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Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

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  • Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

    The Neo-Iranians: The case of Azeri Turks

    With the fall of Byzantine or East Roman Empire in 14 century a branch of Oghuz Turks entered Iran and built the Saffavid dynasty in Iran. Byzantine was a Greek-Roman civilization and was replaced by Ottoman Turks.

    The Oghuz Turks who entered Iran are called Azeri Turks as they occupied North-West region of Iran or Azerbaijan province. Most of the natives of Azerbaijan were either killed or driven away from the area. These natives of Iran were Kurds who still live as neighbors of Azeri Turks in Norther west Iran.

    In addition to killing Kurds in North West Iran, the Azeri Turks also murdered millions of native Zoarastrians and imposed a branch of Islam called Shia Islam which had very little following except in Lebanon and Bahrain with Persian Gulf.

    The Saffavids had very little support from the Persians and other native population of Iran and were viewed with extreme hostility by the natives of Iran.

    The Saffavids ruled between 15 century to 1722. The capital of Saffavids was in Isfahan. A combination of conspiracy within the Saffavids state by Persians in alliance with Afghans from Kandhar resulted in an attack by Afghan tribes from Kandahar and sacking the Saffavids capital in 1722. It also resulted in the mass murder of Azeri Turk Saffavids in Isfahan by Afghans and Persians. The Afghans were led by Mir-Wais Hotak the Chief of Gizali tribe in Afghanistan. Persians were led by Karim Khan Zand from the Lur tribe. This ended the Saffavid rule in Iran in 1722.

    With the fall of Saffavids in 17 century, Persia was ruled by Afghans. Later an Afghan Empire appeared under the leadership of Duranis.

    In 18 century Azeri Turks built another dynasty called the Qajars. As Azeri Turks are hated very much in Iran, so the Qajars decided to have a new identity to call themselves. Due to their contacts with Europeans and finding out about ancient Aryan tribes which existed in the region for thousand years ago, the Qajars adopted the name "Iranian" to call themselves in order to associate themselves with these ancient aryan tribes.

    To the natives of Iran, the "Iranian" identity is unknown. The natives of Iran identify themselves either as Moslems or with the city or region that they reside. The combination of Moslem and location completely identifies a person's identity such as race, culture and language. That is why the term "Iranian" is meaningless term to the natives of Iran as it does not specify any information about race, culture or language or generally the ethnicity of an individual.

    To Azeri Turks the "Iranian" identity is very important as they can use it to cover and hide their ehtnicity. "Iranian" gives the impression as if there is an ethnic group called "Iranian" in Iran. There is no such ethnic group in Iran called "Iranian". Also "Iranian" is used to present that Azeri Turks were involved in ancient history of Persia. Azeri Turks have created a whole new imaginary history of Iran based on the invented name "Iranian".

    "Iranian" identity had no significance in Iran. Nobody in Iran addressed another native with the term Iranian.The term "Iranian" assumed a signifcance after the formation of Islamic Republic of Iran in 1979. The Islamic Republic of Iran or Azeri Turk Republic of Iran is a second version of the Saffavids from 15 century.

    As the Azeri Turk Republic of Iran started to confront hostilities by the natives of Iran, it started desperately to use the invented "Iranian" identity to be able to promote its agenda and find a social base with the natives of Iran.

    On other hand the natives have abandoned the use of the term "Iranian" and have started to call themselves with their ethnic affiliation. The natives of Iran identify themselves as Persians, Kurds, Lurs, Baloochs, Turcoman, Qashqaii, Gilani, Mazandarani, Khorasani (Khorasanis are mostly Afghans). As Azeris always hide their ethnic identity, the only ones who are recognized as Iranians are actually Azeri Turks themselves.

    The Neo-Iranians are the Azeri Turks. Other names that Azeri Turk are called are Saffavids (insurgent groups in Iraq call Azeris for Saffavids). Also Azeris are known as Qizilbash (Red Hat) both in Afghanistan and Iraq. Qizilbash are the remnants of Saffavids army in Iraq and Afghanistan. A famous Qizilbash in Iraq is Mr. Mughtada Al Sadr who originates from the Saffavids Qizilbash army in 15 century in Iraq.

    The ancient aryan tribes have developed into specific ethnicities and none of them use the term "Iranian". Bactrians are actually Afghans with Bactrian origin which could be a Pashtoon or a Dari speaking Afghan. Also Persians are still called Persians. There are remnants of Parthians in Khorasan and they are identified as either Persians or Afghans. The descendants of Scythians or Sakas are called Nuristanis in Afghanistan. Medes have developed into Kurds.

    As most of the Azeri Turk or "Iranians" fruad schemes have failed, they are considering to change the name of the country Iran to Persia so they can start with a new fraud scheme called "Neo-Persians". That is Azeri Turks are planning to call themselves "Persians". So far all of their fruad schemes have failed and Azeri Turks remain Azeri Turks or Iranians.

