That's brilliant, Archetype8 (aka Ryan?). So your suggestion for improving the way our men treat our women is to ignore or deny what we know? Hmmm...sounds very.....Turkish. Until faults are admitted, you can't go about improving yourself, or attempting to eliminate them all together. I can see you're getting all defensive because, you being an Armenian male, you feel that her comments are almost a personal attack. Thus, you came back with talk about how sl*ty Armenian girls are, which, by the way, has nothing to do with married men with kids cheating on their wives. Though I concur I've read quite a bit myself about how Armenian skanks thinking Mexicans and blacks are the hottest thing on Earth, and find it disgusting, it doesn't belong in this thread. This still doesn't eradicate the perception (through PERSONAL experience, not hearsay) that faithfull Armenian husbands are as common as albino African Americans. Hopefully, that trend is changing for the better, realizing that..."American"... wives don't tolerate that sort of crap. Unless he's filthy rich, of course. Then he can do whatever .... or whoever he wants, as long as she gets that fur coat and Mercedes AMG.
Hyejinx, what is it that you want to say? Spill it. Hey, I'm in the same boat (....well, sorta'. I do have an advantage since no one here has heard of Armenians, and wouldn't have any predetermined perceptions in mind). We have an uphill battle, unfortunately, due to our predecessors. I didn't say it's right or fair, but I'm not going to sugar coat what I witness and know of, either, just because it's "offensive to our nationality". Of course every nationality has cheating husbands, but what I'm getting at with Armenians is that, while the women don't like it, they believe they just sort of "have to live with it". Oh, and I'm not letting the women off the hook, either. It's your job, ladies, to make it clear that such behavior is intolerable. When you let men continue to get away with such actions, you're only encouraging them to think they have the power to do so. Drop him like a heat seeking missle on a Baghdad hotel, and stop worrying about the abuse that may follow because you "defied an Armenian husband". This is America. If a guy so much as raises a hand in a threatening gesture, you can send his ass to jail, so take advantage of this and .....DO IT!
Hyejinx, what is it that you want to say? Spill it. Hey, I'm in the same boat (....well, sorta'. I do have an advantage since no one here has heard of Armenians, and wouldn't have any predetermined perceptions in mind). We have an uphill battle, unfortunately, due to our predecessors. I didn't say it's right or fair, but I'm not going to sugar coat what I witness and know of, either, just because it's "offensive to our nationality". Of course every nationality has cheating husbands, but what I'm getting at with Armenians is that, while the women don't like it, they believe they just sort of "have to live with it". Oh, and I'm not letting the women off the hook, either. It's your job, ladies, to make it clear that such behavior is intolerable. When you let men continue to get away with such actions, you're only encouraging them to think they have the power to do so. Drop him like a heat seeking missle on a Baghdad hotel, and stop worrying about the abuse that may follow because you "defied an Armenian husband". This is America. If a guy so much as raises a hand in a threatening gesture, you can send his ass to jail, so take advantage of this and .....DO IT!