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Every US president has to have a war - Gorbachev

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  • #31
    Re: Every US president has to have a war - Gorbachev

    Originally posted by HayotzAmrotz View Post
    ...USSR was indeed financially broke.
    Let's see now how American Empire is doing....

    America Has To Borrow Money From China To Fight The War In Iraq

    Ron Paul during the CNN interview: "We cannot afford 700 billion dollars in protecting an Empire. It has to come to an end because the truth is we are flat out broke and we have to borrow every single penny to fight that war from the Chinese."

    Source -


    • #32
      Re: Every US president has to have a war - Gorbachev

      Originally posted by North Pole View Post
      America Has To Borrow Money From China To Fight The War In Iraq

      Brings the day of their destruction even closer. Fuk USA!


      • #33
        Re: Every US president has to have a war - Gorbachev

        Originally posted by HayotzAmrotz View Post

        Brings the day of their destruction even closer. Fuk USA!
        Well, America is still great country, and there are plenty of decent people live in it.
        But unfortunatelly, the USA was hijacted by the international bankers in 1913, the year when they created the Federal Reserve. The international bankers then turned the USA into an empire, which they now use as a tool to push their NWO agenda.

        It has to come to an end because the truth is we are flat out broke - Congressmen Ron Paul.
        Source -

        YouTube - McCain laughs, Sings Bomb Iran

        YouTube - McCain: 100 years in Iraq "would be fine with me"

        YouTube - John McCain is Dr. Strangelove

        YouTube - John McCain Loses His Bearings With Microphone
        Last edited by North Pole; 05-31-2008, 12:51 PM.


        • #34
          Re: Every US president has to have a war - Gorbachev

          Well, America is still great country, and there are plenty of decent people live in it.

          It was a great country when it was founded, but from day one as with any nation they had to oppress their way to greatness, i.e. "manifest destiny" as well as the countless crimes committed against natives since the english first settled in the 1600s. However, you are correct, the u.s. took a major downturn after 1913 when the 16th amendment was passed, creating the income tax and federal reserve. A great book to read about this is "the Unseen Hand" by Ralph Epperson.
          For the first time in more than 600 years, Armenia is free and independent, and we are therefore obligated
          to place our national interests ahead of our personal gains or aspirations.


          • #35
            Re: Every US president has to have a war - Gorbachev

            Originally posted by North Pole View Post
            Well, America is still great country, and there are plenty of decent people live in it.

            Братан, в Америке хороших людеи как у Горбачёва волос на башке. В большинстве своём они уроды, я там жил и знаю их хорошо, так что не переживаи за них. Пусть похлебают говна чтоб знали как другим жизнь портить. А целому поколению, даже двум поколениям, советскои молодёжи они жизнь конкретно испортили.


            • #36
              Re: Every US president has to have a war - Gorbachev

              On August 11, 1984, during a radio microphone test, Ronald Reagan made a joke about bombing USSR.
              What is interesting here, however, is that Reagan used the word Russia, instead of saying the Soviet Union.

              I think this joke of american president explains the whole attitude towards Russia in American society and a mentality of American people.

              FROM PBS:

              During a check prior to a radio broadcast, Reagan jokes into mike that he’s ordered U.S.S.R. bombed.

              "My fellow Americans, I am pleased to tell you today that I’ve signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes."

              The gaff cut into Reagan's margin over Mondale by 7 points, signaling that Americans are still uncomfortable with Ronald Reagan’s Soviet hardline.

              Source -

              "My fellow Americans, I am pleased to tell you I just signed legislation which outlaws Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes."

              Ronald Reagan, Said during a radio microphone test, 1984
              40th president of US (1911 - 2004)
              Source -

              AUDIO from Youtube -

              It seems like the main tool of America's foreign policy is war.

              YouTube - McCain laughs, Sings Bomb Iran

              YouTube - McCain: 100 years in Iraq "would be fine with me"

              YouTube - John McCain is Dr. Strangelove


              • #37
                Re: Every US president has to have a war - Gorbachev

                Originally posted by Armanen View Post
                It was a great country when it was founded, but from day one as with any nation they had to oppress their way to greatness, i.e. "manifest destiny" as well as the countless crimes committed against natives since the english first settled in the 1600s. However, you are correct, the u.s. took a major downturn after 1913 when the 16th amendment was passed, creating the income tax and federal reserve. A great book to read about this is "the Unseen Hand" by Ralph Epperson.
                Thank you for the book, Armanen. I will read it.
                I think the best source to learn about the creation of the Fed is this one:

                It is unfortunate, but understandable, that young people in the United States are not taught (in the government's schools) the history and operation of their country's most powerful financial institution, The Federal Reserve System. Created in 1910, codified by Congress in 1913 (along with the personal income tax), this "system" facilitated the US government's ability to inflame the nation's citizens for the purpose of supporting the European war of 1914-1918 (World War I). Warfare provides a source of immense borrowing and provides banking corporations with an unparalleled source of interest income.

