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Every US president has to have a war - Gorbachev

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  • #41
    Re: Every US president has to have a war - Gorbachev

    Russia Today: Revealed: U.S. may put missile defence in Lithuania

    Well.... well... well...
    It's getting interesting now.... It looks like we are getting closer and closer to repeating the 1941 all over again.....

    June 18, 2008
    Revealed: U.S. may put missile defence in Lithuania

    The U.S. is talking to Lithuania about the possibility of installing part of its missile defence system there if it fails to strike a deal with Poland, according to the chief Polish negotiator on missile defence.
    Poland has agreed to base ten U.S. interceptor rockets on its soil but in exchange it is demanding billions of dollars to upgrade air defence systems.
    Washington says it will look for another country if negotiations with Warsaw fail.
    Russia strongly opposes the deployment of the missile defence shield, saying it threatens its security.

    Nato is undergoing one of the greatest changes since it was formed in 1949.
    Seven eastern European countries - Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia - have been formally invited to join the alliance in 2004.
    Another three countries - Croatia, Albania and Macedonia - hope to join the organisation in the next few years.

    BBC News | Nato expansion

    June 1941
    Nazi Germany's Invasion Of The Soviet Union.

    Russia At War 1941-1945


    • #42
      Re: Every US president has to have a war - Gorbachev

      I have some information about Barack Obama's views on foreign policies, particularly Russia.
      But first, as an introduction, I'd like to post a quote from related thread:

      Originally posted by Armenian View Post
      The following book review/analysis by Michael Ruppert has to do with Zbigniew Brzezinski's publication, The Grand Chessboard. The now famous book in question essentially reveals what certain nations face today and why Moscow, in particular, has been reacting the way is has been for the past several years. Brzezinski's The Grand Chessboard makes the claim that the US is the mightiest empire the world has ever seen and more-or-less outlines the geopolitical thinking Washington DC needs to engage in to maintain its global supremacy within the 21st Century. Note that the book by Brzezinski, an ardent Russophobe, was written during the mid-late 1990s at a time when Russia was being scavenged from the inside out and there were no signs at the time of a nationalistic upsurge within the Russian Federation. Since Russia's reemergence upon the geopolitical stage, coupled with Washington getting bogged down in unsuccessful endeavors in Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as American political and economic setbacks both at home and abroad, the pursuit of the grandiose global agendas outlined by Brzezinski have been undermined. I keep brining up Brzezinski's book because it is the clearest and most comprehensive work in print detailing Washington's foreign policy thinking - written by an insider.



      A War in the Planning for Four Years

      Ruppert about Brzezinski (2001) : part 1 of 2:

      Ruppert about Brzezinski (2001) : part 2 of 2:

      The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy And Its Geostrategic Imperatives:

      Zbigniew Brzezinski and the CFR Put War Plans in a 1997 Book -- It is "A Blueprint for World Dictatorship," Says a Former German Defense and NATO Official Who Warned of Global Domination in 1984, in an Exclusive Interview With FTW. "THE GRAND CHESSBOARD -- American Primacy And It's Geostrategic Imperatives," Zbigniew Brzezinski, Basic Books, 1997. These are the very first words in the book, "Ever since the continents started interacting politically, some five hundred years ago, Eurasia has been the center of world power." -- p. xiii. Eurasia is all of the territory east of Germany and Poland, stretching all the way through Russia and China to the Pacific Ocean. It includes the Middle East and most of the Indian subcontinent. The key to controlling Eurasia, says Brzezinski, is controlling the Central Asian Republics. And the key to controlling the Central Asian republics is Uzbekistan. Thus, it comes as no surprise that Uzbekistan was forcefully mentioned by President George W. Bush in his address to a joint session of Congress just days after the attacks of September 11 as the very first place that the U.S. military would be deployed.

      READ THE REST OF Armenian's POST HERE -

      Obama And His Warmonger Cabinet The Changing Face Of WWIII

      By Webster Tarpley

      Presidential candidate Barak Obama -- main announced project so far: BOMB PAKISTAN

      Obama's main foreign policy guru -- Zbigniew Brzezinski. Main project: THE DESTRUCTION OF RUSSIA - the surest path to World War III

      Mark Brzezinski, son of Zbigniew, former Clinton NSC official and top Obama advisor. Architect of the 2004 "people power" color revolution/coup in Ukraine. Main project: THE DESTRUCTION OF RUSSIA.

