I fed the parking meter for 45 minutes when I went to get a hair cut today...
the salon was kinda packed so I had to wait about a half hour or so...
to make the long story short, right after she finished cutting my hair, I look out and I see one of those isuzu police cars pulling right next to my car, since apparently my meter had expired, so I run outside laughing, taking the whole thing as a joke, thinking I'm totally gonna get away with this...she sees me, I go through the whole "oh, I'm sorry, here I'm done, i'm leaving, I didn't know it was gonna take this long, I fed my meter for 45 minutes and blah blah blah"
to my HUGE astonishment, she shows NO emotion, she starts writing the ticket... she doesn't say anything, she doesn't look at me... just PURE evil...
being the naive me, I go " you're not completing my ticket are you"
"pleeeease, I didn;t know I was gonna be waiting that long"
she goes "rules are rules" without looking at me...
she hands me the ticket
I go "you're a very nice xxxxx" to her face... smiling 8)
she FINALLY looks at me, and she leaves ...
I mean OH MY GOD
I'm so pleading not guilty on it...
I know it's only $18...
I'm not for the money...
the salon was kinda packed so I had to wait about a half hour or so...
to make the long story short, right after she finished cutting my hair, I look out and I see one of those isuzu police cars pulling right next to my car, since apparently my meter had expired, so I run outside laughing, taking the whole thing as a joke, thinking I'm totally gonna get away with this...she sees me, I go through the whole "oh, I'm sorry, here I'm done, i'm leaving, I didn't know it was gonna take this long, I fed my meter for 45 minutes and blah blah blah"
to my HUGE astonishment, she shows NO emotion, she starts writing the ticket... she doesn't say anything, she doesn't look at me... just PURE evil...
being the naive me, I go " you're not completing my ticket are you"
"pleeeease, I didn;t know I was gonna be waiting that long"
she goes "rules are rules" without looking at me...
she hands me the ticket
I go "you're a very nice xxxxx" to her face... smiling 8)
she FINALLY looks at me, and she leaves ...
I mean OH MY GOD
I'm so pleading not guilty on it...
I know it's only $18...
I'm not for the money...