                Readers desiring an insight into the international interests and subsequent political relationships of the bankers who created the Federal Reserve System can click here. To understand how recent the Federal Reserve System is, my own parents were alive when it was created in the USA.

                The Creature from Jekyll Island
                by G. Edward Griffin

                Chapter 10

                What is the Mandrake Mechanism?

                It's the most important financial lesson of your life!

                THE MANDRAKE MECHANISM . . . What is it? It is the method by which the Federal Reserve creates money out of nothing; the concept of usury as the payment of interest on pretended loans; the true cause of the hidden tax called inflation; the way in which the Fed creates boom-bust cycles.

                In the 1940s, there was a comic strip character called Mandrake the Magician. His specialty was creating things out of nothing and, when appropriate, to make them disappear back into that same void. It is fitting, therefore, that the process to be described in this section should be named in his honor.

                In the previous chapters, we examined the technique developed by the political and monetary scientists to create money out of nothing for the purpose of lending. This is not an entirely accurate description because it implies that money is created first and then waits for someone to borrow it.

                On the other hand, textbooks on banking often state that money is created out of debt. This also is misleading because it implies that debt exists first and then is converted into money. In truth, money is not created until the instant it is borrowed. It is the act of borrowing which causes it to spring into existence. And, incidentally, it is the act of paying off the debt that causes it to vanish. There is no short phrase that perfectly describes that process. So, until one is invented along the way, we shall continue using the phrase "create money out of nothing" and occasionally add "for the purpose of lending" where necessary to further clarify the meaning.

                So, let us now . . . see just how far this money/debt-creation process has been carried -- and how it works.


                • #38
                  Re: Every US president has to have a war - Gorbachev

                  Originally posted by HayotzAmrotz View Post
                  Братан, в Америке хороших людеи как у Горбачёва волос на башке. В большинстве своём они уроды, я там жил и знаю их хорошо, так что не переживаи за них. Пусть похлебают говна чтоб знали как другим жизнь портить. А целому поколению, даже двум поколениям, советскои молодёжи они жизнь конкретно испортили.
                  Ну в принципе я с тобой согласен, HayotzAmrotz, - в США проживает недалёкий народ, который питается в Мкдональдсе, который ездит на японских или европейских машинах, и который в тоже время считает, что USA#1!....

                  Я сейчас проживаю в США, и могу с увереность сказать, что всё же приличные люди в Америке есть.

                  А Вы в каком штате жили, HayotzAmrotz?


                  • #39
                    Re: Every US president has to have a war - Gorbachev

                    Originally posted by North Pole View Post
                    Я сейчас проживаю в США, и могу с увереность сказать, что всё же приличные люди в Америке есть.?
                    Безусловно есть, но они в меньшинстве.

                    А Вы в каком штате жили, HayotzAmrotz?
                    Нью-Йорк и Калифорния.
                    А вы?


                    • #40
                      Re: Every US president has to have a war - Gorbachev

                      HayotzAmrotz, я жил во многих штатах. Сейчас я в Чикаго.

                      Нормальных людей - меньшенство, это верно. Однако...
                      Из своего опыта общения с ними, я пришел к такому выводу - потенциально, многие из ниx просто рисуются. B обычном бытовом общении они работают на публику, так сказать, и поэтому люди выросшие в СССР, или в любой другой стране, не могут понять американцев.
                      Но по большому счёту, РАССЧИТЫВАТЬ на американца нельзя.
                      Они с детства приучeны к тому, что жизнь вещь скотская, и смысл существования в том, чтобы урвать как можно больше и при этом проделать всё таким образом, чтобы суметь выкрутиться если на кто-то подаст в суд.

                      Обсолютно все с кем я общался по приезду в Америку говорили мне, что рассчитывать в США ни на компанию в которой ты работаешь, ни на государственные структуры, ни на знакомых, ни на друзей или даже родственников нельзя. После прожитых лет в США, я в этом смог неоднократно убидиться и сам.
                      Я разговаривал со многими людьми из разных стран, и обсолютно все заявляют, что общественная система США существует для выбивания денег и мозгов из граждан.
                      Американцы привыкли к такому скотскому отношению с детства, поэтому они и ведут себя соответствующим образом.

                      Кстати, все их публичные обнимания и ласковые слова есть ни что иное, как имитирование увиденного в голливудских фильмах.

                      Вообще, общаясь с американцами, каждый должен знать одну вещь, - они почти все любят за спиной обсуждать, поливать грязью и утрировать сказанное.
                      Они это делают практически ВСЕ, и, поэтому, зная то, что они переврут всё сказанное, с ними нужно говорить о чём-то нейтральном или говорить что-то такое, что в вашем отсутствии, сказанное вами работало бы в вашу пользу.

                      Надо помнить, что менталитет y американцев как у подростков.

