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notes / comments

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  • Re: notes / comments

    Monday, March 05, 2007
    For two years a best seller in the Arab world, the YACOUBIAN BUILDING by Alaa Al Aswany is now available in English. In a glowing review of this novel in the SPECTATOR I read that the building of the title is named after Hagop Yacoubian, “an Egyptian millionaire and doyen of Cairo’s Armenian community.” The building itself is described as “a ten-storey block of apartments in Suleiman Basha Street.” I would like to hear from anyone who may know more about this fellow countryman.
    To policeman, lawyers, and judges, the word murder does not have the same meaning as it does to the victims’ family. Something similar could be said of our Turcocentric pundits and the word genocide. In their writing the word is depersonalized and despoiled of its original meaning. It is almost as if our pundits were collaborating with denialists by minimizing the seriousness of the charge.
    To be effectively brainwashed means to be totally unaware of the fact.
    Paul Valéry: “A painter should not paint what he sees, but what will be seen.” I think of Gertrude Stein in her old age looking like Picasso’s portrait of her in her younger days; and of Marlon Brando studying Renaissance paintings for expressions and body postures.
    Victor Hugo: “Some people have libraries the way eunuchs have harems.”


    • Re: notes / comments

      Tuesday, March 06, 2007
      When two readers insulted me, a third moved in for the kill by saying: “If one man calls you an ass, you may ignore him. But if two men call you an ass, buy a saddle.” And I couldn’t help thinking: Behold a self-satisfied ass and compulsive liar who pretends to enjoy universal popularity just because his mother loves him.
      A good slogan that speaks to the gut is a hundred times more effective that a thousand irrefutable arguments that speak to the brain.
      One of Philip Larkin’s lines reads, “groping back to bed after a piss.” Now, that’s what I call real poetry. As for “the eternal snows of Mount Ararat,” Turks can have it.
      In the same way that bad things happen to good people, bad people happen to good ideas. The nobler the idea or ideology or belief system, the more repulsive perverts it will attract – from Christianity and the Inquisition to Marxism and Stalin.
      Denis Diderot: “You may ask me to search for the truth, but not to find it.”
      Bette Davis in her old age as quoted in Penelope Mortimer’s memoirs: “I haven’t had a f*** in ten years.”


      • Re: notes / comments

        Wednesday, March 07, 2007
        If he is a loudmouth imbecile and enjoys throwing his weight around, he must be an Armenian. Please note that I am talking about myself now, or rather, the way I am perceived by some of my readers who invariably ascribe my failings to my identity as an Armenian. The implication being, had I been a Patagonian or Hottentot, I would have none of these defects. So much for Armenian self-esteem…
        I once met a patriotic Armenian whose only source of wisdom was popular Turkish sayings. Which reminds me of Zarian’s observation, “even their filth is picked up from alien gutters.”
        In an undemocratic or pseudo-democratic state or community, the people are like fish in a tank: they think they are free because they can’t see the walls. Freedom, real freedom, is not to do this, that, or the other. Freedom means participation in power.
        Balzac: “There are two kinds of fools: speaking fools, and silent fools. The silent are more tolerable.”
        George Braque: “Truth exists. One can invent only lies.”


        • Re: notes / comments

          yesterday I met a man who condemned religion, politics and technology. He explained religion was a tool of politics, something that has no care for the people, and that technology is what it uses to kill us and hold our prospects of health in their hands.

          This is undeniable, but then I asked him... "What do we do?", and his answer was, "I'm just a crazy man..." (he mentioned that everyone calls him crazy because he actually tries to use his right to free speech).

          So now I ask you, is there an answer? Is there something to do other than to know what's dividing and killing us?

          I assume the answer lies in ourselves, but so many of us will never find it in our lifetime because we're either brainwashed, so thoroughly repressed or devoid of the health necessary to make changes. It's a terrible condition that perpetuates our suffering on Earth. It seems in the end we never learn our lesson, and you emphasize that this is especially so with Armenians, because we're so ready to defend our religion and whatever else we like to believe makes us wonderfully unique from the rest of the world.

          So in reality, you're dealing with the dark nature of human beings, and you like to discuss Armenians because they are probably an invaluable resource in discussing such a thing.

          I guess I'm just trying to understand what you're doing, using whatever applicable perspective I can manage to conjure up.


          • Re: notes / comments

            Hey Ara, do you have any idea why Armenia's Indymedia isn't working?


