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  • #11
    Originally posted by hyebruin
    just when i think i've read it all...omg...this is just too funny..i mean i see what your'e saying..but the lack of finesse and the raw manner of expression is beyond words...thanks dan i needed that laugh ayayayayyyyyyy
    I suggest you go back to your "ooooo mommy, he said something racist" shelter.

    I just thought about the possibility of him being black because of the way he has typed his nickname, very typical of rapper style. Hope I'm wrong.


    • #12
      nLuvWitArmo, when you meet your girlfriend's parents.........SUCK UP. lol. OK, maybe not suck up, but be very nice to them and make them like you. I'm not going to lie to you and say that her family won't look at you all funny or weird, but if you impress them, they might be fine with you dating their daughter. Hope I'm not scaring you with this, but just impress the family. Perhaps show some interest in Armenian culture or music or news. Wish ya all the best.

      Not if you move to another state and never see the family.
      I don't think Armenian parents tolerate that.

      Just like Emil said, a lot of times when you marry someone, you marry their family because a lot of times the family needs to aprove of the marriage or the couple being together and well, there's nLuvWitArmo's problem. Every problem has a solution...right?

      Originally posted by Darorinag
      ...he has typed his nickname, very typical of rapper style.
      It's called slang.
      I see...


      • #13
        It's called slang.
        Slang? You mean "wit" is slang? Armo might be slang, but wit is clearly rapper style, unless there was a character limit for usernames... anyway...

        I don't think Armenian parents tolerate that.
        Oh yea? And what are they gonna do? Put a gun to her head and force her to come back? The worst thing they can do is cut all relations with her. And if you love the guy and know it's what you want, who gives a damn!!!


        • #14
          Originally posted by loseyourname
          If you genuinely care about their daughter and you are a capable man who has something to add to her life, they should eventually succumb to reason and realize that she has it a lot better than most girls her age, regardless of your ethnicity.
          AAAAHAHAHAHAHA! Man, you really don't know Armenians, do you, Adam? Hell, in the chat room, I got called a Turk because I said I can't see myself dating an Armenian girl. My parents wouldn't let me date at ALL through high school, because we live in "white land" (I KNOW Armenians are white, too, but you know what I mean, damn it!), and we weren't allowed to go out with anything other than Armenians. I mean, I love my nationality and all, but to say that Armenians take the ethnocentric thing too far is a severe understatement.

          Here's your only shot, nLuv. #1. As was suggested, suck up. But not OVERLY nice. They'll get suspicious of that, too, and call your bluff. #2. Make sure you treat her extra good in front of the parents. They'll be looking for any excuse they can get to point out that you're a "bad guy". #3. Also as mentioned, show interest in the culture. Throw out questions, do some research, etc. But do it CASUALLY. Don't make anything you do, or say look to fake and make it obvious that you're trying to impress them. You want them to be under the impression that this is how you naturally are, no show. #4. Good luck!


          • #15
            Damn right Dan. Fight for your right like the Beastie Boys and fight the power like Public Enemy.


            • #16
              Originally posted by Darorinag
              Slang? You mean "wit" is slang? Armo might be slang, but wit is clearly rapper style, unless there was a character limit for usernames...
              "Wit" is becoming a slang or perhaps already is a slang a lot of people say it. Just how some people talk.

              Originally posted by Darorinag
              Oh yea? And what are they gonna do? Put a gun to her head and force her to come back? The worst thing they can do is cut all relations with her. And if you love the guy and know it's what you want, who gives a damn!!!
              Don't tell me this! Tell the parents that. lol.
              I see...


              • #17
                dan are you still a teenager? you sure sound like one... feisty feisty like a girl don't scratch me now with your claws i have soft sensitive skin...


                • #18
                  HAHAHA man you guys are good... i just got done reading your responses to her! Well i have 1 more day until my destiny, no matter what her parents think her and i will still be together, we love eachother too much. And by the way i am not black, but i got a good laugh outta that one... why? because her older sister dates a black guy!!! and as you can already see how worried i am for being "white".. imagine what they must put this black guy through.. she should be a god to her parents after her older sister brought home some black guy! dammit they should worship me!

                  and there is a limit to how long your username can be! thats why the "wit" and "luv" is in there.. its not ganster its slang!


                  • #19
                    because her older sister dates a black guy!!
                    Don't worry, the sister's bf won't go through all the pain you're going through... Armenians LOVE black guys. I'm sure the parents have no problems with THAT. I'd say lame, but I'll refrain from commenting for now... Ahhh, the ideal parents!! Allowing their daughter to date a black guy, but having problems with the other daughter dating a white (albeit non-Armenian) guy?!?


                    • #20
                      Originally posted by Crimson Glow
                      AAAAHAHAHAHAHA! Man, you really don't know Armenians, do you, Adam? Hell, in the chat room, I got called a Turk because I said I can't see myself dating an Armenian girl. My parents wouldn't let me date at ALL through high school, because we live in "white land" (I KNOW Armenians are white, too, but you know what I mean, damn it!), and we weren't allowed to go out with anything other than Armenians. I mean, I love my nationality and all, but to say that Armenians take the ethnocentric thing too far is a severe understatement.
                      Ayayay, back to this topic again? Adam is NOT wrong. A lot of Armenians are very happy to see their children/friends/relatives HAPPY, and if someone non-Armenian makes them happy, then that's that. My parents are really REALLY strict about a lot of things but I am SOVERYGLAD that they are progressive in the thought that I will eventually be living MY life with whoever I fall in love with and requirements/limits should NOT be set such as 'you can only go out with someone who is Armenian.'

                      I know there is this whole preserving the culture thing but if you are going out with someone who emraces/loves your culture because it is such a big part of you, why should it matter if he's/she's not Armenian? I know some white guys who actually went so far as to LEARN Armenian so that the parents of the Armenian girls they were dating would be more welcoming to them. I think that unless a parent REALLY gets strong negative feelings towards a person, they shouldn't judge him/her based only on the fact that he/she is not Armenian!

                      Anyway nluvwitArmo I wish you the best of luck. I think you'll find that once you break the tension with the parents by letting them see how well you treat their daughter, things should get better with time. I agree though with what Lose said, you seem to be too infatuated with eachother and it's no doubt the distance and the tension surrounding everything could have clouded your judgement as to how much you guys are actually in love. I hope for your sake that once the tension, etc passes this will be a healthy, not crying all the time relationship.
                      Last edited by ckBejug; 05-02-2004, 10:06 AM.
                      The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald

