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notes / comments

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  • Re: notes / comments

    Originally posted by arabaliozian View Post
    If the Armeno-Turkish conflict during World War I was a “war” which the Turks won, then it is up to them to have the nobility of character and generosity of spirit to admit that if in the heat of battle innocent civilians perished, they are willing to discuss the matter with their defeated adversaries and to negotiate terms with the benevolence that is becoming in a victor. Then and only then will they prove to the world that, as truly civilized people, they more than deserve to join the European Union and be seen as an integral part of the West.
    In your seventy plus years on earth this is the level of your 'understanding' of geopolitics? What a sad pathetic sack you are...

    Armenian writers? As you sit in your comfortable chair collecting welfare, two million Armenians in the homeland are struggling to make a living in a transitional period. What a wonderful "thinker" you are...

    You are the typical trash that the diaspora has been producing?

    Let's not give Ara Baliozian the satisfaction of thinking that he is one of our "writers" and/or "intellectuals." As far as an Armenian 'writer' is concerned, Ara is only worthy of being considered a 'mediocre' writer, at best. As far as 'intellect' is concerned, Ara is an intellectual midget. And as far as being an 'Armenian' is concerned, Ara is 'not' an Armenian. The aforementioned is the fundamental reasons why Ara has been rejected from the Armenian society. While Armenians adore, even worship, their poets and writers - Kaputikyan, Sevag, Charents, Isahakian, Tumanyan, Raffi, Emin - just to name a few, this "Ara Baliozian" character remains virtually nameless. And that is why we see his anger, his disgruntlement and his self-hate. In Ara's twisted mind, had he been an American, or a Canadian, or a westerner, he would have gained fame... However, since Ara writes for "Ottomanized Armenians" and "Gazetajis" he has gotten no where...

    This thread called "notes / comments" is essentially a depository of Ara's self-hate, egomania, delusion, hysteria and disgruntlement. As any self-respecting Armenian can see from his written crap, the depth of Ara's self-hate, delusion and ignorance is bottomless. I read Ara's rants just to observe firsthand the kind of psychological damage diasporan Armenian suffer from. In short: Ara's written crap is nothing but the 'brain-farts' of a self-hating egomaniac. There are Armenians who assimilate and disappear without a trace. And then there are assimilated ones like Ara... The problem with his kind, however, is that once they 'assimilate' they continue sticking around to give us 'advise.'

    If I was to describe Ara's literary work with one word it would undoubtedly be - GARBAGE

    Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


    Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


    • Re: notes / comments

      I am enormously wise and abysmally ignorant.

      Saroyan, William, My Heart's in the Highlands (1939)

      There is little pride in writers. They know they are human and shall some day die and be forgotten. Knowing all this a writer is gentle and kindly where another man is severe and unkind.

      Saroyan, William, The Declaration of War (1944)
      Between childhood, boyhood,
      & manhood (maturity) there
      should be sharp lines drawn w/
      Tests, deaths, feats, rites
      stories, songs & judgements

