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  • #11
    The solutions in white are still visible, and if you're as curious as I am, your eye naturally goes there and tries to get a peek at it.. lol


    • #12
      good job, take a bolt from each tire and use it for the one who doesnt have bolts, because all 3 tires can still function when missing one bolt.


      • #13
        Originally posted by whitelotus i happen to agree with crimson aka dikran.

        most of that crap is memorizing, like a freaking robot.
        being educated is not always being an intellectual.

        i know many people who do excellent in school, get high scores on intelligence tests but they are freaking idiots in life outside a book and test sheet.

        they cant solve simple problems in life, they cant grasp simple concepts or situations etc.

        let me give you an example/situation to solve:

        You get a flat tire and you have a spare in the trunck. You go get the tire out and try to change it. While attempting to change the tire, the bolts on the tire fall into a deep crack or crevice on the side of the road, you cant take it out, and you dont have anything to take them out with, you dont have a cell phone and you are miles away from anywhere where you can get help.

        what do you do ?

        a book worm wouldnt be able to figure out something this simple. heh. It took me less than 30 seconds to come up with a solution to the problem.

        there is a difference between book smart and street smart.
        not many people are quick, nor good at solving problems like this. There skills dont go past a scan tron :P
        I agree with you..and as much as I hate admitting it I am one of those people that have no common sense what so ever. I can study for hours, memorize what I need to know for the exam (I have photographic memory so it's easy for me), take the exam, ace the exam, get an A in the class but yet the entire time all I did was memorize the stuff, I never fully learned from it. I'm not saying that that is how I go through all of my classes, if I find the class interesting then yes I will truly learn and understand what the professor is teaching but if it's a class like Chemistry, I just take it to get it over with and move on with my life.

        I don't think I'll get anywhere in life, unless I plan to stay in school for the rest of my life, if I dont start actually understanding what I am being taught.

        Intelligence is not just an A on your exam, you have to mentally and logically understand what you are memorizing and what you are learning too. A person with a high school diploma can be more intelligent then a graduate student.


        • #14
          Originally posted by Inna ... take the exam, ace the exam, get an A in the class but yet the entire time all I did was memorize the stuff, I never fully learned from it...
          Just the fact that you figured out how to ACE a class shows intelligence. So don't sell yourself short. You just took advantage of your strengths and recognized your shortcomings. If you can apply the same things in other aspects of your life, you will do just fine.
          this post = teh win.


          • #15
            Originally posted by Seapahn Just the fact that you figured out how to ACE a class shows intelligence. So don't sell yourself short. You just took advantage of your strengths and recognized your shortcomings. If you can apply the same things in other aspects of your life, you will do just fine.
            thanks, I'm working on it, but my lack of common sense can often affect my mom was cooking something and when she went upstairs for a few minutes the food started to burn and when she came back downstairs she asked me if I smelt the burnt, I said "yes", and she asked me why I didn't turn it off, I said "you didn't tell me to, and how am I supposed to know that it's not supposed to smell like that"...<~~~dumb me, when does food ever smell like its been burnt half to death....luckily for me she came downstairs in time before we lost the entire kitchen. Maybe the rest of my college years and experience living on my own will teach me a thing or two about the real world


            • #16
              I can study for hours, memorize what I need to know for the exam (I have photographic memory so it's easy for me), take the exam, ace the exam, get an A in the class but yet the entire time all I did was memorize the stuff, I never fully learned from it.
              Oooo, I couldn't have said it any better. I agree!! And I have a GREAT photographic memory, I can even remember which side of the page a certain sentence was on, after having read it once... lol..

              But yeah, I don't consider myself intelligent per se because if I don't understand something, that's it, I don't understand it, there's no way out of it... No matter how hard I try.. So I think I believe in intelligence to a certain extent, and i also think that people can have different types of intelligence, hence Mozart might not have been able to understand computer science, and I might not be able to understand music... not to compare myself to Mozart lol... but you get the point ... i hope.


              • #17
                i usually stink on tests

                but i always come out of things being educated in the subject more then those who just memorized it well and did good on the test.

                atleast i will carry it into my life and use it.

                the others will forget it later and just not care about it

                oh well


                • #18
                  I find it very interesting that "pretending" that you REALLY do know a certain subject (whereas you've memorised it or whatever) and start explaining it to someone else helps a lot!!! I've actually felt that it makes me KNOW a lot.. wtf? lol.. I don't know.. Maybe I knew the stuff in advance anyway, but wasn't sure of myself? I don't know!! I do suck on tests. But usually, the tests I think I sucked at come back with good grades, and the opposite is also true.. at least in university. High school is different..


                  • #19
                    Let's not deviate from the intended point of the author, can intelligence be measured? Is intelligence valid? Moreover, let's not forget that intelligence is biological, i.e. hereditary. You don't become intelligent by choosing to or reading alot of books. It is innate. This is why less intelligent people breed more than intelligent people, i.e. dysgenic breeding. If intelligence is biological, then what is all this fuss about blaming "IQ" tests for being "racist".
                    Achkerov kute.


                    • #20
                      What if intelligence is environmental? You are assuming way too much, Anonymouse.

                      Btw, is ANYTHING not called racist these days..?