      READ MORE -

      Confirmed - Obama Is Zbigniew Brzezinski Puppet

      By Webster Tarpley

      Any lingering doubts about Obama's status as an abject puppet of Zbigniew Brzezinski and the Rockefeller Trilateral Commission ended this morning when the withered mummy of imperialism himself appeared on MSNBC's Morning Joe* to campaign for Obama, urged on by his own moronic daughter, Mika Brzezinski, an Obama groupie and sycophant.

      Zbigniew, a low-level Polish aristocrat whose life has been devoted to hatred for Russia, lauded Obama for his 2002 speech opposing the Iraq war, saying that he himself was the source of Obama's arguments back then - thus confirming Obama's long-term status as his puppet, which probably began in 1981-1983, when Obama was a student at Columbia University, and Zbig was directing the anti-Russian institute.

      The aging revanchist showed all the misogynism of his szachta origins with a scurrilous attack on Sen. Clinton as a mere housewife, a Mamie Eisenhower running against charismatic a JFK played by Zbig's own Manchurian candidate, and as a woman whose foreign policy experience was worth as much as that of Zbig's own travel agent.
      Zbig, who was kept in the closet for many months during the Carter administration because of his hideous Dr. Strangelove persona, portrayed Obama as a peace candidate who wanted to end the Iraq war and usher in peace in the Middle East. Zbig is an infamous Cold War hawk who has managed to re-invent himself in the eyes of some dupes by opposing the Iraq adventure, mainly because it is bad for imperialism.

      Zbig is the mastermind of the Kosovo secession under KLA terrorist auspices, a gambit against Serbia and Russia to prepare a coming Operation Barbarossa II against Moscow. With the help of his son Mark Brzezinski, another top foreign policy controller of Obama, Zbig is also behind the new Euromissiles crisis involving US ABM installations in Poland. Zbig is the enforcer for the new CIA policy of killing Pakistanis (as "terrorists") without consulting the government of that country, a nuclear power twice as big as Iran.
      Senator Jay Rockefeller and Trilateral/BIlderberger boss Joseph Nye are also actively campaigning for Obama. Nye is the theoretician of "soft power," a new form of imperialist aggression based on economic warfare, subversion, deception, and people power coups. They want Obama to mobilize soft power to give a face lift to US imnperialism.

      Brzezinski's goal is confrontation with the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the main world center for resistance to US-UK global domination.
      Anti-war activists are still fixated on Iran, but not Brzezinski is not - his target is China, TWENTY times bigger than Iran, with ICBMs ready to launch, followed by Russia, the world's biggest nuclear power. Such confused activists need to focus on stopping the next war - the final global showdown with Pakistan, China, and Russia. That means rejecting Brzezinski's puppet candidate Obama.

      MSNBC INTERVIEW WITH Zbigniew Brzezinski -

      READ MORE -

      Obama Campaign Linked To Chechen Terrorism

      Grant Of Taxpayer-Funded U.S. Asylum For Chechen Terror
      Envoy Gave Obama Foreign Policy Guru Zbigniew Brzezinski

      'One Of The Happiest Days Of My Life'
      By Webster G. Tarpley

      "I am glad [Brzezinski] is a "former" national security adviser. Hatred cannot drive foreign policy." Russian UN ambassador (now Foreign Minister) Sergei Lavrov, Charlie Rose program, March 25, 1999

      Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov

      If the American public were generally aware that the "foreign minister" of one of the most murderous terrorist organizations in the world, a man whose extradition on terrorism charges is sought by at least one UN Security Council permanent member, is living openly in Washington DC, they might be indignant. If Americans knew that this is the "foreign minister" of a terrorist group specializing in killing women and children first in a hospital, then in a school, and later defenseless civilians in a theater, their indignation might grow into rage. If they knew that this envoy for terrorists is living in the comfortable Woodley Park neighborhood of Washington DC with a lifestyle most Americans could not afford, with an office, a secretary, a travel budget, and a public relations budget all paid for at the expense of the US taxpayers, with State Department checks signed by Condoleeza Rice, they might be furious. If they knew that this ambassador for terrorists had been set up in his current all expenses paid, taxpayer-funded lifestyle by a man who is the main image adviser and the main foreign policy adviser to Barack Obama, their view of the Illinois senator and his qualifications for the presidency might well undergo a radical change.