      - Morrison, Jim. Wilderness, vol. 1, p. 22


      • Re: notes / comments

        Sunday, January 13, 2008
        One reason we find it difficult to come to terms with reality is that our reality is grim. Hence our tendency to take refuge in propaganda, which is as real as a castle in the air. As an Armenian, the hardest thing for me to stomach was the fact that I came from a long line of people whose masters were Turks.
        If we like to brag about our celebrities it may be because, unlike us, they were successful in breaking their Ottoman mold and emerging as individuals who did not allow their past to shape their future. In Biblical terms, they ceased being pillars of salt and were born again as human beings.
        Nothing can be more misleading than to judge a nation by relying on the words of their politicians. And yet this is what the average Armenian and Turk do. To the average Turk, Armenians are “infidel bastards,” and Turks “the most civilized people on earth.” To the average Armenian, Turks are bloodthirsty savages who will never change their ways as Asiatic barbarians. It is now time that we abandon our respective brands of nationalist fundamentalism and allow the moderates to be heard. Let us follow the world’s example and learn to discriminate Germans from Hitler’s Nazis, and Turks from Talaat’s butchers.
        Monday, January 14, 2008
        Let’s suppose for the sake of argument that a future pro-Armenian Democratic administration in Washington convinces a moderate Turkish regime in Ankara to accede to all our financial and territorial demands. Will that be the end of the story or the beginning of another dark chapter?
        Here is what I suggest will happen: The moderate regime in Ankara will be toppled by a coalition of angry fundamentalists, ultra-nationalists, and displaced Turks and Kurds, and Armenia will become the target of terrorist attacks or even wars on three fronts: Azeris, Kurds, and Turks. In short, Armenia will become another Israel.
        That’s not all. To recover the money depleted on reparations, the not-so moderate and definitely not-so pro-Armenian regime in Ankara will tax the Armenians within Turkey, whose life will become so unbearable that they will emigrate to foreign lands – anywhere but Armenia, the source of all their troubles.
        Who will come to our aid this time? Who can? Only the Good Lord; and if we adopt the past as our guide, He has at no time shown an inclination to do so.
        To speak of actions and to ignore their backlash is the very same mistake our revolutionaries made at the turn of the last century. We are brought up to believe we are smart, but I suggest to follow the dictates of our gut and to ignore the warnings of our brain is just about the dumbest thing we can do.
        Let me conclude this excursion into science fiction with a quotation from Shahan Shahnour, who was born and raised in Istanbul and knew Turks better than all our present-day Turcocentric pundits combined: “We may think of Turks as backward slobs, but make no mistake about that: when it comes to Armenians, they can be very, very calculating and methodical.”
        There is an old saying: “When dreams come true they turn into nightmares,” and another about answered prayers, which I can’t remember at the moment…
        Tuesday, January 15, 2008
        It may not happen in our lifetime but sooner or later it will happen. No doubt about that. Africa will follow Europe’s example and realize that coexistence leading to union is better than endless internecine conflict, tribal wars, revolutions, counter-revolutions, coups, massacres, and genocide. Closer to home: what about the Middle East? Does anyone think people in the Middle East are so backward, bloodthirsty, fanatical, and irrational that they will opt for endless conflict? And if they do so, who will be the beneficiary? Does anyone think Turks will go on calling Armenians infidel bastards and Armenians will reciprocate by calling them Asiatic barbarians? How much more blood will have to be shed before political leaders in Africa and the Middle East realize that peace is better than war, coexistence and cooperation are more civilized than mutual hostility, and in the long run economic barriers and protectionism protect no one. Next time you think of Turks try to think of them less as past enemies and more as future friends. Think of them too as part Armenian because that’s what in fact they are. Turks and Armenians, Palestinians and Israelis, Syrians, Iraqis, Iranians, and Kurds: they will choose to follow either Europe’s or Africa’s example; and who in his right mind will say the morally superior and more progressive role model is Africa?
        All wars are blunders. No one wins a war. Consider the recent case of two mighty empires fighting and losing a war against two tribal nonentities – Vietnam in the case of the United States and Afghanistan in the case of the USSR. We like to say the Allies won World War I and World War II, and we would like to forget about the fate of Armenians and xxxs. What kind of victory is it when the innocent victims number in the million? This is clearly seen and understood by anyone with the minimum of common sense and decency, except some political leaders and our own ubiquitous Turcocentric pundits.
        Wednesday, January 16, 2008
        “The stranglehold of bureaucracy is becoming unbearable, the battle against corruption has yet to start. The authorities are not doing enough to fight organized crime.” That’s Gorbachev speaking of present conditions in Russia. If any one of our panchoonies (“Mi kich pogh oughargetsek”) were to speak like that, his sources of income would dry up.
        What does the average Armenian know about our millennial history beside the Genocide? My guess is, the names of a handful of kings, most of whom were not even Armenian, and Vartanants, which, according to some historians, never happened.
        Common sense and decency are not marketable products because everyone thinks he already has more than enough of both.
        Truth and politics are mutually exclusive concepts. The closer to the truth a politician gets, the more dupes he alienates.
        To be consistently positive about Armenians and consistently negative about Turks is the most effective way of undermining our credibility.


