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Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

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  • Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

    I can't take oslonor too seriously when he rejects whatever we say and calls us Azeri Turk when we disagree with him. I'm just curious about him and his network of people because I have detected them in other places and would like to know what sort of ideas and classifications they stand on even though it's not very appealing to me, notably in terms of logic.

    btw, I had never seen a picture of Vlad Tepes, that's pretty enlightening, I had no idea he was depicted that way.
    Last edited by jgk3; 09-28-2008, 08:47 PM.


    • Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

      The Powere Struggle in Iran

      Iranian/Azeri Quote: "To be accurate most iranians have been sheepish and khaaen sefat even at times of khoramdin o maziar. Those guys were fighting arab accupiers and invadors and yet they could only rely on some hundred close friends in azarbaijan and Mazandaran while arab armies who got sent to fight them were filled with iranian mozdoors from other parts of iran."

      Translation: He is saying that Azeri Turks lived in Azerbaijan-Iran in 6 century. When Azeri Turks were fighting Arabs together with Mazandaranis who are natives of Caspian Region, the rest of Iran worked as mercernies for Arab armies. With the exception of Azeri Turks and Mazandaranis, the rest of Iran are traitors. In reality there were no Azeri turks in Iran at the time and Azeri Turks came to Iran in 14 century. Arabs had left by 8 century so Azeri Turks never saw any arabs.

      The natives of Azerbaijan who spoke Middle Persian or Pahlavi were murdered by Azeri Turks and both the real natives of Azerbaijan with their language disappeared from Western Iran and replaced by Azeri Turks. Also the natives of Mazandaran are no friends of Azeri turks. The poster is actually talking about Azeri Turks who have been recently moved to Mazandaran by Ahmadinejad regime and call themselves "Mazandarani". Those are friends of the poster.

      The quote is important as it points out the key to the formation of power struggle in Iran in modern times. It points to the existence of two Irans. Two different countries which are called Iran.

      Since 14the century with the arrival Azeri Turks into north West Iran, Iran has been divided into two countries with inivisible borders. Iran is a general name for western Iran and Eastern Iran. Western Iran includes Tehran, Azerbaijan and Isfahan. The so called "Iranians" actually refers to the people of Western Iran or Azeri turks.

      Eastern Iran is also called Khorasan. Eastern Iran or Khorasan includes areas in the East and North East, the Caspian Region and South West Iran. Also it includes parts of central and South central Iran. The people of Eastern Iran are called Persians. There are two independent areas in Sistan-Baluchestan in South East and Kurdestan in Western Iran which is dominated by the local tribes. But both Kurds and Baloochs and Sistanis have always sided with Eastern Iran or Khorasan.

      Isfahan was the capital of Azeri Saffavids in 15 century and people of Isfahan have mostly Saffavids ancestors. Isfahan is a close ally of Western Iran but even Isfahan's alliance with pure Azeri Turks in Tehran and Azerbaijan has not always been gauranteed and under normal conditions Isfahan have supported and sided with Eastern Iran.

      The difference between Eastern Iran and Western Iran is that Western Iran is populated with Iranians/Azeri Turks and Eastern Iran is populated with the natives of Iran or Persians.

      Ahmadinejad Pan Turk gang is actually a Western Iran regime imposed on the rest of the Iran. Without US support, Ahamdinejad gang would not have survived many days in power. That is the key to understanding Iran. US supports Western Iran based on Azeri Pan Turkism. US opposes an Eastern Iran regime based on the natives of Iran and Persian culture historical traditions.

      One should note that Pan Turkism in Iran is not related to Pan Turkism in Turkey and they are entirely different. Azeri Pan Turkism in Iran is a competitor and an enemy of Anatolian Pan Turkism in Turkey. Pan Turkism in Turkey is based on secular state and economic incentives. Pan Turkism in Iran is based on Azeri Shia religion and uses religion, ideology and racism to promote its agenda. Pan Turkism in Iran does not use Azeri language as it is not politically feasible under present conditions. It tries to impose its race and culture on the natives of Iran. Azeri Pan Turkism in Iran is based in Tehran and it controls the government. Azeri nationalism in Azerbaijan- Iran is an entirely different entity and it represents local demands for autonomy and language and ethnic rights.