      And yet, all this is reality. The terrorist organization in question is the Chechen rebel group associated with the names of two of the greatest butchers of our time, Aslan Maskhadov and Shamil Basayev, both deceased even though the organization they built fights on. The foreign minister and ambassador for this terrorist group is Ilyas Khamzatovich Akhmadov (born December 19, 1960, who was granted political asylum in the United States in 2003. Akhmadov's patron is none other than Zbigniew Brzezinski, the former head of the National Security Council during the Jimmy Carter administration and, before that the co-founder with David Rockefeller of the Trilateral Commission in 1973.

      Zbigniew Brezezinski in turn is not only the main foreign policy adviser to the Barack Obama presidential campaign; Zbigniew is in many ways the creator of the public relations image profile now being used by Obama in his quest for the White House, an image that is developed in Zbig's latest book, Second Chance. Zbigniew's son Mark Brzezinski, a veteran of the NSC under Clinton, is another key foreign policy adviser for Obama.

      Mika Brzezinski, daughter to Zbigniew and sister to Mark, churns out a propaganda line slanted in favor of Obama every morning on the MSNBC Morning Joe program. Ian Brzezinski, another son of Zbigniew, is busy poisoning US relations with Russia from his post as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Europe and Russia in the Bush Pentagon. Yet another member of the clan, Zbigniew's nephew Matthew Brzezinski serves as a de facto public relations representative for Akhmadov, whitewashing this envoy for Chechen terrorists in the pages of the Washington Post. The entire crew is made of of petty Polish aristocrats notable mainly for their fanatical, consuming hatred of Russia and Russians.

      The family project is to hitch the remaining military power of the United States to their monomania of hatred. If they are allowed to succeed, the bloody excesses of the neocons in the Middle East will seem like schoolyard games by comparison, since the Brzezinski gang wants to court all-out confrontation with a first-class thermonuclear power that is moving well ahead of the US in certain crucial types of strategic weaponry. The now-infamous neocons have been careful to pick on powers with little or no strategic retaliatory potential. Brzezinski lacks this faculty of discrimination. This is the reality behind the messianic edification and utopian platitudes dished up by Obama. Under an Obama administration, Americans will risk getting a reminder of what real war looks like, and they may discover that it is a two-way street.

      Mika Emilie Leonia Brzezinski (born May 2, 1967) is a television news journalist at MSNBC. Brzezinski is co-host of MSNBC's weekday morning program, Morning Joe. In addition to providing regular commentary, she also reads the news headlines for the program. Brzezinski also anchors the 9am ET hour of MSNBC Live. Additionally she reports for NBC Nightly News, and serves as alternating news anchor on Weekend Today. Previously, she was a CBS News anchor and correspondent.

      Brzezinski was born in New York City, the daughter of foreign policy expert and former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski and sculptor Emilie Anna Benes. Her father was then teaching at Columbia University, but the family moved to McLean, Virginia, near Washington, D.C., in late 1976, when Zbigniew was named National Security Advisor by newly-elected President Jimmy Carter.


      • #43
        Re: Every US president has to have a war - Gorbachev

        "I am glad [Brzezinski] is a "former" national security adviser. Hatred cannot drive foreign policy." Russian UN ambassador (now Foreign Minister) Sergei Lavrov, Charlie Rose program, March 25, 1999

        Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov
        READ MORE -

        Here comes another character and Obama supporter - billionaire George Soros.

        George Soros is Russia's enemy #1.

        Back in the early 1990s he spent 200 million dollars in Russia on people who would become the Zionist servants.
        But then when Putin became president, the Soros' Open Society Institute (OSI) offices in Russia were closed, and his people got arrested. Those who fled to Israel or UK are now barking at Russia like mad dogs.

        29 December, 2004
        The OSI shut its office in Moscow last year and has withdrawn from Uzbekistan and Belarus.

        BBC, News, BBC News, news online, world, uk, international, foreign, british, online, service

        The man on the right is George Soros, he is the man who has been censoring media, paying off people, bankrolling the Obama campaign with bogus $25 donations x millions.

        READ MORE -


        • #44
          Re: Every US president has to have a war - Gorbachev

          Ron Paul: Congress supports bombing Iran

          Sun, 06 Jul 2008 23:04:01

          Former Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul says members of Congress have voiced support for a pre-emptive nuclear strike on Iran.

          "I hear members of Congress saying 'if we could only nuke them'," said the congressman Thursday.