        • Re: notes / comments

          Thursday, January 17, 2008
          SMOKE & MIRRORS
          Nigoghos Sarafian (1905-1973): “Our history is a litany of lamentation, anxiety, horror, and massacre. Also deception and abysmal naiveté mixed with the smoke of incense and the sound of sacred chants.”
          In the Preface to his ANECDOTA or SECRET HISTORY, the Byzantine historian Procopius of Caesaria (500-565 AD) writes that, by exposing past blunders, historians warn future leaders not to repeat them in the hope their incompetence will never be exposed and their reputation will remain unblemished. If it weren’t for historians, he goes on, we would never have known about “the dissolute career of Semiramis and the frenzy of Sardanapalus and Nero…”
          Nothing comes more naturally to a blundering leader than to cover up his incompetence and to misrepresent his liabilities as assets, and his military defeats as moral victories. To this type of frauds parading as statesmen, and to their hirelings and dupes, honest observers will be branded as hostile witnesses and even enemy agents to be silenced, ostracized, and persecuted.
          If you listen carefully to our sermonizers, speechifiers, and dime-a-dozen pundits, you will notice that their central message is always the same, namely, we are in good hands -- our leaders have done nothing wrong – it’s all someone else’s fault – the West betrayed us and the Turks are bloodthirsty savages, thieves, rapists, and liars. Hitler blamed the xxxs. We blame the world, after which we expect its sympathy and support.
          After experiencing centuries of oppression and degradation under ruthless alien despots, we cling to the absurd notion that God is on our side, there is justice in this world, and sooner or later victory will be ours. All we have to do is trust the judgment of our bosses and bishops, and support them by sending “mi kich pogh.”
          Where there is leadership without accountability there will also be taxation without representation.
          Friday, January 18, 2008
          ************ ********* ********* ********* ********
          ************ ********* ******
          “I love mankind,” Baronian once said, “but I hate men.” Born and raised in the Ottoman Empire, Baronian was in an excellent position to know that men are either executioners or victims, masters or slaves (Hegel), exploiters or workers (Marx); and the secret ambition of all underdogs is to be top dogs, exploiters, masters, or executioners. He also knew that when victims cannot victimize their executioners, they victimize one another. Baronian did not live long enough to be victimized by Turks, but he was betrayed to the Turkish police and victimized by his fellow Armenians.
          We love literature but we hate writers. No, not quite. If truth be told, it’s much worse. We don’t give a damn about writers and what we really hate is free speech. And we hate free speech because it threatens to expose us as potential executioners not of our enemies but fellow Armenians who dare to disagree with us. I speak from experience.
          Like all nations we have our share of skinheads, philistines, and hooligans, with one difference: they are now our masters. Or, in the words of a wiser man than myself: “Once upon a time we were slaves. We are now slaves of former slaves.”
          To silence someone whose sole intent is to share his understanding of reality is to choose to be on the side of executioners, assassins, and some of the worst serial killers in the history of mankind – Hitler and Stalin being two recent cases in point.
          To our hooligans I say: For once, reality is against you because we live on a continent where free speech happens to be a fundamental human right. You have two options: get out or stop reading, or if you can’t give up reading, read only chauvinist crapola, partisan editorials, and our dime-a-dozen Turcocentric pundits. But if you insist on reading me, it may be because deep down somewhere – assuming such depths exist – you find truth irresistible. Either that or you are fed up with your own lies which are not even yours but that of our crème de la scum parading as our crème de la crème.
          Only people who can’t tell the difference between literature and propaganda assert truth is on their side. Only fanatics who can’t tell the difference between god and the devil dare to assert god is on their side.
          Saturday, January 19, 2008
          Hagop Baronian (1842-1891): “Truth is a language that if not spoken is forgotten.”
          Derenik Demirjian (1877-1956): “Every Armenian has another Armenian whom he considers his mortal enemy.”
          Shahan Shahnour (1904-1974): “For my generation of Armenians, the enemy is not the Turk but us.”
          The pen is mightier than the sword? Our writers and poets were Talaat's and Stalin’s first victims.
          “Writers are the architects of the soul,” one of our bosses once said to me and I believed him, until I read a similar statement by Stalin.
          We are all born dupes but inevitably we run across another dupe who stands in direct contradiction to us. At which point we wonder: How can anyone be so wrong and so sure of himself? What if he is right and I am wrong? What if we are both wrong? Why would anyone lie to us?
          We either believe our politicians or our writers. I am not saying all writers speak the truth and all politicians are compulsive and habitual liars. What I am suggesting is that, when it comes to lying, politicians are better at it because they have had more practice.
          I don’t write against Armenians. I write against charlatans and dupes. Only readers who can’t tell the difference between one and the other accuse me of being anti-Armenian.
          Shirvanzadeh (Alexander Movsessian: 1858-1935): “The narrow partisan propaganda line that is espoused by our press is the enemy of all literature.”
          Siamanto (Adom Yerjanian: 1878-1915): “Our perennial enemy – the enemy that will eventually destroy us – is not the Turks but our own complacent superficiality.”
          Hagop Garabents (Jack Karapetian: 1925-1996): “Once upon a time we fought and shed our blood for freedom. We are now afraid of free speech.”


          • Re: notes / comments

            Originally posted by AraBaliozian
            Did they have a choice?
            The Armenians on Hitler's side were volunteers.
            This is a gross generalization. Much of the Wehrmacht's Armenian Legion actually consisted of Armenian POWs from the Soviet side, and this contingent saved a lot of xxxs by pretending that xxxish POWs were Armenians, allowing many of them to escape.

