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Armenia and the information war

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  • Re: Armenia and the information war

    Baku does not stop short even at “killing” a child to discredit Armenia
    March 9, 2011 - 21:03 AMT 17:03 GMT
    PanARMENIAN.Net - In its aspiration to discredit Armenia, Azerbaijan sometimes goes beyond all the limits.

    Most likely, Azerbaijan has grasped that the daily reports that the Armenian side allegedly “again violated the ceasefire” on the background of permanent Azerbaijani firing of the Armenian positions can only evoke a smile. Thus, Baku decided to give a free range to fancy and disseminated “information on killing of an Azerbaijani child by the Armenian armed forces.”

    Meanwhile, the NKR Defense Army made a correct comment - the reports of various Azerbaijani sources are controversial. Some of them state that the killed boy was eight; others speak about resident of Orta-Karvend settlement Farid Badalov, a ten-year-old boy, while some media reported that a teenager was killed.

    Azerbaijani journalists could coordinate their work in releasing similar misinformation.

    It is evident that Baku tries to distract the world community’s attention from the situation, in which Azerbaijan occurred by firing the Armenian positions several hours prior to the meeting of the Armenian, Russian and Azerbaijani Presidents in Sochi. And NKR serviceman Grigor Shakhkyan (born in 1991) was killed in the firing.

    However, according to Spokesman of the Armenian Defense Minister David Karapetyan, “the authors of the Azerbaijani misinformation should conceive that similar third-rate steps will not convince the world community. They ought to be ashamed of manipulating child’s life.”

    Leaving aside the matter of shame and conscience, Azerbaijan should listen to another appeal of the OSCE Minsk Group on non-violation of ceasefire, instead of conducting an anti-Armenian propaganda that is too thin, forgetting about all human and ethic norms.


    • Re: Armenia and the information war

      Even behind revolutions planned inside the country Azerbaijan sees Armenia
      March 10, 2011 - 20:10 AMT 16:10 GMT
      PanARMENIAN.Net - The wave of revolutions in Arab states has engulfed Azerbaijan, activating those dissatisfied with the country’s ruling regime.

      Specifically, a mass rally was scheduled for March 11, with appeals to participate circulated throughout the web. Azeri authorities, concerned over the recent trend, decided to undertake preventive measures, resorting to arrests of youth activists. Over the last month, 3 activists were arrested, with 2 more detained by March 10.

      Moreover, according to earlier reports of Yeni Musavat newspaper, Azerbaijani forces are gathering in Baku, which is explained by the local authorities’ serious concern over the possibility of riots. Recently, Baku servicemen were not allowed leaves of absence.

      Ironically enough, some in Azerbaijan accuse .. Armenia of triggering protest rallies. The executive secretary of Yeni Azerbaijan ruling party Ali Ahmedov urged Azerbaijani youth against “yielding to Armenia-supported appeals to participate in anti-governmental rallies.”

      The situation leads to one of two conclusions: either Azerbaijan cannot embrace the reality, and Aliyev will start a war in Karabakh to save face; or the country is looking for an additional reason to unleash a war. Whichever reason it is, the war will clearly be lost by Azerbaijani army which, while lacking fighting capacity, sets its hopes for huge quantities of weapon purchased and manufactured. Still, there’s one thing Baku’s forgetting: weapon is a mere metal without an efficient army.


      • Re: Armenia and the information war

        Video about friends of armenia:

        Մեկ Ազգ, Մեկ Մշակույթ
        "Western Assimilation is the greatest threat to the Armenian nation since the Armenian Genocide."


        • Re: Armenia and the information war

          Azerbaijanis take the information war to Canada, read here :


          • Re: Armenia and the information war

            Today, Armenians begin a revolution in Azerbaijan
            A satirical pamphlet

            Interestingly, knows whether the ordinary citizens of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, why so shamelessly steals led by the republic? Or why the rich Azerbaijan salary of school teachers is less than $ 125? And in the "poor and hungry of Armenia" is many times more. Or why a good half of Azerbaijan's mired in hopeless poverty, and in the armed forces almost daily killing fellow soldiers? If you do not know what I say to him: to blame the Armenians. No, not the Armenians who live in the Armenian states, but just those that are hidden under Azerbaijani surnames living in Azerbaijan and destroy from within the republic.

            Armenians in Azerbaijan, much, much more than they can imagine the ordinary and hungry Caucasian Turks, in search of sustenance sending daughters and wives' work in brothels. Armenians in Azerbaijan more than defrauded shareholders, depositors affected by the floods, and just refugees. And even more than the left Azerbaijan and yutyaschihsya under the roofs of the Russian markets fortunate.

