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Lets get married!!! Lets wait.

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  • #61
    Originally posted by sSsflamesSs
    If her happiness does not matter to the parents, I say phuck 'em. She'd be an idiot not to realize this. If the parents' happiness regarding their daughter depends on anything OTHER than HER happiness, then they are obviously messed up upstairs. And if they DO disown her, so what? I suppose getting abused by a controlling monster of a husband is better?
    Not an idiot. She just doesn't know. She was just brought up a certain way and doesn't even understand the options that we see. Completely agree with you on,
    If the parents' happiness regarding their daughter depends on anything OTHER than HER happiness, then they are obviously messed up upstairs.
    Originally posted by angelik22
    okie one question- why would her parents disown her? i cant get it through my thick head-- when i think of disowning i think of the reason being something like getting wit hsomeone whose of another race, or because their gay - not that i have anything against those two things, but its weird that parents might disown their children because they dont marry who the parents want them to marry--- i dunno maybe i havent been exposed to that kind of mentality, but i just dont get it-
    Well, we already understand that her parents are very old fashioned and believe in arranged marriages so their daughter going against them is as huge as those other scenarios you mentioned. Hey, I don't get it eather because the whole idea is CRAZY to me, but for them, our views on it are CRAZY. Different upbringings.
    I see...


    • #62
      Originally posted by SagGal
      The girl might have been forced to marry the guy or she might have been brainwashed by her parents and her family to marry. Surely she could have argued her parents about it, but we don't know the girl. She might have been a goody goody who listens to her parents' every word and obeys their every command.

      In my case, I think I did right when my parents forced me not to be with a guy. Even though they told me at the begining of every conversation that the decision is mine, but "we dont want him. Move on"!!!!!! It's tough having armenian family, b/c either or other way they have to give thier "OK" if u have someone in your life.


      • #63
        Originally posted by fIReBuRntInHeLL
        1). Stud TRUE! but was the girl's fault too. If she really loved u she should stay with u, but she is the materialistic daughter of her parents.
        2).I have to say this: the "bad" mixture always is on the surface, when u look down the surface all the good things are around.
        3).I always believe that there is more than one soulmate.
        4).Money for most non-educated people is the bottom line.
        5).What the neighbors think is the most important.
        6).Life goes on.
        7).One day unexpectedly a nice person will be your partner in life.
        8).I'm such a philosopher
        9). I am a SAGITTARIAN.

        Thanks for the kind words fire. Your list is very true. Ehhh... what can I do. That girl wanted her parent's happiness and didn't look to her own feelings about the situation... but hey..... it's all a learning experience for life. Life moves on, you just have to move on with it at times.


        • #64
          Sometimes the situation is that we cant decide what to do. I can feel what that girl felt. It's the question that ur parents tell u " choose!!! either us or him". So obviously she was scared that she would lose her family and she chose them.


          • #65
            its is not in my hands...

            I cannot say what is the right age for marriage, and in fact I do not believe there is such an age.... What I mean by this is the only important factors that must be aknowledged before marrying are these:

            1> Do you truley love this individual? Can you devote your entire self to him/her and ALWAYS remain true?

            2> Are you finacialy capable of such an act?

