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The forum is dying.

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  • #21
    Thank you, thank you. I am available for bar mitzvhas, birthdays, weddings, etc, etc. 8)



    • #22
      I wonder if the forum is dying because of someone complaining we are "insulting" thus making ac step in and put limits on the forum. I mean we all insulted each other but I never took it seriously, it was like a nice forum joke, and we had more content.

      Strangely enough we were introduced to the horrible world of chat room foruming by the same person who complained to ac about our bad behavior. I don't mind regulating but I hate double standards.

      Perhaps Armenians just don't dig forums, they rather chat and stick to profiles since foruming takes too much of a brain anyway, right? Why waste energy and mind making a post when you can just as easily post "asl" or "you look cute hit me up"?

      So the fate of the forum is really dismal and if I could bet I would bet for its demise since that's what its heading to. Chat room style foruming plus lack of creativity and substance contribute to such outcomes.
      Achkerov kute.


      • #23
        Originally posted by Anonymouse
        I wonder if the forum is dying because of someone complaining we are "insulting" thus making ac step in and put limits on the forum. I mean we all insulted each other but I never took it seriously, it was like a nice forum joke, and we had more content.
        Hence the reason we are all Republicans at heart. You admitted to your dislike of authoratative intervention the same way a coservative, Republican who believes in the intelligence and prosperity of capatilism. With the government getting involved the free flow of ideas, business, and money become crippled. This happens in business, and it has just happened in our forum. The intervention of ac has crippled our exchange of ideas.

        If you are truly democrat like most of you claim to be, then you would love the ac intevening. He is making it more fair for other people who feel threatened by us. We are the 2% of the worlds wealth, or to look at it, 2% of the forum, and we dominate the forum. Therefore, with the democratic philosophy in mind, ac intervened to limit our content so it would be open to other forumers. I havent seen boost in forum membership, which goes to prove democratic philosophies dont work.

        I urge you all to be honest with yourselves and go re-register Republican.

        Thank you. Thank you.


        • #24
          Most of you probably have never read the party platforms, I urge you all to do that. Read the dem and rep party platforms alike, if anyone is interested in information on all the party platforms, I will provide websites and links. Just holla, until then, I am surfing.


          • #25
            Originally posted by surferarmo
            Originally posted by Anonymouse
            I wonder if the forum is dying because of someone complaining we are "insulting" thus making ac step in and put limits on the forum. I mean we all insulted each other but I never took it seriously, it was like a nice forum joke, and we had more content.
            Hence the reason we are all Republicans at heart. You admitted to your dislike of authoratative intervention the same way a coservative, Republican who believes in the intelligence and prosperity of capatilism. With the government getting involved the free flow of ideas, business, and money become crippled. This happens in business, and it has just happened in our forum. The intervention of ac has crippled our exchange of ideas.

            If you are truly democrat like most of you claim to be, then you would love the ac intevening. He is making it more fair for other people who feel threatened by us. We are the 2% of the worlds wealth, or to look at it, 2% of the forum, and we dominate the forum. Therefore, with the democratic philosophy in mind, ac intervened to limit our content so it would be open to other forumers. I havent seen boost in forum membership, which goes to prove democratic philosophies dont work.

            I urge you all to be honest with yourselves and go re-register Republican.

            Thank you. Thank you.
            NO sir, I believe my distaste with authority stems from my civil libertarian persuasion.
            Achkerov kute.


            • #26
              Originally posted by Anonymouse
              Originally posted by surferarmo
              Originally posted by Anonymouse
              I wonder if the forum is dying because of someone complaining we are "insulting" thus making ac step in and put limits on the forum. I mean we all insulted each other but I never took it seriously, it was like a nice forum joke, and we had more content.
              Hence the reason we are all Republicans at heart. You admitted to your dislike of authoratative intervention the same way a coservative, Republican who believes in the intelligence and prosperity of capatilism. With the government getting involved the free flow of ideas, business, and money become crippled. This happens in business, and it has just happened in our forum. The intervention of ac has crippled our exchange of ideas.

              If you are truly democrat like most of you claim to be, then you would love the ac intevening. He is making it more fair for other people who feel threatened by us. We are the 2% of the worlds wealth, or to look at it, 2% of the forum, and we dominate the forum. Therefore, with the democratic philosophy in mind, ac intervened to limit our content so it would be open to other forumers. I havent seen boost in forum membership, which goes to prove democratic philosophies dont work.

              I urge you all to be honest with yourselves and go re-register Republican.

              Thank you. Thank you.
              NO sir, I believe my distaste with authority stems from my civil libertarian persuasion.
              Next time I suggest you pay attention to my posts more carefully. I clearly said, "If MOST of you are democrat like you claim to be" NOT "If ALL of you are democrat." As far as party affiliation, you are slightly misguided, but acceptable. I look forward to seeing you at the CRP convention on September 12-14 in burbank CA.


              • #27
                Originally posted by Anonymouse
                I wonder if the forum is dying because of someone complaining we are "insulting" thus making ac step in and put limits on the forum. I mean we all insulted each other but I never took it seriously, it was like a nice forum joke, and we had more content.

                Strangely enough we were introduced to the horrible world of chat room foruming by the same person who complained to ac about our bad behavior. I don't mind regulating but I hate double standards.
                the forum was dead WAAY before that...
                but thanx for giving me that much credibility lol
                thanx for thinking I'm so powerful I can change the fate of things forever
                (by the way ... I'm back... I was at camp... I see things were out of control without my supervision...I'll try and make things better ASAP... 8) welcome barondants)


                • #28
                  Camp?? I was hoping you were banished to hell.....drats ! :twisted:


                  • #29
                    Originally posted by jahannam
                    Originally posted by Anonymouse
                    I wonder if the forum is dying because of someone complaining we are "insulting" thus making ac step in and put limits on the forum. I mean we all insulted each other but I never took it seriously, it was like a nice forum joke, and we had more content.

                    Strangely enough we were introduced to the horrible world of chat room foruming by the same person who complained to ac about our bad behavior. I don't mind regulating but I hate double standards.
                    the forum was dead WAAY before that...
                    but thanx for giving me that much credibility lol
                    thanx for thinking I'm so powerful I can change the fate of things forever
                    (by the way ... I'm back... I was at camp... I see things were out of control without my supervision...I'll try and make things better ASAP... 8) welcome barondants)
                    You obviously dont know what the word credibility means. He gave you credit, not credibility. You dont have any credibility. Go eat vegetables or something like that.


                    • #30
                      Originally posted by jahannam
                      Originally posted by Anonymouse
                      I wonder if the forum is dying because of someone complaining we are "insulting" thus making ac step in and put limits on the forum. I mean we all insulted each other but I never took it seriously, it was like a nice forum joke, and we had more content.

                      Strangely enough we were introduced to the horrible world of chat room foruming by the same person who complained to ac about our bad behavior. I don't mind regulating but I hate double standards.
                      the forum was dead WAAY before that...
                      but thanx for giving me that much credibility lol
                      thanx for thinking I'm so powerful I can change the fate of things forever
                      (by the way ... I'm back... I was at camp... I see things were out of control without my supervision...I'll try and make things better ASAP... 8) welcome barondants)
                      ...spoke the lady who invented chat room style foruming.

                      If anything like I said, the forum died because we couldn't make sarcastic or witty insults with our creative and intellectual posts and had to be banished to another forum to "flame" each other because someone complained, and because chat room style foruming took a toll on those of us who tried to keep the board intellectually stimulating as opposed to those who turned the boards into "turn ons" and "flirtacious sessions".

                      Come on folks, it's time to take responsibility for our actions.
                      Achkerov kute.

