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my bf is leaving me

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  • #51
    Originally posted by Margi
    Hi everyone, I was wondering if someone could help me. my first boyfriend made me have sex with him and told me that he was going to marry me. i believed him and was all happy with him until my parents told me that i couldnt be with him. they wouldnt let me see him. so i broke up with him. after a year i met someone and loved him like crazy. he loved me too. we've been together for a year now. and he found out what happened between me and my ex. after 6 months of knowing it he is telling me that he cant except the fact that i had sex with him and he is basically leaving me. i love him so much that i'll do anything in the world for him. how can i get him back. i mean he understood it at first but than he is telling me now that he wants a virgin girl. i want him back, please tell how to.
    Margi, you don't need a person like this. Why don't you ask him if he's a virgin.You're better off without him. And bravo to you for being honest. He should commend your honesty and embrace it.

    Anyways, he sounds like the overly-jealous and possesive type. This type of person can be detrimental to your mental health as well as your relationship. He has alot of learning to do. How old is this guy?


    • #52
      he is nineteen.


      • #53
        I think I'm going to be SICK! First of all, it is VERY possible for someone to "make" you have sex..maybe not against your will, but against your beliefs. When you are "in love", especially at 16, you feel as though you will NEVER find anyone else. It's as if he's the only one for you. It's very emotional and strong. We sometimes call this "puppy love", but it's very serious. Prime example: Romeo & Juliet. I know it's just a story, but OMG is it true!!! At such a young age, you will do anything stupid to be with that person. Imagine being in love and having the guy promise you he's going to marry you and all that bullshiiit that guys feed girls these days. Don't judge her unless you've been where she is.

        As far as her wanting the guy back: YOU, MISS, ARE IN A TOTAL DAZE if you think he's going to be a good man for you. He will be a bad b/f, terrible husband, and an even more disgusting father. Why would you want someone who isn't able to let go of his STUPID pride for love? Imagine if you have a daughter with him, and your daughter ends up in the situation you are in....he would probably disown her. What a retard! I wish I could say more, but I dont' have time to sit here and get upset over this...and this is making me upset.


        • #54
          Originally posted by Margi
          Everyone, i was only 16 when the whole thing happened with my ex. and i'm 19 now. he took me out yesterday, and he treated me like crap. He told me that the only people that will want to ever be in a relationship with me are gonna be either parskahays (Persian armenians ) or berutahays. I love him so much. i feel like i'm never gonna fall in love again. how shall i get over him. please someone tell me how i can get over him. he made it clear to me last night that he knows 99% that we're not gonna be together. and one more thing he gets so wierd when another guy looks at me. he feels like its my fault that they are looking at me. is he jealous or what? help me please someone what shall i do?
          Margi jan, this guy is a moron. Obvisouly he is one of those insecure guys who counts on what the other guys would say about him if he stays with a non-virgin girl. Second, whats wrong with parskahye or perutahye guys. Are they less man who are with non-virgin nice girls!Third, u r only 19 years old, u better enjoy ur life instead of staying with a stuck up guy. Still have plenty of time to meet decent guy. U dont need a non-educated moron to treat u like u dont desreve anything. Move on.


          • #55
            Originally posted by Margi
            Everyone, i was only 16 when the whole thing happened with my ex. and i'm 19 now. he took me out yesterday, and he treated me like crap. He told me that the only people that will want to ever be in a relationship with me are gonna be either parskahays (Persian armenians ) or berutahays. I love him so much. i feel like i'm never gonna fall in love again. how shall i get over him. please someone tell me how i can get over him. he made it clear to me last night that he knows 99% that we're not gonna be together. and one more thing he gets so wierd when another guy looks at me. he feels like its my fault that they are looking at me. is he jealous or what? help me please someone what shall i do?
            A long time ago I was once like this boy that you are so in love with now, it took me 6 months to realise that I was brain washed by the society that brought me up and I eventually came to terms with the idea that the person I loved made her choices that she was going to live with, irrespective of whether she felt guilty or comfortable. This person that you want back needs to deal with his issues first before he can commit to the past of another person. At 19 you need to fall in love more than once before you find your true love.

            Now - my comments are sincere as I have given your words the benefit of the doubt, however, there is something about what you say that seems to belong more in an acting academy (I hope I am wrong) than the real world, you are far too steriotypical in the characters you are talking about -- it does not feel sincere. Answer this simple question - is it all true or are you judging our reactions?


            • #56
              I just want to thank all of you who gave me advice. i am starting to realize that if this isn't accepting me now, he is never gonna get over it and accept me ever. i was going through so much and all you people helped me A LOTTTTTTTT. The thing is , he is telling me that we are still gonna be friends and he said something like he is gonna come to my wedding when i get married. i dont get it what is he trying to do? not letting me get over him? and then two days ago, he took me out and was being so nice to me. he was like i want to get back with you, but i need to spend less time with you so i can get over you. it is soo hard. i see him all the time in school and i try to forget him but its impossible because he is always there. the thing is he hurt me by saying things like only a parskahay would ever want to marry you. nothing is wrong with parskahays, they are more open minded thats it. but the way he said it was like, who would want to be with you after what you did! he hurt me so much that i dont even feel like spending time with him anymore. but than when i dont i feel lonely


              • #57
                Originally posted by HalfArmo
                A long time ago I was once like this boy that you are so in love with now, it took me 6 months to realise that I was brain washed by the society that brought me up and I eventually came to terms with the idea that the person I loved made her choices that she was going to live with, irrespective of whether she felt guilty or comfortable. This person that you want back needs to deal with his issues first before he can commit to the past of another person. At 19 you need to fall in love more than once before you find your true love.

                Now - my comments are sincere as I have given your words the benefit of the doubt, however, there is something about what you say that seems to belong more in an acting academy (I hope I am wrong) than the real world, you are far too steriotypical in the characters you are talking about -- it does not feel sincere. Answer this simple question - is it all true or are you judging our reactions?

                It is true. honest to GOD


                • #58
                  Originally posted by Margi
                  It is true. honest to GOD
                  I am sorry I doubted you.

                  He feels betrayed, but not by you, but by the voices in his head. His upbringing is old school, that is obvious. He is full of rage and anger but doesn't know where to place it, you are the easy target, but in his confussion his mood swings will alwasy be unpredictable. He wanted and needed your purity and at 19 he thought your virtue was intact, his assumption was also based on you being Armenian.

                  His heart is heavy and know this - he actually lost sleep over the news. He hurt you, because he is blaming you for his pain, you can be big enough to forgive him that weakness. His pain and confusion is something you cannot help him with, it is a battle that he will overcome, but you cannot help him fight it. Everytime he sees you he will be reminded of his pain. Time will heal him as it will heal you and if you get back together again you will both be wiser and richer for it.

                  Try to convince him to come on this forum, we will try to help him through it.


                  • #59
                    Originally posted by HalfArmo

                    Try to convince him to come on this forum, we will try to help him through it.

                    Im sorry this was the funniest thign iv ever heard HAHAHAHA.. THIS!? forum will fix him? LMAO!!! uhumm.. ok.. ok.. shall we continue...
                    How do you hurt a masochist?
                    -By leaving him alone.Forever.


                    • #60
                      This forum has the most disfunctional people I have ever known. Lol, I dont think coming here will help anything.

