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Ode to the Nice Guys

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  • #81
    Originally posted by Anonymouse
    Girls do gravitate towards guys who are jerks. The point is, girls like a holes. That is a law, tested and perfected time and time again. The more you treat a girl like crap the more she likes it. The less attention you pay to her the more she wants you. The more you put down her self esteem the more she likes you. Girls say "Oh I like nice guys" but it's just a front they pull for when the a hole treats them. Nice guys are there to listen, a holes are there to score.

    To the Genuine_Stud guy. If you want girls to stop treating you like a friend or like crap, you gotta treat them like crap. Girls don't like nice guys. Get over it. Never let a girls ego burst. Go to a bar, sit there, have a drink. Act like you're too hip for the room, like you got other shyt to do. I guarantee you chicks walk up to you and want to talk to you. Hey it's true women are attention hores. When she comes up to you, never compliment her, don't tell her she looks nice, or whatever. Keep it plain. Don't let her meet your friends or family or know where you live.

    To the rest of you who give this crappy advice for guys to be nice, that is hogwash. To any guy reading this. If you wanna score, get chicks, and not get treated as crap, you have to be the jerk, otherwise the women will be the jerk. That is the way it goes. On the other side of the issue, if being nice is your thing and you like relationships, then fine, be nice, but that isn't gonna get you laid or gonna get you respect from the ladies.
    Ok, so once in a while I disagree with you mousey, and I say as much. This time around, not only do I WHOLEHEARTEDLY disagree with you, I also think you're now a bit retarded only because you actually typed out that entire thing without realizing how compeltely stupid you sound. Or maybe you did, in which case thank you for the great joke. hahahahaha.

    Originally posted by Anonymouse
    The fact that the women in this thread don't like my answers and are perturbed by it is because they know it's true. The fact that they disagree is exactly why I'm right.
    Oh, WAIT! What was I thinking?! You ARE right, Mousy! Some girls DO in fact like the ass hole bad boy who is going to give them a bit of adventure. And OF COURSE you guys want these girls who would gravitiate towards you if you treat them like sheit, as these are ALSO the same girls who will get down on their knees for you soon after and then spread their legs a little bit after that. No coaxing needed on your part. Perhaps you can get some reality show to then sell off the baby you, oopsy, have by mistake.

    It's all good though. I mean someone has to hook up with all the ready willing and able girls out there so that when time comes for girls who actually have a shred of self respect to pick the nice guy, we'll know where to turn.

    p.s. In case you missed that, it would be to the non-ass-hole.
    The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald


    • #82
      I stand by what I said. Don't take it all personal. All you girls thus far have been uber touchy.
      Achkerov kute.


      • #83
        Originally posted by Anonymouse
        I stand by what I said. Don't take it all personal. All you girls thus far have been uber touchy.
        You stand by what you said eh? Funny, I think by whatever you've said so far some females would classify you as an 'a hole' for the time being. I don't think any one in here wants to jump your bones yet, nor has your post made you any more attractive. (In the case that I am wrong will any girl who is now MORE attracted to mousy please say so?)

        So I think my dear that either you are wrong or I was right and luckily none of the girls in here are the kind who would flock to the prick.
        The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald


        • #84
          Originally posted by ckBejug
          You stand by what you said eh? Funny, I think by whatever you've said so far some females would classify you as an 'a hole' for the time being. I don't think any one in here wants to jump your bones yet, nor has your post made you any more attractive. (In the case that I am wrong will any girl who is now MORE attracted to mousy please say so?)

          So I think my dear that either you are wrong or I was right and luckily none of the girls in here are the kind who would flock to the prick.
          What I have said is mine, and nor do I expect any females here to jump on me, nor did I ask for it. Judging by the lack of femininity displayed by the females, I myself wouldn't be too quick to jump on them either. The fact that all these females are riled at my views only indicates their rightness.
          Achkerov kute.


          • #85
            Arman, get off that high horse of yours. Remove your mask and let the truth be known, you are a darn romantic and there is nothing you wouldn't do for the woman who captures your heart. Even if it means humbleness, which you are resisting so passionately. When you fall in love get back to us.


            • #86
              Originally posted by Anonymouse
              What I have said is mine, and nor do I expect any females here to jump on me, nor did I ask for it. Judging by the lack of femininity displayed by the females, I myself wouldn't be too quick to jump on them either. The fact that all these females are riled at my views only indicates their rightness.
              Lack of femininity displayed by the females? What exactly is a lack of femininity, by your definition?

              Oh, riiight, I forgot. You think to be feminine is to have no opinion of one's own and to not be smarter than you and to exude the definition of what a man stuck in the last century would expect of a girl. Right?

              And if you think someone disagreeing with you further proves that you are indeed correct, well then I guess you haven't spent much time debating things and/or talking to people with points of view different than your own. The fact that one or more people might disagree with you is not proof that you are indeed correct. Come up with a stronger argument than 'I'm right because you got riled up by what I said and disagreed with me.' We got beyond that kind of I'm right-no I'm right form of arguing after the second grade.
              The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald


              • #87
                Originally posted by anileve
                Arman, get off that high horse of yours. Remove your mask and let the truth be known, you are a darn romantic and there is nothing you wouldn't do for the woman who captures your heart. Even if it means humbleness, which you are resisting so passionately. When you fall in love get back to us.
                I would do anything for the woman who captures my heart, but she must meet my requirements, and I have already listed what those are, too much if you ask me.
                Achkerov kute.


                • #88
                  Originally posted by ckBejug
                  Lack of femininity displayed by the females? What exactly is a lack of femininity, by your definition?

                  Oh, riiight, I forgot. You think to be feminine is to have no opinion of one's own and to not be smarter than you and to exude the definition of what a man stuck in the last century would expect of a girl. Right?
                  That is false. I never said that. One can still have opinions, be developed, intelligent, yet be feminine, "hez" or "kanatsi" and "noorp". It's a certain essence that if a female lacks then it makes all the difference.
                  Achkerov kute.


                  • #89
                    Originally posted by Anonymouse
                    I would do anything for the woman who captures my heart, but she must meet my requirements, and I have already listed what those are, too much if you ask me.
                    Hahaha, you said "requirements", as if she's a car or a computer or admissions criteria.


                    • #90
                      Originally posted by sSsflamesSs
                      Hahaha, you said "requirements", as if she's a car or a computer or admissions criteria.
                      Yes, she is, and I expect to meet her requirements.
                      Achkerov kute.

