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Mod commentary

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  • #11
    Re: Mod commentary

    Originally posted by Mos View Post
    Threads/discussions always diverge. That's just the nature of human conversation.
    However, there is a difference in an existing thread forking into a new direction, and posters who start new threads containing completely off-topic material and posting it the wrong forum sections to satisfy their own perverse aims.
    Plenipotentiary meow!


    • #12
      Re: Mod commentary

      Originally posted by Mos View Post
      biased mods usually signify the downfall of a forum. That's the worst thing for a forum.
      Unless, of course, they are biased toward you - then they are wonderful and demonstrating their maturity and patriotism.
      Plenipotentiary meow!


      • #13
        Re: Mod commentary

        Originally posted by KarotheGreat View Post
        So where have the moderators of this forum been biased?
        Well, I'm still wondering who changed the title of my "red line around Netanyahu" thread to "ride line around Netanyahu" in the intellectual lounge message board.
        Between childhood, boyhood,
        & manhood (maturity) there
        should be sharp lines drawn w/
        Tests, deaths, feats, rites
        stories, songs & judgements

        - Morrison, Jim. Wilderness, vol. 1, p. 22


        • #14
          Re: Mod commentary

          Originally posted by Mher View Post
          Great job of showing your intellect and maturity by attacking someone based on their background and doing the biggest thing one can do to hurt the Armenian cause: by dividing us. There is one thing I have been wanting to ask a lot of the people on this forum who consider it a treason to question anything in Armenia: If you think everything is so well in Armenia, why don't you move their right now? Yeah that's right, because life is much better where you are. Yeah people there should be patient, calm, reasonable and love their country, AND LIVE IN CONDITIONS WHICH YOU DON'T LIVE IN. Am I right? If you are such a patriot, why don't you make the sacrifice now? Why don't you give up your comfortable life in imperialist zionist world destroying west and move to Armenia or even all mighty Russia. Why don't you stop waiting for an imaginary perfect future that will never come when Armenia is good enough to meet your standards before you move? Yeah visit once a year, have a Kotayk in front of the Opera, and go back to your lives, and consider yourself a true Armenian. Maybe what you don't hear about is what happens after you leave, when the sunshine turns into snow, when the money from tourism is gone, when in parts of the country the little business that exists shuts down six months a year cause of the cold, and people have to wonder how they have to pay for their kids education or their kids cloths.

          And in case you never saw Armenia in the 90's, people didn't "run away from the chaos". Every time I would visit my Hayrenadarts relatives from Iran in the 90's I would see my relatives hungry, living on nothing, relatives having no way to feed their kids. So, don't make it seem like its people leaving Spain or Italy today cause things got a little rough. It
          was people having to leave because they couldn't watch their kids go hungry.
          Bravo, Mher..Bravo!!!
          Between childhood, boyhood,
          & manhood (maturity) there
          should be sharp lines drawn w/
          Tests, deaths, feats, rites
          stories, songs & judgements

          - Morrison, Jim. Wilderness, vol. 1, p. 22


          • #15
            Re: Mod commentary

            @ Tomservo

            First, I don't think I was talking to you bro. Second, you most probably come from a family that hailed the Ottoman empire in its day ehvallah, ehvsalla! Turkqler chok guzel, chok guzel LOL! Get my point bro? But you are right, I should close my eyes and allow criminals in Washington to piss on the world and on Armenia only because I gots myself a job and en edumakation here in Amerika! Bro grow up. I am not talking about age you probably old I am talking about intellekt and wisdom.

            @ Mher

            Was I talking to you? Read what I write to Tomservo it about you also bro. Yeah bro, there are lost of problems in Armenia just like there are lost of problems in America and all the world. But you know what Armenia's problems today are less than Americas problems for most of Americas history. Get what Im sayin bro? Probably not. Keep pushing your nasty American stuff on my newborn Armenia and you will destroy the country. To me people like you are more dangerous to Armenia than Turqs.

            @ Freakyfreaky

            Bro do us all a favor run off to post some music in the music thread. LOL!

            @ Bellthecat

            I don't talk to animals LOL!

            PS: A word to the mod here. Keep doing what you are doing and all you will be moderating over is a dead forum LOL! Its already comatose. Oh and dont blame facebook because every time I visit here you have more than 100 visitors but 1-2 maybe 3 real posters? You know whats up with that people coming dont like the management. Even I was reading this blog for a long time but I don't post nothing much because I dont like the way you keep this place. Keep it up you are doing great job!!!!