          "If we do (attack) it is going to be a disaster," he told the Alex Jones Show.
          The 72-year-old veteran politician added that the atmosphere in Congress indicates that a military strike on Iran has already been condoned.

          "It is still totally bewildering to me when I see men and women in the Congress that I know and like doing this just to get along. Most of them will say, 'I agree with you on all you say but the Iranians are bad people and they might attack us some day," Paul said.
          Referring to House Congressional Resolution 362 he calls the 'Virtual Iran War Resolution', Paul explained the president plans to impose 'an absolute blockade of the entire country of Iran, and punish any country or any business group around the world if they trade with Iran'.

          Despite the recent UN nuclear watchdog report conceding that there is no link between the use of nuclear material and the 'alleged studies' of weaponization in Iran's nuclear facilities, Washington accuses Tehran of pursuing a military nuclear program.

          Iran: Attacking our N-sites means war

          Fri, 04 Jul 2008 16:38:05

          The top Islamic Revolution Guards Corps commander warns that any attack on Iran's nuclear facilities would lead to the outbreak of war.

          "Any action against Iran will be interpreted as the start of a war," Major General Mohammad-Ali Jafari told reporters Thursday.

          Iran: War would tear US to shreds
          Sun, 06 Jul 2008 19:47:43

          An Iranian commander says a US attempt to invade Iran would only leave a frail and shaky structure from a 'torn to shreds' America.
          Iran's Armed Forces are fully prepared for an immediate reaction to any offensive on Iranian territory, said Deputy Head of the Armed Forces Headquarters, Brigadier General Seyyed Masoud Jazayeri on Sunday.

          "Iran has a comprehensive strategy to intercept invaders and to make the enemy suffer greatly," Jazayeri cautioned.

          He said the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) and Iran's military have the strongest resolve to defend the Iranian borders, adding that, "What will remain after a foreign invasion against Iran is a frail and shaky structure of a torn-to-shreds America."
          Referring to Washington's numerous failed plots against Iran, Gen. Jazayeri said 'the US has learned that no military measures would ever be successful' against the Islamic Republic.
          "This is why the United States has resorted to psychological warfare, cultural inroads, and economic pressure against Iran," he added.


          • #45
            Re: Every US president has to have a war - Gorbachev

            Russia is surrounded by the NATO bases, and it's time for Russia to push'em back away from her borders. Iran is Russia's ally.
            Two - three nukes will make the neo-cons and Zionists to chill out.

            Russia ready to use nuclear weapons if threatened - army chief

            19/ 01/ 2008

            MOSCOW, January 19 (RIA Novosti) - Russia's top military commander said on Saturday that the country is prepared to use its nuclear weapons to defend itself and allies in the event of a severe external threat.

            The Chief of the Russian General Staff, Gen. Yury Baluyevsky, told a conference at the Academy of Military Sciences in Moscow: "We do not intend to attack anyone, but consider it necessary that all our partners clearly understand, and that no one has any doubts, that the Armed Forces will be used to protect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Russia and its allies, including preventative action, and including the use of nuclear weapons."

            Russia's top military commander said on Saturday that the country is prepared to use its nuclear weapons to defend itself and allies in the event of a severe external threat.

            Russian army prepares for nuclear onslaught

            MOSCOW. (RIA Novosti political commentator Andrei Kislyakov) - Barely a month into the new year, the military have already attracted a lot of attention. Following a mild verbal skirmish over ABM components after the holidays, Russian and foreign generals have decided to talk in the open.

            In a move that mirrors recent discussion amongst Russia's own top brass, NATO's April summit in Bucharest is widely expected to discuss a report on a potential pre-emptive nuclear strike.

            According to The Daily Telegraph, the authors of the report are convinced there is a real risk that terrorists could lay their hands on weapons of mass destruction in the near or immediate future. To counter this, the alliance may consider suppressing the enemy with nuclear weapons.

            Though the report is likely to cause controversy in NATO countries, the authors appear to be merely echoing an idea originally broached by Russian Chief of General Staff Yury Baluyevsky. Speaking at a meeting of the Academy of Military Sciences on January 19, Gen. Baluyevsky declared that force should be used not only in the course of hostilities, but also to demonstrate the readiness of leaders to uphold their national interests. "We are not going to attack anyone," he reassured his audience, "but we want all our partners to realize that Russia will use armed force to defend its own and its allies' sovereignty and territorial integrity. It may resort to a pre-emptive nuclear strike in cases specified by its doctrine."