            And sure there were a small number of Armenian volunteers for the Wehrmacht. It was either that or the POW camps, which, if you've read any of the accounts, were some of the worst places to find yourself. And you left out the important fact that when Hitler left for the eastern front, his Armenian Legion garrisoned in Amsterdam revolted against the Nazis and was replaced by a more loyal brigade.

            And you can find a small number of Wehrmacht volunteers and/or supporters from any European nationality. It just baffles me how you use this example, among many others, to imply that Armenians are somehow inherently fascist or racist, but the examples you use can be applied to any other group. You then use this selective logic to come up with statements like this:

            Originally posted by AraBaliozian
            Can two Armenians engage in dialogue?
            I have to see it to believe it.

            As for your implications which enable you to ask these kinds of questions (nothing wrong with asking questions, the podium is yours for as long as you like, but what you ask is reflective of what you want to know and from which perspective you want to approach the issue), I hope I don't have to dig up examples of how you imply that all Armenians are racist and are generally incapable of intellectual thought, while claiming that our very problem is that we are racist and incapable of intellectual thought. Hell of a way to prove a point. And no, I'm in no way affiliated with a political party nor am I a racist (just read some of my posts), I just think your perspective is self-destructive as it will keep you thinking in circles, which will make it impossible to move forward and actually do anything. Some of it is a good read, you seem like a well-read person, but in the end its just mental masturbation, as your abstract implications are not applicable to real situations**.

            **One of your implications is how the Armenian revolutionaries acted just before WWI, which the Turks used as an excuse to kill all Armenians. You imply it is the fault of the revolutionaries. You forget about the Hamidian massacres just a couple of decades prior to the revolutionary activity. Revolutionaries were essentially operating to prevent another Turkish massacre of Armenians. Building their own nation-state was one strategy in ensuring that Armenians cannot be at the mercy of Turks. This would only be possible by allying with foreign powers (it was a world war, afterall, and almost every revolution in history has outside support). If you have read the history of these events, you would know that it was a secret policy of the CUP to get rid of their Armenian population, regardless of what Armenians did, and they would look for any excuse to enact their genocidal policy. Ignorant people believed that the work of the Armenian revolutionaries was so sinister, even compared to the decades of Ottoman atrocities, that it naturally warranted a sharp, genocidal response from the Ottomans. So you choose to blame the people that actually got up and tried to protect their people from this oppression, while taking the blame off the actual culprits, who had a history of oppressing Armenians and who also had a premeditated plan to finish off what they started decades earlier (as a counterexample, Armenians resisted (by use of arms) the Russian Empire's decree to seize all Armenian church property in 1907, and the Armenians were successful and Russia did not commit a genocide of Armenians due to "revolutionary activity", so blaming Armenians for standing up to Ottoman oppression is just silly). Correct me if I've misunderstood you, but I only have your implications to go by as you mostly speak abstractly about history, and the few facts I have seen you use are inaccurate. I would appreciate it if you would make your ideas on the matter more clear.