            • #16
              Re: Mod commentary

              Originally posted by freakyfreaky View Post
              Well, I'm still wondering who changed the title of my "red line around Netanyahu" thread to "ride line around Netanyahu" in the intellectual lounge message board.
              Changed that for you, if there are things like that just contact a moderator or you can even do it yourself.


              • #17
                Re: Mod commentary

                How come Mos is banned? Talk about biased this is getting real funky around here. Hang one patriot at a time!


                • #18
                  Re: Mod commentary

                  Originally posted by mos View Post
                  ......... People should have the freedom to post what they want.

                  what ????
                  Politics is not about the pursuit of morality nor what's right or wrong
                  Its about self interest at personal and national level often at odds with the above.
                  Great politicians pursue the National interest and small politicians personal interests


                  • #19
                    Re: Mod commentary

                    Originally posted by Vahram View Post
                    How come Mos is banned? Talk about biased this is getting real funky around here. Hang one patriot at a time!
                    Տարոսը քեզի։


                    • #20
                      Re: Mod commentary

                      Great job of showing your intellect and maturity by attacking someone based on their background and doing the biggest thing one can do to hurt the Armenian cause: by dividing us
                      Wow spoken like a man with true unity in mind. Perhaps you have lost touch with reality in constantly avoiding the problems that Armenia is facing, from a blockade to an active war. Ss we can't afford stupid disruptions that's exactly what the toorks are waiting for. You stand there with your ultra liberal view and are party to this destruction you speak of. How about we take stock of reality on the ground? How about we look at the problems we are facing from a realistic point of view? Of course we can't because you refuse to even consider the basics, instead you are off to la la land.

                      There is one thing I have been wanting to ask a lot of the people on this forum who consider it a treason to question anything in Armenia
                      Benedict Arnold spoke of himself as a patriot, that did not stop him from treason. Perhaps you might not have the intent, but action speak louder then words. Ever think about a single moment of weakness and watch what will happen to you under the toorks grip. As is you are under blockade, why don't you spend a little time reflecting on that, I see you never pay any attention to that! At least the blockade is coming from your true enemy!

                      If you think everything is so well in Armenia, why don't you move their right now? Yeah that's right, because life is much better where you are.
                      Spoken by a man 7,000 miles away himself...LOL

                      Yeah people there should be patient, calm, reasonable and love their country, AND LIVE IN CONDITIONS WHICH YOU DON'T LIVE IN. Am I right? If you are such a patriot, why don't you make the sacrifice now? Why don't you give up your comfortable life in imperialist zionist world destroying west and move to Armenia or even all mighty Russia.
                      They seem to be calm, and reasonable there is no protests. But of course that is exactly what you want them to do from 7,000 miles away yourself. See the problem is a reasonable approach and your voice is not one of reason, if it were it would not be easy to counter your very own words against you! Think about that!

                      Why don't you stop waiting for an imaginary perfect future that will never come when Armenia is good enough to meet your standards before you move?
                      There is an imaginary Neo liberal fantasy world that you live in. Fact of the matter is that you can't even land a airplane in NKR without some filthy toork shooting it down. This is the reality on the ground! Wake up man from 7,000 miles away. So why are you not moving? With such hefty words why don't you show us the way? Hmmm

                      Yeah visit once a year, have a Kotayk in front of the Opera, and go back to your lives, and consider yourself a true Armenian.
                      Shrug, sure beats sitting on your arse 7,000 miles away huffing a lot, not minding his extreme unrealistic views. However very quick to point his finger at someone else that does not take his point of view. All this while his first word in the thread was about unity!

                      And in case you never saw Armenia in the 90's,
                      Your point is about the 90? I mean right after the earthquake? Is that when you are referring too? How about the disaster of the Soviet economic system collapsing, with central heating systems no longer able to work is that what you are talking about? how about the war and blockade any of these matter in the equation of yours? No! Never have mention it once! You seen the hunger but not the destruction from the quake? This is not objective, this is extreme myopia at its best!

                      For what its worth, I think Karo has a very moderate voice, that is very much suited for a moderator. I think its just the fact that this forum has moved to far to the extreme on one side, that the moderate looks like the radical.
                      Never one to shy away from extremist views of course you would like Karo. After all he deletes the posts of your rivals and this is OK with you, this for a Neo Liberal is considered ok. God forbid a patriot speaks!

                      And what of Mos? What happened to one of our brothers? Why is he banned? Again this is ok with you? Or should you come together with your brothers for a change? What happened to Mos we kicked an Armenian out and had the Ballz to talk about UNIT?

                      Ever take a moment to reflect on reality you let me know!
                      Last edited by Vahram; 02-08-2013, 10:12 PM.