            • Re: notes / comments

              Thursday, March 08, 2007
              A jury of his peers has found Vice-President xxxx Cheney’s former chief of staff guilty of lying to the authorities. Nothing new in that. Vice presidents lie, presidents lie, the press lies, everybody lies. We deceive not only others but also ourselves. All power (political as well as religious) is based on a big lie. Nothing can be more naďve than to divide mankind into two and say, “Their side lies, ours does not.”
              We all have a dominant idea that colors and orients our thinking. Mine is self-deception – or the infinite strategies we adopt in order to appear better than we are. The big lie in political leadership is that the men at the top know better what’s good for the people; and when they declare war and lose it, they blame it on others. Hitler blamed the loss of World War I on xxxs, and the loss of World War II on his fellow Germans, because, he said, they had failed to live up to his vision. To this day Stalinists blame the collapse of the Soviet Union on dissidents like Solzhenitsyn. And we blame our genocide on the barbarism of the Turks, most of whom (very much like Sultan Abdulhamid II and Talaat) may have been part Armenian.
              In everything that is said, a great deal remains unsaid.
              A good answer is one that leads to at least two new questions.
              Alain: “To think is to say no.” (It follows; to say yes is to allow others to do your thinking for you.)
              Julien Green: “The oppressed console themselves by believing to be morally superior to their oppressors.”
              Henry de Montherlant: “In man, it is the butterfly that turns into a worm.”


              • Re: notes / comments

                Originally posted by jgk3
                yesterday I met a man who condemned religion, politics and technology. He explained religion was a tool of politics, something that has no care for the people, and that technology is what it uses to kill us and hold our prospects of health in their hands.

                This is undeniable, but then I asked him... "What do we do?", and his answer was, "I'm just a crazy man..." (he mentioned that everyone calls him crazy because he actually tries to use his right to free speech).

                So now I ask you, is there an answer? Is there something to do other than to know what's dividing and killing us?

                I assume the answer lies in ourselves, but so many of us will never find it in our lifetime because we're either brainwashed, so thoroughly repressed or devoid of the health necessary to make changes. It's a terrible condition that perpetuates our suffering on Earth. It seems in the end we never learn our lesson, and you emphasize that this is especially so with Armenians, because we're so ready to defend our religion and whatever else we like to believe makes us wonderfully unique from the rest of the world.

                So in reality, you're dealing with the dark nature of human beings, and you like to discuss Armenians because they are probably an invaluable resource in discussing such a thing.

                I guess I'm just trying to understand what you're doing, using whatever applicable perspective I can manage to conjure up.

                what i am doing is sharing my understanding.
                you may do what you wish with it.
                i don't have instant solutions to our problems.
                no one does.
                not even messiahs (assuming there are any).


                • Re: notes / comments

                  Originally posted by Կարմիր Բ
                  Hey Ara, do you have any idea why Armenia's Indymedia isn't working?
                  i plead nolo.
                  i don't even know what Indymedia is, sorry.


                  • Re: notes / comments

                    Friday, March 09, 2007
                    James Thurber: “You can fool too many of the people too much of the time.”
                    Jean Cocteau: “There is an ape and a parrot in all of us.”
                    A headline in our paper today reads: “Japan denies its wartime atrocities.” Sounds familiar?
                    In the article that follows we are informed that during World War II, Korean and Chinese girls as young as 14 were kidnapped by Japanese soldiers to work as sex slaves or “comfort women.”
                    Rings a bell?
                    My mother is fond of saying, “Even if guilt were made of the most expensive fur, no one would want to wear it.”
                    Control the flow of information and you control knowledge. Control knowledge and you shape the human mind. Where there is censorship there will be dupes.
                    In a totalitarian state people have as much freedom of thought as caged animals in a zoo, with one difference: the animals can see their iron bars.
                    The less you know, the more easily you are hoodwinked, flimflammed, and bamboozled. The ideal dupe is a total ignoramus.


                    • Re: notes / comments

                      Saturday, March 10, 2007
                      If I understand them correctly, they are the kind of people who feel more at home in the company of calculating machines and number rather than human beings and ideas.
                      AS FOR BOSSES
                      Given the choice between yes-men or conformists and people who think for themselves, they will invariably choose conformists. The ability to conform is a talent, like any other, and I don’t mind admitting, I have none of it.
                      TURKS AND ARMENIANS
                      “Armenians and Turks, Turks and Armenians,” I can imagine some readers thinking. “Man, am I getting tired of that sh**!” to which I can only say, “Welcome to the club.”
                      A NEW BOOK
                      IRENE NEMIROVSKY: HER LIFE AND WORK, by Jonathan Weiss (200 pages, Stanford University Press, 2007). An excellent biography of a remarkable French writer of xxxish descent who ended her short life in a German concentration camp during World War II. We are informed here that she disliked both xxxs and Armenians: a writer after my own heart, not because I love haters but because I find self-satisfied people arrogant, obnoxious, stupid, and unworthy of Planet Earth.
                      PEARLS BEFORE SWINE
                      Jean Giroudoux: “Plagiarism is at the root of all literatures, except the first which is unknown.”
                      Henri Michaux: “Anyone who does not contribute to my perfection: zero.”

