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Gas Reformulation

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  • Gas Reformulation

    Have you seen the review on Fox News or NBC News about gas reformulation yet? Think it will work?

  • #2
    Re: Gas Reformulation

    Sounds like a total gimmick to me. What's in it? And how is it any different than the bazillion other carb, injector, etc etc etc cleaners or fuel additives that you can buy?

    But if you are going to spend money on that, make sure you get the Tornado too for a lot more savings.
    this post = teh win.


    • #3
      Re: Gas Reformulation

      I piss gasoline and bleed oil. I'm made of money, baby.


      • #4
        Re: Gas Reformulation

        Originally posted by Sip
        Sounds like a total gimmick to me...

        haha. yep. But now... watch what kinds of gimmics come out...

        POINT: OIL will be gone. We can conserve what we have to buy time... or we can sick out heads in the sand... what is a SMART ACTION?

        If you honestly don't care about humanity, the earth, or the future: GET OUT OF MY WAY! (or, I am kind to most, but I might, ironically, obliterate those who stand in the way of good.)
        Last edited by Anahita; 06-03-2006, 10:21 PM.


        • #5
          Re: Gas Reformulation

          Anahita, you should read Michael Crichton's State of Fear. You remind of the irrational environmentalists in there. You're willing to anything to accomplish what is good in your mind, but you never consider the possibility that what you believe is good or necessary may not be.

          We really don't have a way of determining how much oil is left. If you remember that was already attempted and the estimates were very wrong.
          In the 1970s energy crisis they said we'd run out of natural gas and oil soon and there was an emergency to develop alternatives. 30ish years later and thousands of SUVs later, we haven't run out. The estimates may be wrong according to Cornell's Thomas Gold because there may be larger supplies lying below the cavitiies in oil fields which fill up when the pressure drops above.

          Until we're even sure of how oil is "made", how can we guess when it'll run out? So, there really justification to have this fanatical "GET OUT OF MY WAY, I SHALL OBLITERATE YOU" mentality? When you're thinking that way, are you really capable of making rational decisions?
          I'd argue no. When you're that confident that you're right, you don't listen to any information contrary to what you want to believe and that can lead to doing unnecessary harm in the blind quest to do what's beleived to be good.

          So essentially, I'm saying is it possible to come up with "smart action plan(s)" when that emotional and closed-minded?

          And your photo is not of an ostrich, but an emu. Interestingly, ostriches don't hide their heads in the sand. That's a myth.
          [COLOR=#4b0082][B][SIZE=4][FONT=trebuchet ms]“If you think you can, or you can’t, you’re right.”
          -Henry Ford[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]


          • #6
            Re: Gas Reformulation

            Originally posted by Sip
            Sounds like a total gimmick to me. What's in it? And how is it any different than the bazillion other carb, injector, etc etc etc cleaners or fuel additives that you can buy?

            But if you are going to spend money on that, make sure you get the Tornado too for a lot more savings.
            Do you ever watch the Mythbusters? They did a show recently on some of these sorts of gas saving methods. It was a good one.
            [COLOR=#4b0082][B][SIZE=4][FONT=trebuchet ms]“If you think you can, or you can’t, you’re right.”
            -Henry Ford[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]


            • #7
              Re: Gas Reformulation

              Originally posted by Siggie
              We really don't have a way of determining how much oil is left. If you remember that was already attempted and the estimates were very wrong.
              In the 1970s energy crisis they said we'd run out of natural gas and oil soon and there was an emergency to develop alternatives. 30ish years later and thousands of SUVs later, we haven't run out. The estimates may be wrong according to Cornell's Thomas Gold because there may be larger supplies lying below the cavitiies in oil fields which fill up when the pressure drops above.
              Who were those 1970s "they"? Were they the same "they" who said that since the oil in the Gulf States won't last there is no sense in America dropping its unquestioning suport for Israel. Were they the same "they" who said that Britain's North Sea oil and gas reserves wouldn't last into the 1990s so Scotland (where those reserves were located) shouldn't seek independence. Were they those same "they" who said that that Norway should join the EU because its oil will run out quickly and there will be economic collapse. And are they the same "they" that now say that there is no problem, that there is plenty oil, and that there will always be new, unspecified, technology just around the corner that will solve every self-created selfishly-created problem.

              Originally posted by Siggie
              So, there really justification to have this fanatical "GET OUT OF MY WAY, I SHALL OBLITERATE YOU" mentality? When you're thinking that way, are you really capable of making rational decisions?

              I'd argue no. When you're that confident that you're right, you don't listen to any information contrary to what you want to believe and that can lead to doing unnecessary harm in the blind quest to do what's beleived to be good.

              So essentially, I'm saying is it possible to come up with "smart action plan(s)" when that emotional and closed-minded?
              That is a completely over the top reaction, I think. There are loads of people who frequent this forum who regularly make very sweeping fanatical and violent comments. Anahita makes one not particularly serious one, and suddenly you are attacking her.

              And your photo is not of an ostrich, but an emu. Interestingly, ostriches don't hide their heads in the sand. That's a myth.
              There are many myths. That does not mean that they are not useful metaphors to express thoughts and ideas. What's the difference between an ostridge and an emu anyway, physical differances that can be seen in that picture?
              Plenipotentiary meow!


              • #8
                Re: Gas Reformulation




                • #9
                  Re: Gas Reformulation

                  Originally posted by Siggie
                  Do you ever watch the Mythbusters? They did a show recently on some of these sorts of gas saving methods. It was a good one.
                  I watch mythbusters all the time but I haven't seen that episode. I'll keep an eye out for it.

                  Bell, I think Siggie's reaction to Anahita is quite justified here. I mean come on ... I express my view on how most of these "gas saving" tricks are nothing but gimmicks designed to separate you from your money and all of a sudden I am some anti-earth environment thrashing mo-fo?

                  I'm sorry but that's just as rediculous a view as those who get mad at you for not "supporting the troops" when you make some sort of anti-bush comment. It's all the same single-midded "you are with us or against us" bull crap.

                  Just because I don't believe a certain fuel saving gimmick is legit, it doesn't mean I am not interested in fuel saving strategies. THAT is the main reason Anahita is under redicule in the forum because her "passion" for whatever she thinks is right blocks her ability to separate reality from her fantasy.

                  And FYI, Bell, it is not ONE comment ... it's like every thread is her playground to make some sort of vicious comment about how we are all evil for destroyin her Earth. You should follow all threads to know where this is coming from. It's not just because of one post even though that one post itself was very out of line.
                  Last edited by Sip; 06-04-2006, 02:06 PM.
                  this post = teh win.


                  • #10
                    Re: Gas Reformulation

                    I would greatly prefer to see a study published in some form of peer-reviewd journal, as opposed to an endorsement from a website heavily subsidized by pretty random-looking advertising and a Fox News special.