            It is strange that many esteemed domestic military experts consider this statement simply a repetition of Russia's old military doctrine, which allowed it to use nuclear weapons first. Under the 2000 doctrine, Russia is ready to use nuclear weapons not only in retaliation against a nuclear attack, as was previously the case, but in response to "a large-scale conventional aggression in a situation critical for the national security of the Russian Federation and its allies." This certainly broadens the rules of engagement, but still does not envisage a pre-emptive nuclear strike without hostilities.

            READ MORE -


            • #46
              Re: Every US president has to have a war - Gorbachev

              As we were told, the US needs to build the base in Poland to protect US ans EU from missiles that could be launched from Iran and... North Korea.
              Well, if US is concerned about Iran's and North Korean missile threat (which doesn't exist) than why not build the anti-missile bases in Iraq, Kuwait, Israel and South Korea and Japan?

              There is something fishy about America's plans here.
              Gorbachev says that US plan is targeting Russia. His statement was ignored by the Western media, however.

              I think I understand why it was ignored - the Perestroika is over and it seems like the West doesn't want to be friendly with Russia any more.

              Well... OK. As they wish.....

              President Reagan and Soviet General Secretary Gorbachev shaking hands at the arrival ceremony on the White House south lawn. 12/8/87.

              .............BREAKING NEWS................

              July 8, 2008, 18:25

              Czech Republic and U.S. sign radar base agreement

              YouTube - Czech Republic and U.S. sign radar base agreement

              The U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has just signed an agreement on an anti-missile radar base with her Czech counterpart, Karel Swarzenberg, in Prague. Russian Foreign Ministry says the latest U.S. step in fact cancels the agreements reached with Moscow.
              The U.S. say a missile defence shield in Eastern Europe will prevent any future attacks on the U.S. from countries like Iran and North Korea.
              According to recent polls, the plan is opposed by 70 per cent of the Czech population.
              The treaty also promises Washington will protect the Czech Republic from possible missile attacks by terrorists.
              Before the signing Condoleezza Rice said the deal “not only guarantees security for the U.S. and the Czech Republic, but all of the states in the region."

              The Czech parliament will start the ratification process of the agreement in the autumn.

              ”We have been protesting against the radar for the last two years, and the government has made clear its intention is to make sure that the U.S. Star Wars radar is placed in our country. So this signing is just an approval of these intentions. Fortunately, it’s not up to the government to decide. The agreement has to be ratified by the Czech parliament. And the situation there is far from clear. Right now it doesn’t seem that the government has the necessary majority to pass this treaty,” said Jan Tamas, Head of the ‘No to the Base’ movement .

              The deployment of American anti-missile elements in Eastern Europe is strongly opposed by Russia, which considers them a threat to its security. Moscow's proposals to create a joint security system still stand says the Foreign Ministry.


              Gorbachev: United States Targeting Russia, Not Iran
              29/11/2007 | Moscow News – 47 2007
              READ MORE -

              America will use the anti-missile systems to neutralize Russia's missiles which will make Russia defenseless against US-lead NATO invasion.

              U.S. 'plans to neutralize Russian nuclear weapons by 2012-2015'

              MOSCOW, June 18 (RIA Novosti) - The U.S.-proposed European missile shield will eventually spread along Russia's borders and may neutralize Russia's nuclear potential by 2012-2015, a Russian political analyst said on Wednesday.

              Commenting on reports that the United States and Lithuania were formally discussing deploying elements of the U.S. missile shield in the ex-Soviet Baltic state should Warsaw reject Washington's plans to station 10 interceptor missiles in Poland, Leonid Ivashov, the head of the Moscow-based Academy of Geopolitical Sciences, said: "We should expect that elements of a U.S. missile shield will be placed not only in Lithuania, but also in all territories bordering Russia and controlled by NATO."

              Ivashov said the main purpose of the U.S. global missile shield was to neutralize Russia's nuclear potential by 2012-2015 and that NATO eastward expansion was part of this plan.

              He said Ukraine's and Georgia's possible accession to NATO would have dire consequences for Russia's defense capability.