    To confuse people, Azeri Turks always write Iranian/Persian meaning these are the same people. This is only fraud.

    The correct way to write Iranian is "Iranian/Azeri/Qizilbash/Saffavid".

    Azeris are welcome to use the name "Iranian" but none of natives of Iran will use the "Iranian Identity".

    Persians and Hollywood
    Persians and Hollywood

    A Google Blog

  • #2
    Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

    Originally posted by oslonor View Post
    The Neo-Iranians: The case of Azeri Turks

    With the fall of Byzantine or East Roman Empire in 14 century a branch of Oghuz Turks entered Iran and built the Saffavid dynasty in Iran. Byzantine was a Greek-Roman civilization and was replaced by Ottoman Turks.

    The Oghuz Turks who entered Iran are called Azeri Turks as they occupied North-West region of Iran or Azerbaijan province. bla, bla, bla...
    Still spamming the Armenian forums?

    Safavids are kings of Persia not “Azerbaijan”. The only “Azeri” dynasty is that of the Aliyevs, the present ruling clan of the artificially counterfeited fraudulent nonentity of fake “Azerbaijan”.

    A nation called “Azeri” has never existed throughout human history. Fortunately I have already compiled enough material to counter the predictable Turk regurgitations and delirious hallucinations, so all I have to do is copy/paste from my own writings!

    Safavids Are Kings of Persia not “Azerbaijan”

    Figure 25

    Shah Esmail killing Uzbek leader Mohammad Sheibani in a battle near Merv, 1510

    Turkish “scholars” have transgressed all limits of decency and their slime of shamelessness flowing in every direction has encroached upon all aspects of historic, cultural, religious and national properties of every ancient and existing civilization known to man, desecrating and distorting them all. Not surprisingly, the Iranian dynasties have been appropriated to justify the illegitimate presence of the Turks in lands both inside Iran, those under Persian rule and beyond.

    Whenever the need arises to find an excuse for their illegal usurpation of other peoples’ territory, Sumerians, Assyrians, Akkadians, Babylonians, Arameans, Manni, Mittani, Arrata, Urartu, Hurrians, Hittites, Elamite, Medians, Achaemenids, Parthians, Scythians, Aluanians, Egyptians, Etruscans, Lydians, Thracians, Phrygians, Greeks and what not become Turks as naturally as genetic “research” in Turkey and its phony extension “prove” beyond question that Kurds, Eskimos, Native Americans, Incas, Aztecs, Mayas, Martians, Saturnans, Jupiterians and heaven knows what, are all Turks.

    Regarding Iran, apart from pre-Islamic Median, Achaemenid, Arsacid (Parthian) and Sassanid Iranian empires, they also claim those that were formed after the Turkic invasions from the 11th century onward. While the Seljuk, Mongol and Tatar devastators that came after the collapse of the caliphate, may be viewed as foreign rulers and occupiers, there’s no justification in usurping the Safavid, Afshar, Zand and Qajar kings and pretend they were Turkish, still more grotesquely the kings of “Azerbaijan”.

    That the Safavids were shahs of Persia is indisputable and this fact has never given rise to the slightest atom of doubt in the minds of historians the world over. Yet the counterfeiters have gone to unknown realms of the irrational to weave the most illogical fables to somehow show that they were the emperors of a mighty “unified Azerbaijan” that existed long before the universe was created and stretched from one side of the Milky Way to the other end of a black hole zillions of light years away.

    Iran in the time of Safavids was threatened by two ferocious Turkic dynasties: the Ottomans in the west and the Uzbek Sheibanis in the east. For almost three centuries of their reign the Safavids fought the Ottoman Tyranny and were even allies of Europe against the Turks. They firmly believed that they had the mission to restore the Persian Empire to its former glory, prior to Arab and Turkish invasions.

    Shiism was introduced in Iran and forced on the people in the time of Shah Esmail for political purposes because of this animosity and the danger of both Sunni Turkic dynasties in the west and the east, mainly to prevent subversive Ottoman influence especially in already Turkish speaking Azarbaijan (the real).

    Figure 26

    Portrait of Shah Ismail (Reads: Ismael… Sophy… Rex... Per…)

    Figure 27

    Copper engraving by Dominicus Custos, from his Atrium heroicum Caesarum pub. 1600-1602

    The inscriptions “Ismael… Sophy… Rex... Per…” on the Medieval European portrait of Shah Esmail and “Shach Abas Persarvm Rex (Sciac Appas Persiarvm Rex)” on the engraving done by Dominicus Custos do not leave a place for calling the Safavids kings of “Azerbaijan”. The text under the engraving praises Shah Abbas for his victories over the Ottomans and puts him in the hall of fame of great kings (Atrium of heroic Caesars) of history comparing Shah Abbas to Cyrus the Great of Persia.

