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  • #11
    I agree with Ani, every girl I've been with or whatever has said I'm way too complicated, or was it way too krazy, one or the other. lol


    • #12
      This is why tradionalist and religious societies are advancing while secular ones are on the decline. While you're looking for your "soul mate" the Mormons in Utah, the Orthodox jews, and the Arabs are breeding like rabbits, pumping out future generations of morons while you're looking for bliss and getting divorced twice in the process...Maybe we should move this to the love and romance section..


      • #13
        Originally posted by dusken
        More useless stereotypes born from the idiocy of network television and the plants that watch it.
        Your offended?? wow, I didn't think anything could offend you

        I guess now you know how I felt about your "This Thread is Whatever Dusken Wants It to Be" thread


        • #14
          Originally posted by Inna
          Your offended?? wow, I didn't think anything could offend you

          I guess now you know how I felt about your "This Thread is Whatever Dusken Wants It to Be" thread

          I never said I was offended; I said it is baselessly stereotypic. Do not give yourself so much credit.

          I never suggested any gender stereotypes in any of my threads so I cannot say I know what you are talking about.


          • #15
            Originally posted by patlajan
            This is why tradionalist and religious societies are advancing while secular ones are on the decline. While you're looking for your "soul mate" the Mormons in Utah, the Orthodox jews, and the Arabs are breeding like rabbits, pumping out future generations of morons while you're looking for bliss and getting divorced twice in the process...Maybe we should move this to the love and romance section..
            Either side doesn't seem too positive. Or was it intentional? You can't just place both instances into glass jars and stick labels on them. Interestingly enough for each individual couple it seems to work out differently. I don't really think that some are really programmed to deny the essence of "the emotion" and just be willing to procreate. Individually everyone wants an ideal package, it's just the way they chose to obtain it within the brackets of cultural standards, and different results which follow. Secular ones are on decline? Let's not over dramatize, the world is always half and half, although pessimists prefer to see it otherwise.


            • #16
              Originally posted by anileve
              Either side doesn't seem too positive. Or was it intentional? You can't just place both instances into glass jars and stick labels on them. Interestingly enough for each individual couple it seems to work out differently. I don't really think that some are really programmed to deny the essence of "the emotion" and just be willing to procreate. Individually everyone wants an ideal package, it's just the way they chose to obtain it within the brackets of cultural standards, and different results which follow. Secular ones are on decline? Let's not over dramatize, the world is always half and half, although pessimists prefer to see it otherwise.
              The search for bliss on tap or "the ideal package" as you say has gotten out of hand in secular societies is my point. That is only bad news. The statistics show that on avarege the traditionalist societies I meantioned have more kids and western societies are having less than they used to. That is not open to interpretation.

              I'm not saying be with someone you are not happy with. But if you're never happy then you need to look at yourself.
              Last edited by patlajan; 04-26-2004, 11:14 AM.


              • #17
                On a contrary “the bliss on tap”, has always been there and I thank the liiird for that. For that is the only things which would otherwise separate us from animals. Procreating is certainly the main objective for some cultures but that only comes secondary to the ever-lasting search of someone who can fit the criteria of the package. Certain civilizations due to the environmental factors and geographical settings have procreated a lot more than others, which is again.. to be expected due to the circumstances. Some die out, some continue the bloodline, however no one wants to consider that the real purpose is to continue the generation if the spiritual factor is absent from mindless “fertilizing”. Some can combine both, others are fooled into believing that it will eventually form into the desired structure, while others believe in the initial connection and then the spreading of the roots. As a result once again, everyone is looking for “the ideal”, it’s those who deny it are going to end up eternally dissatisfied. We are not rabbits to plump out little creatures, and I doubt that anyone in their right mind would think otherwise.

                As for that feeling of unhappiness, searching for something which will fill the void is better then cheating yourself into believing that you must settle for the norm or the expected to preserve already overflowing life form.


                • #18
                  Originally posted by anileve
                  On a contrary “the bliss on tap”, has always been there and I thank the liiird for that. For that is the only things which would otherwise separate us from animals. Procreating is certainly the main objective for some cultures but that only comes secondary to the ever-lasting search of someone who can fit the criteria of the package. Certain civilizations due to the environmental factors and geographical settings have procreated a lot more than others, which is again.. to be expected due to the circumstances. Some die out, some continue the bloodline, however no one wants to consider that the real purpose is to continue the generation if the spiritual factor is absent from mindless “fertilizing”. Some can combine both, others are fooled into believing that it will eventually form into the desired structure, while others believe in the initial connection and then the spreading of the roots. As a result once again, everyone is looking for “the ideal”, it’s those who deny it are going to end up eternally dissatisfied. We are not rabbits to plump out little creatures, and I doubt that anyone in their right mind would think otherwise.

                  As for that feeling of unhappiness, searching for something which will fill the void is better then cheating yourself into believing that you must settle for the norm or the expected to preserve already overflowing life form.
                  Ok that meant absolutly nothing. You're talking about extremes and hypotheticals, and I'm talking about what's happening right under your nose. I'm not saying to mindlessly procreate, but what you're talking about is mindless searching for something that doesn't exist.
                  Last edited by patlajan; 04-26-2004, 11:46 AM.


                  • #19
                    Actually it's directly related. In fact I think you are blowing the whole thing out of proportion, and neglecting my reply entirely. I simply elaborated further and offered a larger picture which you seem to also want to flick away. You can't just look at the stem and draw conclusions; the root is where the explanation lies. And try to answer this please; has it ever been any different? The world always works in the same order nothing really changes in its entirety, same solution, different ingredients. What's happening under my nose has happened under my ancestor’s as well. It’s just for every new generation it always seems more dramatic.

                    You suggest that secular societies breed more intensely to preserve the nobility of the human civilization? Well if they do, it'll be all just the same with them diluting into "not-so secular" societies, quantity sometimes shifts quality. But I think the main objective here is that search for ideal you speak of, which causes bad news. Perhaps we should eliminate natural procreation and concentrate on reproduction labs where we can repopulate the world with Badrjans. If you ask me, that is what I would consider a true Apocalypse.


                    • #20
                      Originally posted by patlajan
                      I'm not saying to mindlessly procreate, but what you're talking about is mindless searching for something that doesn't exist.
                      I completely fail to understand the above. Please explain.

