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Are You Currently In A Relationship?

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  • Re: Are You Currently In A Relationship?

    Guy #1: Total loser. I HATE people that are rude to waiters.

    Guy #2: I mean come on ... demanding to pay is basically our modern day version of the bigger monkey slapping the xxxx out of the little monkies in the monkey tribe to establish hierarchy. But there is a fine line between it being a nice social gesture vs a completely rediculous macho fronting behavior.

    Guy #3: LOL
    this post = teh win.


    • Re: Are You Currently In A Relationship?

      Originally posted by Sip
      Guy #1: Total loser. I HATE people that are rude to waiters.

      Guy #2: I mean come on ... demanding to pay is basically our modern day version of the bigger monkey slapping the xxxx out of the little monkies in the monkey tribe to establish hierarchy. But there is a fine line between it being a nice social gesture vs a completely rediculous macho fronting behavior.

      Guy #3: LOL
      LOL. Yes, I thought the same.
      #1, Jerk. Not only was he very rude, but he seemed to create an absurd and crazy reason to be rude. (Plus, if someone treats a waiter this way, how would he treat a girlfriend?)
      #2, That was only a sample of the things he did that added up to 'no way.'
      #3, I really think that guy intentionally had me call that number to make his girlfriend jealous. That guy pissed me off on so many levels.

      The BIGGEST nightmares I’ve had on dates have been things that had nothing to do with my date, but rather my ex-husband. He tried to sabotage my dates. I have no time for that crap, either, but that's hard to avoid. He told me he was ‘messing up my dates, like I did with his.” What he is talking about is the ‘date’ he was on, that ‘I ruined,’ WHILE we were married. One night, I called my (then) husband’s cell wondering why he was late. A woman answered it while he was in another room. I asked for him and she asked me, “Who is this.” I said, “I’m his wife.” The girl (his girlfriend) got really upset and started yelling at him and apologizing to me. Poor girl. I told her it wasn’t her fault. He’s a con man. I had zero tolerance for infidelity and dishonesty in marriage. He knew that. I divorced him.

      I always leave my plans and a phone number with my roommate so that I could be reached for an emergency. My ex once called my house and asked where I was. My roommate told him ...(duh!?) AND also gave him the number (my date’s number) to reach me. My ex then called the number and said a bunch of crazy and terrible things. When I confronted my ex about the call, he told me, “You messed up my date so I did the same.” So he was bitter about how ‘I ruined’ his affair. ?

      He has, on more than one occasion, found out that I have a date and backed out of having our child at his house. He would cancel at the last minute (so that I then must also cancel my date.) I’ve learned to set up a backup babysitter in case he ever pulls that. Once a date picked me up at my house and we were waiting for my ex to pick up my child. When my ex arrived he said in front of us, “You’re going out with this loser? You can do better.” I felt terrible and mostly spent the date apologizing to him about my ex’s behavior.

      It is hard enough to find someone who I am interested in spending time with… (plus someone who doesn’t mind ‘dating’ a single mom). Add the mean ex to the equation and dating becomes very stressful. I think my ex is insane, though I remain amicable with him for our child’s sake. Thank goodness he now has a fiancée and seems to have lost much interest in revenge and jealousy about my personal life! I’m glad that the ex-husband crap seems to have subsided, because that layer of nonsense made dating, and my life in general, very difficult.

      Relatively speaking, One-way, your date sounds more than ok, to me.
      Last edited by Anahita; 03-18-2006, 01:03 PM.


      • Re: Are You Currently In A Relationship?

        Wow. After reading all that, that's really horrible. You're ex-husband sounds like an IDIOT. He's mad at your for ruining his affair, so now he's trying to ruin your dates? Lol, what the hell..?


        • Re: Are You Currently In A Relationship?

          Originally posted by One-Way
          Wow. After reading all that, that's really horrible. You're ex-husband sounds like an IDIOT. He's mad at your for ruining his affair, so now he's trying to ruin your dates? Lol, what the hell..?
          He's a smart, cunning jerk much of the time. He uses his intelligence to compensate for his very low emotional (and moral) IQ. He is smart enough to know how to act 'dumb,' when it benefits him. He knows exactly what he is doing. I am smart enough to see, and now forsee, his chess moves. Good for me I catch on quick and I'm smarter than him. But, still, this nonsense still makes me cry.
          Last edited by Anahita; 03-18-2006, 05:07 PM.


          • Re: Are You Currently In A Relationship?



            • Re: Are You Currently In A Relationship?

              Having a date wait with you while your ex-hustband comes to pick up your child is definitely not a good way to start a date..


              • Re: Are You Currently In A Relationship?

                Originally posted by ddd
                Having a date wait with you while your ex-hustband comes to pick up your child is definitely not a good way to start a date..


                • Re: Are You Currently In A Relationship?

                  Originally posted by Anahita
                  So why did you do it? Surely you could have met up with your date later, or even told him you'd call when ready (if your ex didn't give you an exact time on when he'll pick up the child).


                  • Re: Are You Currently In A Relationship?

                    My ex didn't show up when he was supposed to show.


                    • Re: Are You Currently In A Relationship?

                      Psycho Ex's............ Yea know a few like that unfortunately. At least he is out of your life now (well dating life that is).

                      Oh my gosh your date examples. WOW. I thought weird people were only in australia hehehe.

                      Have you ever done an fake emergency phone call to get out of a really bad date??

                      I went out with this guy once (after months and months of him harrassing me) (maybe that was a good sign not to go out with him at all hehehe. Anyways, the Date went something like this. Wrong from the first min I saw him.

                      1. First he didn't want to drive ( and I didn't want to get taxis etc) I drove, so I picked him up. (0 points)
                      2. Once we got to the bar, he didn't wait for me, he walked ahead of me. (-200 points)
                      3. at the bar he bought the drinks (+100 points)
                      4. while at the bar, I went to the bathroom, when I got back to where we were he was talking to the DJ. didn't acknowledge that I was back, he had his back turned on me talking to the DJ (- 200000 points)
                      5. went to a movie which I had already seen a week prior (he knew about it yet insisted on seing that movie) (-3000)
                      6. got us VIP seats at the cinema ( at this stage he is not gaining any points)
                      7. trying to get me drunk at the movies (-9872785078575275 points)
                      8. when leaving the movies suggesting we go to some motel (need I say more?)

                      Yet he had the hide to call me a week later saying lets go out, and a month after that I saw him at this club and ignored him, he got upset that I was ignoring him.

                      hope this made you feel better.

