Eavesdropping is bad.... except when it's funny.
Overheard in New York, the website
Guy: He's just so irritatingly flamboyant. The first day of class I didn't want to sit in the front row. I was afraid he'd burst into flames.
--4 Train
Overheard by: Kaitlen
Guy: Lady, you got great legs.
Lady: I'm a lesbian!
Guy: Okay, you're a lesbian who got great legs.
Lady: Oh...well, thanks.
--57th & Park
Overheard by: Heather
Hot Girl: ...and then gonorrhea. Yeah, I think that's all I've had. Not as bad as I thought!
--Union Square Station
Overheard by: Greg
Boy#1: So what are you going to do? Go to gospel choir practice or go shopping?
Boy#2: The sales are this week. God...is...forever.
Boy#1: ...you may be going to Hell, but at least you'll look good going.
--East Village
Overheard by: michi-L
Girl #1: My friend Chandra thinks she's still a virgin because she's only had anal sex.
Girl #2: How do you know this girl?
Girl #1: She goes to my church.
--NY Public Library, 5th Ave & 42nd St.
Overheard by: Renee

Overheard in New York, the website
Guy: He's just so irritatingly flamboyant. The first day of class I didn't want to sit in the front row. I was afraid he'd burst into flames.
--4 Train
Overheard by: Kaitlen
Guy: Lady, you got great legs.
Lady: I'm a lesbian!
Guy: Okay, you're a lesbian who got great legs.
Lady: Oh...well, thanks.
--57th & Park
Overheard by: Heather
Hot Girl: ...and then gonorrhea. Yeah, I think that's all I've had. Not as bad as I thought!
--Union Square Station
Overheard by: Greg
Boy#1: So what are you going to do? Go to gospel choir practice or go shopping?
Boy#2: The sales are this week. God...is...forever.
Boy#1: ...you may be going to Hell, but at least you'll look good going.
--East Village
Overheard by: michi-L
Girl #1: My friend Chandra thinks she's still a virgin because she's only had anal sex.
Girl #2: How do you know this girl?
Girl #1: She goes to my church.
--NY Public Library, 5th Ave & 42nd St.
Overheard by: Renee