              "There is no doubt that elements of the U.S. missile shield will be placed in Georgia and Ukraine immediately after they join NATO," the analyst said, adding that Ukraine already had radars [in Mukachevo and Sevastopol] that may be used against Russia.
              "The U.S. wants to create an impenetrable shield capable of intercepting and destroying Russian nuclear missiles on launch pads, in the initial trajectory, in orbit and on the final trajectory," he said.

              "Russia must also warn the European countries case of a potential military confrontation...capitals, large cities, industrial and communications centers of the countries hosting elements of the U.S. missile shield will inevitably become the primary targets of [Russian] nuclear strikes."

              READ MORE -


              • #47
                Re: Every US president has to have a war - Gorbachev

                It seems like some Yanks do know what the real story behind the US anti-missile bases is. Senator Carl Levin is one of them.

                Senator Carl Levin Tells Bush Not to Poke Russia in Eye

                U.S. Senator Carl Levin (D-MI)

                The missile defenses being formed by the United States “are not a defense against Iranian missiles” and the administration of George W. Bush should stop “putting a stick in the Russian eye,” stated chairman of the Senate Armed Forces Committee Carl Levin, a democrat of Michigan. Levin said the CBS television news program Face the Nation that the United States has “put off” Russia away, most particularly with the missile program in Europe. Levin said the world community’s success solving the problem if Iran depends on Russia and the actions of the U.S. do not encourage Russia’s support.

                Levin supports sanctions against Iran, but that is only possible with unity in the world community. “We need to have the world united in confronting Iran. We need a much tighter sanction regime,” he said. Levin recalled the critical statements made by Sen. John McCain that Russia should be expelled from the G8 and said that they “trouble” him.

                “I think it has the exact wrong effect in term of including Russia as part of this confrontation against Iran,” Levin said.

                Deputy Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Senate Committee Richard Lugar shared Levin’s point of view. “I favor more sanctions, more world involvement. We ought to have everybody around the table including Russia, he said.


                • #48
                  Re: Every US president has to have a war - Gorbachev

                  Originally posted by North Pole View Post
                  It seems like some Yanks do know what the real story behind the US anti-missile bases is. Senator Carl Levin is one of them.

                  Senator Carl Levin Tells Bush Not to Poke Russia in Eye

                  U.S. Senator Carl Levin (D-MI)

                  The missile defenses being formed by the United States “are not a defense against Iranian missiles” and the administration of George W. Bush should stop “putting a stick in the Russian eye,” stated chairman of the Senate Armed Forces Committee Carl Levin, a democrat of Michigan. Levin said the CBS television news program Face the Nation that the United States has “put off” Russia away, most particularly with the missile program in Europe. Levin said the world community’s success solving the problem if Iran depends on Russia and the actions of the U.S. do not encourage Russia’s support.

                  Levin supports sanctions against Iran, but that is only possible with unity in the world community. “We need to have the world united in confronting Iran. We need a much tighter sanction regime,” he said. Levin recalled the critical statements made by Sen. John McCain that Russia should be expelled from the G8 and said that they “trouble” him.

                  “I think it has the exact wrong effect in term of including Russia as part of this confrontation against Iran,” Levin said.

                  Deputy Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Senate Committee Richard Lugar shared Levin’s point of view. “I favor more sanctions, more world involvement. We ought to have everybody around the table including Russia, he said.



                  • #49
                    Re: Every US president has to have a war - Gorbachev

                    Zionist West doesn't really care about Georgia, and certainly it can care less about people of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.
                    The US neo-cons who helped former New York lawyer Mikhail Saakashvili to become Georgia's president don't really give a damn about him, so he shouldn't count on his "friends" in Washington.....

                    All that Zionist West wants is to destabilize the whole Caucasus....

                    Russia says West is blocking UN resolution on Georgia peace deal

                    Bush and Georgia's Mikheil Saakashvili

                    17/07/2008 14:37 MOSCOW, July 17 (RIA Novosti) - Russia's foreign minister said on Thursday that Western nations are blocking Moscow's plans for a non-violence pact between Georgia and its rebel region of Abkhazia by insisting on the return of Georgian refugees.

                    Russia had presented a draft resolution to the United Nations Security Council calling for a deal on the non-use of force between Georgia and Abkhazia, amid rising tensions and fears of military conflict. The return of Georgian refugees from Abkhazia had been proposed in a Germany-sponsored peace plan and sought by Tbilisi.