      For the last 500 years, there has been shift of power between Western Iran and Eastern or between Iranians and Persians. Many times this shift of power has been peaceful. But under some historical periods, this shift of power has been very violent. In 1722 in Isfahan, The Azeri Saffavid regime of Western Iran was attacked violently and it led to mass murder of Azeri Turks in Isfahan. The regime of Western Iran under Azeri Saffavids was completely destroyed by forces representing Eastern Iran. Those forces were Afghans from Kandahar under the leadership of Mir-Wais Hotak and Lurs from South West Iran under the leadership of Karim Khan Zand. Nader Shah, the future leader of Khorasan was probably the leader of this assault on Azeri Saffavids in 17th century. It led to a Khorasan or Eastern Iran State under the leadership of Nader Shah to take over Iran in 17 century.

      Today we are witnessing the same power struggle is going on in Iran. The current Ahmadinejad Pan Turk gang in power is going to the end of their power cycle. Ahamdinejad regime is a copy of Saffavid Azeris from 15 century. The Ahmadinejad regime is violently resisting its demise and is trying to stay in power at all costs. To stay in power they have devised some new methods to attack Eastern Iran and its power structure.

      1. Massive number of Azeri Turks have been moved to the Caspian region. Caspian region is an oil region.
      2. Azeri Turks have been moved to Kuzestan province in South West Iran. This is also an oil region.
      3. Arab minority living in Khuzestan are subjected to a genocide policy by cutting off the water supply.
      4. Toxic gases have been released to the air in the whole southern Iran from Abadan to Bushehr to Shiraz. It has led to many deaths.
      5. Water supplies have also been cut to many of these areas.
      6. Just in the past few days, Ahmadinejad regime has announced huge lay off of workers in southern Iran. This is despite all the oil revenues that has been generated in this areas.
      7. Terrorism has been unleased on security forces in southern areas targeting police and high level prosecutors working for the local government. Also ordianry people are subjected to these terrorist attacks in the form of bombings of the Mosques.
      8. A long of period of armed clashes between Ahamdinejad gang and local authorities in Isfahan as Ahmadinejad gang is trying to take over Isfahan.
      9. Tribal areas such as Lurs, Bakhtiarys and Qasqaiis in south west Iran have been attacked by Azeri Turk gangs such as regimes para-military forces.

      The outcome this power struggle determines the future of the whole region, from Iraq to Afganistan to central asia. It is important to understand that the region looks the way it does because of the existence of Persian Political power in Iran since ancient times. That is why US is targeting the Persian ethnicity for ethnic cleansing and genocide in order to change the power relations in the region. At the same US is calling a massive number of people "Persians" in Afghanistan such as Qizilbash Turks, in Pakistan Sindis and Punjabis (specially Sindis), Tajik Dari Speaking Turks in Central Asia, Armenians, and Eastern Anatolian population such as Kurds and Anatolian Turks and Azeri Turks in Caucasus. They also use the fake "Iranian" name for these people.

      US policy in the region is to replace current power sturctures with primitive criminal Azeri turk power based on Shia religion and Azeri Turk culture. In other words US is seeking a restoration of Azeri Saffavid regime from 15 century. This requires the Turkification or Azerfikication of the whole region from Iraq to Kurdestan, Eastern Parts of Anatolia to Armenia and from Turkemenstan to Afghansitan.

      Recently there was an article by a liberal American commentator that "Neo-Cons" have totally failed in their policy of bringing "Democracy" to the region. In reality US policy was never to bring any kind of "democarcy" to the region but to impose a primitive Islamic power structure based on Pan Turkism, Azeri Style to the region.

      Persians and Hollywood

      A Google Blog


      • Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

        A Warning: Iranian/Azeri Propoganda Methods.

        Iranians always use their own pictures of Azeri Turks and say these are Persians.

        Iranians also always use the pictures of Persians and say these are Azeris. A good example is Farah Diba who is Persian and Ahmadinejad who is Azeri Turks.

        Gogoosh the Persian singer is not Azeri either. She only knows how to speak Azeri language. She is ethnically Persians. Her picture is always used as an "Azeri" example.
        Persians and Hollywood

        A Google Blog


        • Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

          Nader Shah - The Leader of Khorasan - 1736-1749

          Khorasan with Nader Shah as the leader

          Persians and Hollywood

          A Google Blog


          • Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

            Originally posted by Armenian View Post
            Perhaps the greatest Aryan of all

            PS: or something waaaaaaaaaaay more sinister... maybe, just maybe, our Assloaner is the angry and vengeful soul of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the last Shah of glorious Aryan Persia, coming back to haunt them pesky hooked nosed Islamist Azeris that overthrew him...
            Mr. "Armenian" I suggest you put a sign on your head saying that you are "Jooo". That way everybody knows who you are.

