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  • #41
    Anon there was no connotation intended. You have sunk into your defensive mode so deeply that you have failed to sense my tone in my post. I was merely defending your views and addressing everyone in terms of not ganging up on changing your views. And that is what I started doing myself, and I do not like that done to me. This discussion was simply to enlighten each other and bring out our “individualism” that merely represents that we all have our own thoughts and political stands which we should be respected for. That is where I believe individualism applies. Your last line was right on target “SssflamessS brought up the example of comparing parents to government, I didn't think of at the time, but eventually we grow up and leave home. So too must we do with political systems and government.” Perhaps that is not to the likeness of many but such is life and you have to deal with the hand that was dealt to you. But I think that a debate should end when judgment and insults come into play and that is the reason why I suggested to end it. But we can go on if you like.

    I don’t mean to sound repetitive here, Anon, I respect your views they are eloquently represented backed by much research and obviously much analysis. Your thoughts are very profound and systematic, however I stand by my opinion and disagree with much of what you imply and yet agree as well. I just don’t think that your ideas hold much realism to them, otherwise they are very well rounded.


    • #42
      In the above I wrote in defense of the discussion, not myself, from previous posts of tigran and you, the initial being the one to insult, and you for being dismissive in an earlier post, at least I took it that way, pardon me if I misconstrued something on the internet, since there is no tone of voice I may have mistaken. Nevermind that, it isn't the point here.

      Now I am prone to ask why these ideas ( not mine, because they didnt start with me, as tigran or you pointed out, we are all influenced by one anothers thoughts, but action and change are a different story that go to the individual ) don't hold "realism" to them? They are not "practical" as you say it, because they aren't in political terms as you think. Is it because they cannot be applied to the masses or people? The first problem with your question begins with your assumption of how my ideas are supposed to apply to the group or masses. Since my ideas are strictly about inidividualism, and apolitical, there is nothing to apply. The reason you think about practicality is becuase you are thinking in terms of political action, that any change that must come, must be via the state system, politics, and politive ( collective ) action. I would like for you to explain to me what about it doesn't hold realism. I am not arguing against collective effort, in such things as bridge building, or putting out a fire, but such things are not dependent upon a government, but rather on the individual to individual cooperation, that we see everyday in our daily lives.

      If you acknowledge all the points I raise and criticisms and problems, why continue to support this sort of thinking? Essentially the heart of my discussion is how one thinks.
      Achkerov kute.


      • #43
        Originally posted by patlajan
        I warned you people but you didn't listen. I feel like I'm trapped in a re-run.
        Well at least some of us can boast about a re-run.
        Achkerov kute.


        • #44
          Originally posted by patlajan
          I warned you people but you didn't listen. I feel like I'm trapped in a re-run.
          When you are right you are right man..

          Mousy I give up dude! Although I tried to end it diplomatically, you are just plain ass stubborn!!!


          • #45
            Um blah blah blah.
            Achkerov kute.


            • #46
              Originally posted by Anonymouse
              Um blah blah blah.
              A man of so many words! Or perhaps a case of constipation? Perhaps this might help you solve the problem: Tampons are for vaginas not your a-hole.


              • #47
                Tampons are for stuffing your holes, all holes.

                Thus every bodily orifice shall be subjected to stuffing.

                When cometh World Wide Tampon Day, all shall rejoice and it shall rain tampons once more and the gods will speak to us in the blood.

                Did you know I have a use tampon on my keychain instead of a rabbits foot?
                Achkerov kute.


                • #48
                  Dr. Freud says:

                  “Anony, judging by your constant comments in regards to your obsession with tampons, I can conclude with confidence that you secretly wish you were a woman. And your preference in usage of a tampon for a key chain can only mean that you have a slight tendency of being a full blown feminist! And why not my little Rodent, it is so much fun to be of a female gender, look at the opportunity of finally applying tampons for their original use: To keep you nice and clean, something I bet you’ve wished for years!”


                  • #49
                    Surfer.. have I told you before that I don't care about politics?
                    I have?
                    my baad
                    guess I wanted to clarify
                    (I also wanted to get on your nerves)


                    • #50
                      Originally posted by jahannam
                      (I also wanted to get on your nerves)
                      You don't have to post for that...your mere presence gets the job done.