            • Re: notes / comments

              Sunday, January 20, 2008
              Readers who disagree with me and engage in verbal abuse are not my enemies. They are enemies of free speech, and enemies of free speech are fascist bullies who have no place in civilized discourse for the simple reason that they are against discourse.
              I did not create free speech. Free speech has been around for a long time. So have been its opponents and victims, of course. Greeks, who 2500 years again disagreed with Socrates, also rejected the concept of free speech and dialogue by silencing him permanently. We have come a long way since then. Heidegger, one of the most influential philosophers of the 20th century, was also a Nazi, and as a Nazi he deserved the hangman’s noose. But he was left alone, probably because Americans, like Armenians, don’t think highly of philosophers because they favor philomorons, like Senator McCarthy, Kennedy’s “best and brightest” of Vietnam fame, Bush and his gang of neo-cons, and televangelists and their “moral majority.” As for Russians, our “Big Brothers”: they are worse. My guess is, Russians have silenced, exiled, and exterminated more intellectuals (including our own) than all other nations combined. Chekhov was right when he predicted that 20th-century Russia would be at the mercy of “crocodiles,” that, unlike their jungle counterparts, would engage in cannibalism.
              Monday, January 21, 2008
              THE LAMENT OF A WRITER
              “I am ashamed to call myself an Armenian,” Vahé Oshagan is reported to have said when one of his books was given a negative reception in our weeklies. Once upon a time I too identified myself with my fellow Armenians to such an unreasonable degree that I was embarrassed when any one of them behaved badly. I know now that Armenians, all Armenians without exception, are first and foremost individuals before being members of a tribe or nation; and as individuals, they should be judged as individuals. If an Armenian chooses to make an ass of himself in public, so be it, that is his choice, not mine or anyone else’s. If, as an individual he is free, so am I, and I freely choose not to be responsible for his actions.
              Only dumb people assess themselves as smart, believe in their own assessment, and brag about it. And it doesn’t take much to be a victim. It takes even less to wallow in victimhood. Now then, go ahead and say, I am proud to be an Armenian because I am smart and because I come from a long line of perennial victims who have harmed no one but themselves and one another.
              Whenever odars are given the opportunity or care enough to judge us, they will do so not by what we say about ourselves but our history; and no matter how you slice it, our history is a sad one, or, to put it more bluntly, it is nothing to brag about. If we have anything to brag about, it is our literature. But who reads Armenian writers these days? Not even Armenians. If Vahé Oshagan were alive today, I would tell him he has nothing to be ashamed of. After all, his book was read and reviewed by a handful of Armenians, which means, he was better off than most of our classics.
              Tuesday, January 22, 2008
              MEMO TO OUR PUNDITS
              Being popular by writing what the people want to read means pandering to the lowest common denominator, and as such it is to be avoided because it is the surest symptom of unprincipled mediocrity.
              To speak of massacres is to relive them, and to speak of Turks means to reassert them as our masters even if the assertion is made in a remote corner of our subconscious. Our aim ought to be recovering our humanity and with it our creative impetus, which will allow us to make contributions to the welfare of our fellow men regardless of race, color, and creed. Then and only then we may deserve universal support.
              Our writers are not our enemies, and yet this is how we have treated them. Being the offspring of victims does not justify us victimizing one another, especially those among us who dare to speak honestly and objectively about our failings. We all sympathize with victims, but if they insist on it day in day out, compassion fatigue may set it and sympathy may turn to annoyance and irritation.
              To our Turcocentric pundits I say, it is now time that you downsize your Turcocentrism and emphasize Armenianism by writing more about our present problems and contradictions, of which we have more than our share.
              Wednesday, January 23, 2008
              ************************************************** *******
              Diodorus of Sicily (first century B.C.), Greek historian: “Even the entirely fictitious legend of Hell is a mighty instrument for turning the hearts of men to righteousness and the fear of God. How much greater, therefore, must we conceive to be the potential ennobling influence upon character of History, the prophetess of truth and the wellspring of philosophy?”
              Nothing stays the same. Suppose in a future post-global warming and post-World War III America the Constitution is amended and the laws of taxation re-written, so that instead of collecting taxes from ethnic minorities, bureaucrats from the IRS visit homes and collect our children – boys for the army, and girls for “comfort,” that is, legalized prostitution. How long before we emigrate? It took us 600 years to get out of the Ottoman Empire and even then we had to be driven out at the point of a yataghan. Our pundits are unanimous in saying Turks are butchers, rapists, thieves, and liars. I wonder, why is it that it took us 600 years to figure that out? If my better-informed readers know the answer to that question, why is it that so far they have kept it to themselves? At least let us have the honesty to admit that we may not be as smart as we think we are, and our greatest deceivers have not been the Great Powers of the West but our own speechifiers and sermonizers parading as statesmen and pundits.
              Once upon a time we were free. Then we ceased to be free. We forgot what freedom meant. We had to be taught what freedom meant by the West, and we are still learning. Some day we may even begin to appreciate the value and importance of free speech.
              Samuel Butler (1835-1902), English author: “Life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusions from insufficient premises.”


              • Re: notes / comments

                Originally posted by ArmSurvival View Post
                This is a gross generalization. Much of the Wehrmacht's Armenian Legion actually consisted of Armenian POWs from the Soviet side, and this contingent saved a lot of xxxs by pretending that xxxish POWs were Armenians, allowing many of them to escape.

                And sure there were a small number of Armenian volunteers for the Wehrmacht. It was either that or the POW camps, which, if you've read any of the accounts, were some of the worst places to find yourself. And you left out the important fact that when Hitler left for the eastern front, his Armenian Legion garrisoned in Amsterdam revolted against the Nazis and was replaced by a more loyal brigade.

