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  • Originally posted by hyebruin
    can't stand looking anymore at that horrible bug eyed picture of the bride of frankenstein! omg, omg, omg.....after seeing that picture i'm surprised the groom didn't take off instead! psyyyyychoooooooo!
    OMG THAT IS WHAT I SAID WHEN I SAW HER PIC FOR THE FIRST TIME. It was on TV and I told my mom "Oh I wonder who this psycho chick killed!" LMAO She goes, no she got scared and pretended to be kidnapped to get out of a wedding....

    PS: YOU WILL NEVER SEE THIS HAPPENING WITH AN ARMENIAN GIRL! Either the guy would hunt her down and kill her, or the guy's father would...."I SPENT $50,000 FOR YOUR STUPID WEDDING!!! YOU ARE GETTING MARRIED WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!!!!"


    • Originally posted by hyebruin
      can't stand looking anymore at that horrible bug eyed picture of the bride of frankenstein! omg, omg, omg.....after seeing that picture i'm surprised the groom didn't take off instead! psyyyyychoooooooo!
      Achkerov kute.


      • Originally posted by omniscient
        Oh , you might be talking about someone else called Slugworth, who is Wonkas enemy.
        Slugworth was bald wasnt he?

        Willy Wonka had weird hair.
        [COLOR=#4b0082][B][SIZE=4][FONT=trebuchet ms]“If you think you can, or you can’t, you’re right.”
        -Henry Ford[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]


        • Originally posted by Siggie
          Slugworth was bald wasnt he?

          Willy Wonka had weird hair.
          Achkerov kute.


          • Originally posted by Anonymouse



            • I want her.

              Achkerov kute.


              • I liked this, so read it people!

                Tsaghik, inchou es lalis,
                Gloughd inchou es kaghel,
                Inchou hoghits dours galis
                Vishtd hoghoum ches toghel.

                --eench toghnei, erb miak
                vishts gta ashkharoum,
                es chgvoum em vishtis tak,
                erb douk irar chek sirum…

                Erb chek gnuom ou galis,
                Inchpes drkits—harevan
                Aryoun-artsounk e lalis
                Amen tsaghik ou shaman…

                Goum@ kashek krvi dzin,
                Irar tsaghik tvek, kyank,
                Lav e mermen dzer krtskin,
                Kan ayn dziou votki tak.


                • These two songs are from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and I sang them today for someone special. I have the songs so if anyone wants them I can email you the mp3s.

                  Candy Man

                  Bill: Who can take a sunrise
                  Sprinkle it in dew
                  Cover it in chocolate
                  and a miracle or two?

                  The candyman
                  The candyman can
                  The candyman can cause he mixes it with love and makes the world taste good

                  Who can take a rainbow
                  Wrap it is a sigh
                  Soak it in the sun
                  and make a strawberry lemon pie?

                  Children: The candyman?

                  Bill: The candyman
                  The candyman can
                  The candyman can cause he mixes it with love and makes the world taste good

                  Willy Wonka makes
                  Everything he bakes
                  Satisfying and delicious
                  Talk about your childhood wishes
                  You can even eat the dishes

                  Who can take tomorrow
                  Dip it in a dream
                  Seperate the sorrow
                  And collect up all the cream?

                  The candyman

                  Children:Willy Wonka can

                  Bill: The candyman can cause he mixes it with love
                  And makes the world taste good
                  And the world tastes good cause the candyman thinks it should

                  Pure Imagination

                  Willy Wonka:
                  Hold your breath
                  Make a wish
                  Count to three

                  Come with me
                  And you'll be
                  In a world of
                  Pure imagination
                  Take a look
                  And you'll see
                  Into your imagination

                  We'll begin
                  With a spin
                  Traveling in
                  The world of my creation
                  What we'll see
                  Will defy

                  If you want to view paradise
                  Simply look around and view it
                  Anything you want to, do it
                  Wanta change the world?
                  There's nothing
                  To it

                  There is no
                  Life I know
                  To compare with
                  Pure imagination
                  Living there
                  You'll be free
                  If you truly wish to be

                  If you want to view paradise
                  Simply look around and view it
                  Anything you want to, do it
                  Wanta change the world?
                  There's nothing
                  To it

                  There is no
                  Life I know
                  To compare with
                  Pure imagination
                  Living there
                  You'll be free
                  If you truly
                  Wish to be
                  Achkerov kute.


                  • Originally posted by Anonymouse

                    jaaaanaaaa he's a bug eyed cutie i don't mind him he's become a very familiar and still awkward looking face


                    • The intimate apparel shop on Main Street, USA--The Wizard of Braz-closed in 1965.