            The Shah was half Turk. His son Reza Pahlavi is a typical Azeri Turk. You can check his picture.
            Persians and Hollywood

            A Google Blog


            • Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

              Originally posted by jgk3 View Post
              hmmm, didn't know Catherine Bell was Persian.

              Yes. I remember that you said that the other Persian singer that I posted is may be german too. This is very good point. You just confirmed Persians with Aryan origin look European because they are related to Europeans.

              Mr. "Armenian" talks about "big nose dark skin Persians" all the time. I am not sure what is he talking about. But I would be glad to see how those "Persians" look like. Mr. Armenian is welcome to post their pictures.
              Persians and Hollywood

              A Google Blog


              • Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

                Originally posted by oslonor View Post
                Parthian Faces

                stop posting Indo-Hellenic pics and telling that they are Persian, because they aren't. The helmet must say enough. Look at it it's clearly greek, and look at the side you'll see the royal Macedonian sun, used by Alexander and the kings of Macedon later on. and was even adopted in the nobility of the Indo-Hellenic kingdoms


                • Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

                  Originally posted by KarotheGreat View Post
                  stop posting Indo-Hellenic pics and telling that they are Persian, because they aren't. The helmet must say enough. Look at it it's clearly greek, and look at the side you'll see the royal Macedonian sun, used by Alexander and the kings of Macedon later on. and was even adopted in the nobility of the Indo-Hellenic kingdoms
                  I wonder if you are Armenian? You are not familiar with Parthians who played an important part in Armenias history. Parthians were urbanized Scythians who spoke Middle Persians and were influenced by both Persian and Greek Civilizations. I will post some pictures of Parthian villages in Caspian region. These villages are in Iran and they look Greek villages. The Persian Girl from Gilan has also parthian origin. Check her picture.

                  What is Indo-Helenic? How did Indian got involved???
                  Persians and Hollywood

                  A Google Blog


                  • Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

                    Originally posted by oslonor View Post
                    I wonder if you are Armenian? You are not familiar with Parthians who played an important part in Armenias history. Parthians were urbanized Scythians who spoke Middle Persians and were influenced by both Persian and Greek Civilizations. I will post some pictures of Parthian villages in Caspian region. These villages are in Iran and they look Greek villages. The Persian Girl from Gilan has also parthian origin. Check her picture.

                    What is Indo-Helenic? How did Indian got involved???
                    Ino hellinics are people from modern greece who after the death of Alexander lived in the parts of the empire that were the closest to India. They developed their own culture, not that different from Hellenic culture but there were diffrence. One example of such a kingdom is bactria and later one when the Saka tribes invaded India they also became a Indo-Hellinic kingdom.


                    • Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

                      Originally posted by KarotheGreat View Post
                      Ino hellinics are people from modern greece who after the death of Alexander lived in the parts of the empire that were the closest to India. They developed their own culture, not that different from Hellenic culture but there were diffrence. One example of such a kingdom is bactria and later one when the Saka tribes invaded India they also became a Indo-Hellinic kingdom.
                      Are you claiming Parthians were greek? Never heard of this claim before. You should understand Parthians or Scythians or Persians have nothing to do with greeks. Greeks are a meditarranean people in profile. Persians and Afghans such Nuristanis are nordic in profile. They are not the same people. Scythians have nothing to do with greeks except they might have adopted some cultural forms from greeks.

                      Greek influence in Bactria is more related to Parthians than to Greek presensce in Afghanistan. And Indians have nothing to do with this at all.

                      Nuristanis speak Dardic which is a proto-aryan language. Nothing to do with greeks. How did Sakas became Indo-Greek is a mystery for me????? Sakas invading india do not become greeks or indians. I have heard these theories and they usually have Pakistani origin. Pakistanis as usual trying to get into something always.
                      Last edited by oslonor; 10-01-2008, 01:07 PM.
                      Persians and Hollywood

                      A Google Blog