                And you can find a small number of Wehrmacht volunteers and/or supporters from any European nationality. It just baffles me how you use this example, among many others, to imply that Armenians are somehow inherently fascist or racist, but the examples you use can be applied to any other group. You then use this selective logic to come up with statements like this:

                As for your implications which enable you to ask these kinds of questions (nothing wrong with asking questions, the podium is yours for as long as you like, but what you ask is reflective of what you want to know and from which perspective you want to approach the issue), I hope I don't have to dig up examples of how you imply that all Armenians are racist and are generally incapable of intellectual thought, while claiming that our very problem is that we are racist and incapable of intellectual thought. Hell of a way to prove a point. And no, I'm in no way affiliated with a political party nor am I a racist (just read some of my posts), I just think your perspective is self-destructive as it will keep you thinking in circles, which will make it impossible to move forward and actually do anything. Some of it is a good read, you seem like a well-read person, but in the end its just mental masturbation, as your abstract implications are not applicable to real situations**.

                **One of your implications is how the Armenian revolutionaries acted just before WWI, which the Turks used as an excuse to kill all Armenians. You imply it is the fault of the revolutionaries. You forget about the Hamidian massacres just a couple of decades prior to the revolutionary activity. Revolutionaries were essentially operating to prevent another Turkish massacre of Armenians. Building their own nation-state was one strategy in ensuring that Armenians cannot be at the mercy of Turks. This would only be possible by allying with foreign powers (it was a world war, afterall, and almost every revolution in history has outside support). If you have read the history of these events, you would know that it was a secret policy of the CUP to get rid of their Armenian population, regardless of what Armenians did, and they would look for any excuse to enact their genocidal policy. Ignorant people believed that the work of the Armenian revolutionaries was so sinister, even compared to the decades of Ottoman atrocities, that it naturally warranted a sharp, genocidal response from the Ottomans. So you choose to blame the people that actually got up and tried to protect their people from this oppression, while taking the blame off the actual culprits, who had a history of oppressing Armenians and who also had a premeditated plan to finish off what they started decades earlier (as a counterexample, Armenians resisted (by use of arms) the Russian Empire's decree to seize all Armenian church property in 1907, and the Armenians were successful and Russia did not commit a genocide of Armenians due to "revolutionary activity", so blaming Armenians for standing up to Ottoman oppression is just silly). Correct me if I've misunderstood you, but I only have your implications to go by as you mostly speak abstractly about history, and the few facts I have seen you use are inaccurate. I would appreciate it if you would make your ideas on the matter more clear.
                what you say above is all propaganda.
                armenians were known as the most loyal millet. the turks had no reason to exterminate us at a time when they needed us most.

                yes, the american revolution had french help, but americans did not rely solely on the french. armenians relied too much on the great powers and ignored the fact that in politics promises mean lies.
                the french revolution not only did not rely on outside help but had a great deal of opposition -- all kings in europe were related and feared republicans i.e. of losing their heads to the guillotine.
                a revolution is or ought to be the most quintessentially self-reliant act.
                remember zarian's dictum: "Our political parties have been of no political use to us; their greatest enemy is free speech." and where there is no free speech, propaganda and lies proliferate.
                don't be a dupe!
                / ara


                • Re: notes / comments

                  Originally posted by AraBaliozian
                  what you say above is all propaganda.
                  armenians were known as the most loyal millet. the turks had no reason to exterminate us at a time when they needed us most.

                  Well its easy to make blanket statements like "what you say is all propaganda", but its going to be a little harder to convince a reasonable person to believe you. I'm not the one making gross generalizations, saying Armenians in the Wehrmacht were all volunteers, when most of them were in fact POWs from the Soviet side, and then using the same inaccurate fact to try to make a vague point about Armenian fascism. But I digress...

                  Of course the Turks had no reason to kill us, genocides are very destructive to any society as they drain manpower and skilled people from the general population. Any genocide is detrimental, even to the society that is committing them. But they killed over 200,000 Armenians starting in 1894, and that was not because there was "revolutionary activity" by the Armenians, so how do you explain that? Armenians simply urged for reforms, to make Armenians equal citizens under law, and the Ottoman Sultan gave them the sword.

                  And it is a fact that a radical wing of the CUP which took power in a 1913 coup had extermination of the Armenian population as part of their secret policy at some point in time (the evidence is the fact that the event actually took place by an official decree from the party, the Tehcir Law, so it is clearly an official policy). Their official excuse was that we aided the Russian counterattack against Ottoman forces, even though there were only about 5-6,000 Armenians fighting for the Russians (who numbered in the hundreds of thousands), most of which were from Russian Armenia. Propagandists, like the Young Turks, always have their own motives, and search for a casus belli (an excuse) to make people think that their radical policies are a necessity. But you choose to focus on the Young Turks' casus belli instead of the real conditions of the time, and blame Armenians for resisting the decades-long Ottoman oppression (you even acknowledged they were oppressed). So what was the alternative, they should have just laid down and let the Ottomans do as they please? Or do you actually believe that massacres would not have taken place if it were not for "Armenian revolutionary activity", even though they massacred Armenians 2 decades prior? More than any of my other comments, I would like to hear your ideas on this specific issue.

