Originally posted by Lamb Boy
Its much more difficult (and stringent) to be an adoptive parent of any kind then you might imagine - we can't control (the sexual orientation - or much of anything concerning biological parentage and some gays do become parents naturally - but most that are being referred to here I think are those who adopt - either single or couples)...
Somehow I think its much more important to have loving caring parents or parent then any issue regarding their sexual orientation really. And almost anyone who goes through what they have to for adoption is a ver special person in this regard - parenting is full of great sacrifice all around. Additionally most adoptive parents are fairly well off financially and this often relates to educational level as well - so children of these parents really will tend to have quite a few advantages as compared to what many children who come into this world have to look foreward to. Again I don't see sexual orientation as really such a big issue - most hetero parents don't really talk that much about sex to their kids anyway - and I imagine that gay parents are likewise private about themselves and really don't know about what they might discuss or pass on. I do think however that children of gay parents are lokely to be brought up more accepting of diversity and differences among people - unlike the narrow minded bigotry I see in evidence among some of our frequent posters here who for some odd and unexplainable reason seem to think they are enlightened and or are more special - better - then others - etc. I would think that the children of almost any typical gay parents are likley to be brought up with much better values - much more likley to help them trun out to be a decent and respectable human being then what they might get if they were children of some of the narrow minded trunciated individuals seen in this very forum who think theysomehow have more to offer. Plus they likely cook better, have better fashion sense and have a better appreciation for the arts...