                    Sergei Lavrov said work on the peace deal "was blocked yesterday by the categorical refusal of our Western partners," who want to link the document "to the return of refugees, which at this stage is entirely unrealistic."
                    "Signing an agreement on Georgian refugees' return to Abkhazia is impossible at the moment, as the situation first needs to be improved and trust restored. Only then can subsequent discussions be held on the matter," he said.

                    Russia had earlier also demanded that Georgia first withdraw troops from the upper part of the Kodori Gorge, occupied in 2006 in violation of a 1994 ceasefire agreement.

                    Germany has proposed a three-stage plan for resolving the Georgia-Abkhazia conflict. Germany says all sides must renounce violence and ensure Georgian refugees' gradual return to the region. German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier is currently in Tbilisi discussing the plan with Georgian leaders. He will fly to Abkhazia on Friday, and later that day arrive in Moscow for further talks.

                    Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili has also set refugees' return as a condition to restart peace talks with Abkhazia, which broke away after the Soviet Union's demise in 1991. He also demanded that Russia withdraw its peacekeepers from the conflict zone and end financial support for the region.

                    Relations between Russia and Georgia have sunk to a new low recently, with outbreaks of violence in Abkhazia and South Ossetia, Georgia's other rebel region. The two countries have traded accusations of provoking violence in the provinces.

                    Source -


                    • #50
                      Re: Every US president has to have a war - Gorbachev

                      Well, certainly this is NOT how we in Russia envisioned the future of our relations with US after the end of the Cold War.
                      During and after the Perestroika (1980s - 1990s) Russia and US decided to put an end to meaningless confrontation and become allies.

                      At the end of 1990s, as a sign of good will, Moscow withdrew all Soviet troops from Eastern Europe and closed number of military bases overseas, including the one in Cuba.
                      The base in Cuba was closed on the orders of Vladimir Putin in 2001.

                      During the Reagan years we, United Sates and Russia (as Soviet Union back then), have been building our relations based on trust and mutual respect for our coutries' interests.

                      However, these plans seemed began to disappear with election of Bill Clinton.
                      With the election of George W. Bush our relations became even less friendly. And after announcement of a plan to build the anti-missile bases in Eastern Europe and after NATO expansion towards Russian borders our relations became really tense.

                      So what do US leaders have in mind? What are their plans?
                      Are they looking for the military confrontation with Russia? Well, it sure seems like it....
                      What would any country do in this situation? Any country would make certain steps to ensure its security, and this is exactly what Russia is doing.


                      23/ 07/ 2008

                      Moscow must answer U.S. shield with Cuban 'spy' site

                      MOSCOW, July 23 (RIA Novosti) - Russia should respond to U.S. missile defense plans for Central Europe by reopening a 'spy' facility in Cuba to gather intelligence on the United States, a Russian analyst said on Wednesday.

                      The electronic monitoring and surveillance facility near Havana at Torrens, also known as the Lourdes facility, the largest Russian Sigint site abroad, was shut down in October 2001 by then- president Vladimir Putin.

                      "Cuba is a unique place to gather intelligence on the United States. I believe that the reopening of this station is both possible and necessary amid the threat that the Americans are creating for Russia," Alexander Pikayev, head of the disarmament and conflict resolution department at the Russian Academy of Sciences' World Economics and International Relations Institute, told a news conference at RIA Novosti.

                      "Russia has every right to respond," he added.

                      Moscow has strongly opposed the possible deployment by the U.S. of 10 interceptor missiles in Poland and a radar station in the Czech Republic as a threat to its security. Washington says the missile shield is needed to deter possible strikes from "rogue states."

                      A Russian military source was earlier quoted as saying that Russian strategic bombers could be stationed again in Cuba, only 90 miles from the U.S. coast, in response to the U.S. missile shield plans for Central Europe.

                      The Lourdes facility reportedly covered a 28 square-mile area, with 1,000-1,500 Russian engineers, technicians, and military personnel working at the base.
                      The complex was capable of monitoring a wide array of commercial and government communications throughout the southeastern United States, and between the United States and Europe.

                      Lourdes intercepted transmissions from microwave towers in the United States, communication satellite downlinks, and a wide range of shortwave and high-frequency radio transmissions.

                      Russia should respond to U.S. missile defense plans for Central Europe by reopening a 'spy' facility in Cuba to gather intelligence on the United States, a Russian analyst said on Wednesday.
                      Last edited by North Pole; 07-24-2008, 04:43 PM.