                  And I agree with your notion that the Armenian revolutionaries relied too much on outside help, but that stems from the fact that most Armenians did not support them in any way. Most Armenians complied with the general disarmament of the Armenian population and the Tehcir Law, putting their trust in the Ottomans that they would be returning to their homes as soon as the war was over.

                  Originally posted by AraBaliozian
                  yes, the american revolution had french help, but americans did not rely solely on the french. armenians relied too much on the great powers and ignored the fact that in politics promises mean lies.
                  the french revolution not only did not rely on outside help but had a great deal of opposition -- all kings in europe were related and feared republicans i.e. of losing their heads to the guillotine.
                  a revolution is or ought to be the most quintessentially self-reliant act.

                  You forget that the Americans had the Atlantic Ocean between themselves and the British homeland, while the Armenians had no buffer between themselves and the Turkish yoke in Anatolia and the Kurdish tribes working for them. Thats a huge logistical advantage for the Americans (war is all about supply lines). Coupled with the fact that tens of thousands of able-bodied Armenian men were fighting in the Ottoman army, and were subsequently killed off in labor battalions, the American revolutionaries had very distinct advantages over the Armenian revolutionaries, which is why the Armenians needed more outside help than the Americans did. The conditions were completely different, so to use the same standards for both cases is deceptive at worst and naive at best.


                  • Re: notes / comments

                    ArmSurvival, more you engage this character the nuttier he gets. And the funniest part is that he does not realize just how stupid and ignorant he sounds. Perhaps it's his age. I am glad, nonetheless, that the public can now see him for what he's really worth. By making the following two points, I will reveal to you that our resident "thinker" has a minuscule understanding of the world around him.

                    Number one: Most serious military historians agree, without the French Navy harassing and blocking-off the British navy in the Atlantic, the American revolutionary war would not have succeeded. What's more, European volunteers, such as the French general Lafayette and the Polish general Kosciusko, were instrumental in various decisive land battles against the British as well. Here is a link concerning the French factor during the American Revolution:

                    An excerpt from the link:

                    The French Navy's role in the success of the American Revolution is seldom acknowledged in general American histories. Yet it is difficult to see how American independence could have been won -- at least in that particular war -- against a regime that was the world's acknowledge leading naval power in terms of ship inventory and recent combat exploits. Certainly, the undisputed expert on the war, General Washington, appreciated the critical importance of naval presence in the North American theater. As long as the British navy could support their army's operations along the eastern coastline, the rebellion was doomed. The French naval success at the Second Battle of the Virginia Capes in September 1781 was ‘the keystone' of the Yorktown Campaign, and provides dramatic testimony of the French Navy's contribution to the American cause in that theater of operations. In all due respect to the modest Continental and American state navies, and to the spectacular performances of the American privateers, it was the Royal French Navy that was the only ‘standing navy' to serve the American army in terms of engaging British naval formations and supporting land operations in North America.
                    Number Two: Ara's foolish comment about Armenians depending on the great powers too much is completely irrational and it clearly reveals the "thinker's" utter ignorance and shallowness. Unlike the well organized north American revolutionaries who were living thousands of miles aways from the United Kingdom, Armenians were living as minorities in the very heartland of the Ottoman Empire. And faced with the threat of total annihilation and/or assimilation, Armenians at the time had absolutely nothing to wage a war of self-defense against Turks. As a result, Armenian nationalists had to greatly rely on foreign powers for assistance, military and diplomatic. However, the geopolitical insignificance of the Armenian nation lead to it getting betrayed by its "allies" at the end of the war. Having said that, Armenian reliance on Russia at the time initially payed great dividends. Soon after the outbreak of the First World War, a Russo-Armenian force entered the eastern regions of the Ottoman Empire from the Caucasus. This force defeated Turks on the battlefield and pushed them beyond Van. However, this Russo-Armenian military success soon turned into total failure. As we all know, Russia abandoned the war against the Ottomans due to the unexpected success of the Bolshevik revolution.

