanna get into THAT now!!!


    • #3
      Hahahah well, duh!

      So you wouldnt make a Jew joke or something? I have made some "racist" jokes before. I just didnt do it in front of someone who could be hurt by it. I guess I realized that it could be hurtful, but didnt feel guilty as long as I made sure that those people didnt know.


      • #4
        you can make a joke about anyone, but you must have some tact to not insult someone... so between us armenians we can make a joke about whites, black, mexicans, asian, etc... but not infront of them, and they do the exact same thing about us...

        and armobarbi, there is a reason why that is on sienfeld, to show how rediculasly funny and obvious it really is...


        • #5
          "about whites"? lol we wont go there again.....

          I have only made jokes about blacks and hispanics from what I remember, and they were ones I heard from others and told only to people I knew would like them.

          I also have made Armenian jokes with my cousins, but that seems to be different since we are Armenians ourselves.


          • #6
            for example, i find it really funny how white people say the word "sh!t" its more like "sheiyt!"

            and then those white girls who 'like, talk like this and like" they twist their hair, and like chew gum half hanging out, and they try out like for the cheerleader team and like that...

            and then those white people say the word "ya'll" as if it is a real word... or "over yander"

            and then there are those white guys from southern california that like, dude they go surfing dude, and they have like golden blond hair and dude, its so sweet dude... narley! and whipe out!

            ohh yeah thats really armenian! OHH YEAH! lets stick to reality...


            • #7
              thats why we keep it inside the armenian community!


              and i am short and i get to hear all the great short people jokes...


              • #8
                Well.... I'm a blonde and I get offended by blonde jokes! Does that count? hahaha
                But seriously, I love blonde jokes, they're the best!

                I don't think I've ever made any racist jokes but parskahays have plenty of 'torke khar' jokes which are absolutely awesome!! Right Eyybaba1234(can't remember your numbers sorry lol)?

                And no, I wouldn't like it if otars made Armenian jokes...


                • #9
                  Originally posted by ArmoBarbi
                  Im watching Seinfeld, and there is this thing about non Jewish people making Jew jokes etc...
                  I never liked Seinfield.

                  Originally posted by ArmoBarbi
                  Do you guys think that its wrong to make jokes about a group of people to which you dont belong yourself?
                  No it's not wrong. For example.

                  Q:What do you call fat mexican people?
                  A:Bean and Cheese!

                  Q: Did you hear of the polac who was told to blow up a car?
                  A:He burnt his mouth on the exhaust pipe

                  Originally posted by ArmoBarbi
                  Also, are you offended by "Armenian jokes" from Otars?
                  No I am not. For example I'll coin an Armenian joke right now.

                  Q:What is the difference between an Armenian and an Otar?
                  A:An Otar doesn't knock out the entire marching band with his nose when he turns around.
                  Achkerov kute.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by nunechka
                    you can make a joke about anyone, but you must have some tact to not insult someone... so between us armenians we can make a joke about whites, black, mexicans, asian, etc... but not infront of them, and they do the exact same thing about us...

                    and armobarbi, there is a reason why that is on sienfeld, to show how rediculasly funny and obvious it really is...
                    Black people make jokes about white people in front of them. Why can't white people do the same?

                    Drop your hypocritical double standard.
                    Achkerov kute.