    In 1502, a very young Esmail defeated the Turkic Ak Koyunlu (white sheep) occupiers of Azarbaijan (the real), chose Tabriz as his capital and was declared King on 11 March 1502.

    Shah Esmail (Ismail, Ismael), the founder of the dynasty was of Kurdish origin, practiced a Persian Sufi cult and believed he was a descendant of the kings of the Sassanid Empire (224-651 AD). He had to face Ottoman transgression at Chaldiran (1514) where the Turks occupied northwestern parts of Iran and the Caucasus until they were expelled by Shah Abbas the Great (1587-1629) in 1603.

    Shah Abbas changed the capital of Iran from Tabriz to the more centrally situated Isfahan in 1598 and undertook unprecedented construction, turning Isfahan into one of the most magnificent cities in the east. Many of these architectural wonders have survived and are among the most popular tourist attractions in Iran.

    The flourishing of Persia in the Safavid era is significant both in the context of rendering Turkish claims void, and from a historic perspective regarding the fervent promotion and advance of Persian culture, art, architecture, literature and music.



    • #3
      Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

      Oslonor spreads his (mis)information at Iranian and other forums as well, not only Armenian ones.


      • #4
        Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

        Originally posted by Hellektor View Post
        Still spamming the Armenian forums?

        Safavids are kings of Persia not “Azerbaijan”. The only “Azeri” dynasty is that of the Aliyevs, the present ruling clan of the artificially counterfeited fraudulent nonentity of fake “Azerbaijan”.

        A nation called “Azeri” has never existed throughout human history. Fortunately I have already compiled enough material to counter the predictable Turk regurgitations and delirious hallucinations, so all I have to do is copy/paste from my own writings!

        Safavids Are Kings of Persia not “Azerbaijan”

        Figure 25

        Shah Esmail killing Uzbek leader Mohammad Sheibani in a battle near Merv, 1510



        shah abas is king of iran that he come from tabriz in eastern azarbayejan of iran
        Last edited by samvel; 06-02-2008, 10:31 AM.


        • #5
          oslonor is an "Azeri" spambot

          Originally posted by samvel View Post
          shah abas is king of iran that he come from tabriz in eastern azarbayejan of iran
          samvel jan,

          The point is, this oslonor spambot is pretending they are Persians while they are "Azeris" who want to chop Azarbaijan (the real) off Iran and annex it to the fake nonentity north of the Arax, counterfeited on Armenian territory in 1918, stealing its name from Azarbaijan (Atrpatakan) of Iran.

          I have dealt with this exhaustively in And the Fraud Had a Name. I have posted it as text on several Armenian forums including hyeclub as well. Please read it when you find the time.


          • #6
            Re: oslonor is an "Azeri" spambot

            Originally posted by Hellektor View Post
            counterfeited on Armenian territory in 1918, stealing
            Do you think Iran considers it counterfeited on Armenian territory? I am pretty sure in Iran its considered counterfeited on Iranian territory. Had Azerbaijan proclaimed and pursued pan-shiism instead of pan-turkism, Iran would be an enemy to Armenia not a trading partner.

            No one considers anything Armenian territory other than Armenians the 3 big competing power consider it either Iranian territory, Russian territory, or Ottoman territory.


            • #7
              Re: oslonor is an "Azeri" spambot

              Originally posted by Hellektor View Post
              samvel jan,

              The point is, this oslonor spambot is pretending they are Persians while they are "Azeris" who want to chop Azarbaijan (the real) off Iran and annex it to the fake nonentity north of the Arax, counterfeited on Armenian territory in 1918, stealing its name from Azarbaijan (Atrpatakan) of Iran.

              I have dealt with this exhaustively in And the Fraud Had a Name. I have posted it as text on several Armenian forums including hyeclub as well. Please read it when you find the time.


              • #8
                Re: oslonor is an "Azeri" spambot

                Originally posted by skhara View Post
                Do you think Iran considers it counterfeited on Armenian territory? I am pretty sure in Iran its considered counterfeited on Iranian territory. Had Azerbaijan proclaimed and pursued pan-shiism instead of pan-turkism, Iran would be an enemy to Armenia not a trading partner.

                No one considers anything Armenian territory other than Armenians the 3 big competing power consider it either Iranian territory, Russian territory, or Ottoman territory.
                Finally an Armenian made a good point.
                Persians and Hollywood

                A Google Blog


                • #9
                  Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

                  Entzi toovema es mege meehad toork gyot veran mene.
                  Last edited by robertik1; 06-03-2008, 04:46 PM.


                  • #10
                    Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

                    I read on the internet today, that iran has changed its opinion on the karabakh issue. It is sideing with baku now. have you guys heard this?