                    So, where the well organized north Americans got lucky with the successful presence of the French navy off the shores of the rebellious states - for various unforeseen geopolitical factors Armenian revolutionaries got abandoned by the major powers at the time. What's more, it is important to note that Armenian revolutionaries could not rely on a great majority of Ottoman Armenians for any kind of support. As a matter of fact, the ignorant/complacent/assimilated Armenians of the Ottoman Empire were at times a greater obstacle to the revolutionaries then were Turks. Nonetheless, our revolutionaries did what they had to do and they did so without widespread public support. It's only because of those selfless patriots we have an Armenian Republic today.

                    If you read between the lines of garbage men like Ara, you will soon realize that these egocentric vermin would have wanted to live as loyal Ottoman subjects and not strive to rid the Armenian nation of its Turkish yoke. This Ara character is a wonderful representative, a proud off-springs, of those Armenian whores known as "Loyal Millet" - who, in my opinion, were nothing more than vile Turks with a hint of Christian flavor.
                    Last edited by Armenian; 01-23-2008, 06:52 PM.
                    Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


                    Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


                    • Re: notes / comments

                      Thursday, January 24, 2008
                      Speaking of our revolutionaries, one of our elder statesmen once compared them to “frogs trying to rape an elephant.”
                      Save the nation? Part the Red Sea? Change water to wine? Raise the brain-dead? I leave these things to better men than myself. I write. That’s the only thing I do because that’s what all writers, including our own, have always done. I write to express my thoughts and sentiments as honestly and objectively as I can. Let others do what they will with them.
                      Where honesty and objectivity are equated with self-hatred and betrayal, free speech will be violated in the name of God and Country.
                      To say my country, right or wrong, is less nationalism and more narcissism, and as such, less ideology and more pathology.
                      Our pundits are more interested in settling old scores than in the welfare of the nation. Perhaps because, in Einstein’s words: “The problems that exist in the world today cannot be solved by the level of thinking that created them.” Or, frogs cannot solve problems created by elephants.
                      Instead of trying to solve problems created by others, let us begin with problems created by us, such as: respecting one another’s fundamental human right of free speech, engaging in dialogue, and developing a consensus. I wonder why is it that these problems are ignored by our “betters.” Is it because they don’t require any capital investment and no letters that end with their favorite mantra, “mi kich pogh…”
                      Friday, January 25, 2008
                      DEFINING FASCISM
                      ************************************************** ****
                      One reason why I write about our problems is that I don’t know much about Eskimo and Patagonian problems. As for Canadian problems: once, when I dared to say something on the subject, I was told to go back where I came from. That put an abrupt end to my career as a Canadian critic.
                      We are all born fascists. But whenever we confront another fascist unwilling to relinquish his infallibility, we are given a chance to reconsider our political convictions.
                      I once asked a Turcocentric pundit if he had read a single Armenian writers and he said he had not, after which he advised me to write more about Turkish atrocities. I didn’t ask him to define patriotism, but if I had, my guess is he would have said “hatred of Turks,” which may suggest there is more Ottomanism and less Armenianism in his worldview.
                      Bad things happen to good people because when bad people do bad things to bad people, they don’t give a damn about collateral damage. That’s how Turks see the Genocide – as collateral damage, which is something that happens in every war, beginning with Homer’s ILIAD.
                      We have a better chance to reach a consensus with the Turks if we tell them, we understand why they did what they did and we would like them to understand us when we say what they did was not right.
                      Our bosses, bishops, and benefactors are convinced they are saying what must be said and doing what must be done, and they resent usurpers like me who try to muscle in their territory.
                      It would be a mistake to underestimate the power of our hoodlums. They may seem to be a harmless and non-representative minority, but all they need to become a murderous majority is someone like Hitler and Stalin.
                      “Hoodlumism in the name of patriotism,” is as good a definition of fascism as any.
                      Saturday, January 26, 2008
                      ALIEN TRASH
                      You cannot tell people what to think and how to feel. You can only speak of your own thoughts and feelings and all the mud that is flung in your direction by dupes simply because you refuse to subscribe to their lies, which are not even theirs; or, as Zarian puts it: “even their trash is picked up from alien streets.”
                      I cannot adapt. I cannot change colors like a chameleon. Call it an evolutionary failure. My kind may well be headed for extinction. That doesn’t mean I will exit in silence.
                      To how many of my critics (if you will forgive the overstatement) I could say: When I was your age – and it makes no difference if you are nine or ninety – I too pretended to know and understand things that I didn’t, and succeeded only in making an ass of myself.
                      No man can be said to be an authority on his fellow men, let alone himself, because most of our real self is buried in our subconscious. We can only speak of unverified and unverifiable theories and guesses.
                      No need to contradict someone who lives in a world of illusions because reality will be his most effective and persistent contradictor.

