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Irony of religion

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  • #81
    Re: Irony of religion

    Originally posted by Anahita
    Oh, those chaotic butterfly wings...
    If you think that by posting links about the study of complexities, you somehow burry the issue, you might want to think again.

    If it reaffirms the sensitibilities of a few and contents their paradigm then I am all fine with it, but when science doesn't behave like science, I think the staunchest supporters of science should be willing to point it out, not behave like the fundies they always point to, always coming up with answers to everything.

    Just a suggestion.
    Achkerov kute.


    • #82
      Re: Irony of religion

      Originally posted by Anonymouse
      If you think that by posting links about the study of complexities, you somehow burry the issue, you might want to think again.

      If it reaffirms the sensitibilities of a few and contents their paradigm then I am all fine with it, but when science doesn't behave like science, I think the staunchest supporters of science should be willing to point it out, not behave like the fundies they always point to, always coming up with answers to everything.

      Just a suggestion.
      This epitomizes our ‘debate’
      A famous perceptual illusion in which the brain switches between seeing a young girl and an old woman (or "wife" and "mother in law"). An anonymous German postcard from 1888 (left figure) depicts the image in its earliest known form, and a rendition on an advertisement for the Anchor Buggy Company from 1890 (center figure) provides another early example (IllusionWorks). For many years, the creator of this figure was thought to be British cartoonist W. E. Hill, who...


      • #83
        Re: Irony of religion

        Originally posted by Anahita
        I'm sorry you feel that way.
        Achkerov kute.


        • #84
          Re: Irony of religion

          Originally posted by Anonymouse
          I'm sorry you feel that way.
          Ok. I'm not sure why you are sorry, though.

          Originally posted by Anahita
          There is not an insufficiency of data but rather some internal conflict in the way one or more observers have chosen to look at the world. In these cases, the heart of the problem resides in an inadequate question.”
          I see both 'women.'
          Last edited by Anahita; 03-20-2006, 10:08 PM.


          • #85
            Re: Irony of religion

            Originally posted by Anahita
            Ok. I'm not sure why you are sorry, though.
            Neither am I.
            Achkerov kute.


            • #86
              Re: Irony of religion

              I think there is a movement among scientists who have started to question reductionism as something that fosters a worldview of uniformity and control. Taking cues from ecological science (and the study of those variables that cannot be controlled, only understood) science has been moving away from the ‘command and control’ of study towards something more like ‘observe and understand.” This is a paradigm shift in scientific study (and the WAY science is understood) but still remains true to ‘science.’

              Bacon, the "father" of modern science, viewed Nature (including female nature) as something to be 'conquered.' (Sounds like some religious texts I know.) A more reasonable science is emerging.
              Last edited by Anahita; 03-21-2006, 12:13 AM.


              • #87
                Re: Irony of religion

                Originally posted by Anonymouse
                As I said, if you read the actual threads in which the title specifically deals with evolution, you will see my position.
                Can you just give me the link or title of the thread you'd like me to see?

                My guess is that only one person, on this entire forum, *actually read, and seriously thought about* every word said on this thread. Thank you to that person. I do the same.


                • #89
                  Re: Irony of religion

                  I'm skimming. (I don't have the time to read all this... but I am looking.)

                  'Red meat' is sad... and I'm not talkin' cartoons.

                  Last edited by Anahita; 03-21-2006, 01:32 AM.


                  • #90
                    Ana begins the story...

                    Beastie Boys, Rule of 3 --I'm just chillin' like Bob Dylan

                    --Anna Begins, Counting Crows
                    This time when kindness falls like rain
                    It washes her away. And Anna begins to change her mind…

                    The time when kindness falls like rain
                    It washes me away. And Anna begins to change my mind.
                    And everytime she sneezes I believe it's love and,
                    Oh lord, I'm not ready for this sort of thing.

                    She's talking in her sleep.
                    It's keeping me awake. And Anna begins to toss and turn.
                    And every word is nonsense but I understand and,
                    Oh lord, I'm not ready for this sort of thing.

                    --Never Comin' Home, Sting
                    The passengers ignore her just a girl with an umbrella
                    I'm not really thinking straight she never lets me sleep this late
                    I'm almost done and then I see the letter

                    --Real World, Matchbox 20
                    I wonder what it like to be the rainmaker.
                    I wonder what it's like to know that I made the rain

                    --Fragile, Sting
                    Tomorrow's rain will wash the stains away

                    --Disease, Matchbox 20 (More Than You Think You Are)
                    You left a stain on every one of my good days

                    Every little thing you do is tragic
                    All my life before was magic
                    Beautiful girl

                    --Every Little Thing She Does is Magic, Police
                    It's a big enough umbrella
                    But it's always me that ends up getting wet

                    Everything she do just turns me on
                    Even though my life before was tragic
                    Now I know my love for her goes on

                    --Rain King, Counting Crows
                    I think of flying down IN YOUR sea of pens and feathers
                    And all other instruments of faith and sex and God…
                    I belong in the service of the Queen
                    I belong anywhere but in between
                    She's been crying and I've been thinking
                    And I am the Rain King

                    --Shelter from the Storm Lyrics, Bob Dylan

                    She walked up to me so gracefully and took my crown of thorns.
                    "Come in," she said,
                    "I'll give you shelter from the storm."

                    If I could only turn back the clock to when God and her were born, "Come in," she said,
                    "I'll give you shelter from the storm."

                    --Scenes From A Coffee House, Blessed Union Of Soul
                    There's a guy who thinks he's Dylan

                    --Smooth, Matchbox 20
                    My Spanish Harlem Mona Lisa

                    --Ballad of a Thin Man, Bob Dylan
                    Because something is happening here
                    But you don't know what it is
                    Do you, Mister Jones?

                    --Mr Jones, Counting Crows
                    Cut up, Maria! Show me some of that Spanish dancin'.
                    Pass me a bottle, Mr. Jones.
                    Believe in me.
                    Help me believe in anything.
                    'Cause I wanna be someone who believes.

                    Mr. Jones and me tell each other fairy tales,
                    and we stare at the beautiful women:
                    "She's looking at you. Ah, no, no, she is looking at me."
                    Smilin' in the bright lights.
                    Comin' through in stereo.
                    When everybody loves you, you can never be lonely.

                    Well, I will paint my picture…
                    I wanna be Bob Dylan

                    --Falling Stars
                    So many people love you baby
                    That must be what you are

                    I don't know how to dream your dream
                    So I'm all caught up in superstition

                    --Superstitious, Stevie Wonder
                    Very superstitious, writing’s on the wall

                    --Sitting, Waiting, Wishing, Jack Johnson
                    Well I was sitting, waiting, wishing
                    You believed in superstitions
                    Then maybe you'd see the signs

                    The Lord knows that this world is cruel
                    I ain't the Lord, no I'm just a fool

                    --Synchronicity, Police
                    A connecting principle,
                    Linked to the invisible
                    Almost imperceptible
                    Something inexpressible.
                    Science insusceptible
                    Logic so inflexible
                    Causally connectible

                    --Little Wing, Sting (by Hendrix)
                    Butterflies and zebras and moonbeams
                    and fairy tales,

                    That's all she ever thinks about…

                    Fly on, little wing

                    --Chili Peppers
                    J Butterfly's in the treetop

                    --Butterfly in Reverse, Counting Crows
                    But webbing and curfews and rain
                    And everything that hurts you
                    Is locked up inside you
                    Like butterflies with wings
                    And other perfect things
                    Last edited by Anahita; 03-21-2006, 06:13 PM.