            Armenians living in Azerbaijan, carrying out the task of all Armenians, purposefully degrade the social status of the population, encourage corruption and bribery, and contribute to the ruling clique with impunity to rob citizens of the republic, in a word, slowly and surely it's ramshackle state. Armenians in Azerbaijan have created an intolerable atmosphere for life, depriving millions of people work, have corrupted the seven million people, contribute to their becoming a blue and pink gays and lesbians, which reduced the birth rate in the country by 72 percent. Not content with this, the Armenians took up the publication in Azerbaijan totally ignorant of textbooks, brought the medical institutions of Azerbaijan to the state of running stables of the village Garasu Hajigabul district. Armenians in Azerbaijan are selling the meat fell, are imported into the Republic of counterfeit, hazardous drugs, provoking widespread disease, flooding the state with mice, snakes, locusts. Armenians in Azerbaijan arrange snowfalls in winter, spring floods and droughts in summer.

            Now after all these destructive actions, the Armenians decided that the lower classes in Azerbaijan are ripe, and the top is completely rotted. And that means it's time for a social revolt and revolution, which resulted in power in Azerbaijan is completely into the hands of Armenians. To this end, the Armenians provoked social revolts in Arab countries that for the hungry and angry citizens of the Azerbaijan Republic was the signal for mutiny and rebellion. In turn, the rotten tops of Azerbaijan are doing their best to distract public attention from the revolution and to direct the anger of the masses against the Armenians abroad. For this purpose, they have been killed and immediately buried the boy near the border with Nagorno-Karabakh, then raised his universal lament about the "foul murders" by the Armenians. At the same time they refuse to investigate and exhumation of hastily buried corpses. Apparently aware that the wound from being hit with an ax is different from a gunshot wound. For, if anyone knows, village Orta Gerevend hid from the earthen wall of fire, and is located on the borders of NKR at a distance of about a kilometer.

            Nevertheless, two reasons can hinder effective move, it would seem, is deeply thought out and well prepared for the revolution. The first is the foresight and shrewdness Transcaucasian Turk, executive secretary of the ruling party United Republic of Azerbaijan Party (YAP), Ali Akhmedov, a second ... a betrayal of the Armenian, the rector of Baku State University, Abel Maharramov.

            Ali Akhmedov, who called the Caucasian Turks "not to succumb to the Armenians supported calls for anti-government action" could be understood (although we have yet to get to the origins of his shrewdness). Man seeks to retain his lucrative post, allowing him almost on a par with the Armenians to rob the people of Azerbaijan. Quite another matter - Abel Maharramov.

            Frankly, the Armenians have invested a lot of manpower and resources to Abel Maharramov, despite his Armenian Christian name, led a major university in Azerbaijan (experienced politicians know how important for the State Student Youth). After six and a half years later, in October 2005, Countryman was born in the region of Armenia Amasiya Abel, former Azerbaijani Ambassador to Iran Aliyar Safarli, hiding behind a pseudonym Etibar Amasiyaly, published in the newspaper Boyuk Millet revelatory story "Rector-Armenian". Armenians of Baku consulted and decided to sue the newspaper, resulting in the chief editor of "Boyuk Millet Samir Adygezalov was a year sent to jail, and Abel was rehabilitated in the eyes of students and the general public. The judge of Nizami district of Baku Tamilla Nasrullayeva condemned Samira on articles 147.2 (libel) and 148 (insult), which was to discourage other citizens of Azerbaijan hunt to identify the Armenians.

            Everything has been thought to hide the genocide. Now, if someone would call an Armenian Armenian, but can not prove their accusations, direct the course of walking into prison. And suddenly, at the critical moment, just before been so carefully prepared for the revolution, he said Abel Maharramov throughout Azerbaijan about the underground activities of the Armenians. "Many of those in the social network Facebook encourages people to protest, are persons of Armenian origin", - told reporters the Rector of BSU, adding that among the students led them to the University shall be tested for the presence of the Armenians.

            Traitor appealed to his students - a hidden Armenians - from condemning the question: "You little occupation of our lands, so you create more unrest in the country?" What kind of "our" lands you talk, Abel? And he got confused, and we are confused. And what the hell we'll appointed rector, if today you are betraying our ideals? Or do you think that without our support you will be able to keep his seat and continue to fleece the students? I warn you: if just one student, BSU Armenians suffer as a result of your verification activities ethnicity, then I will send a facsimile copy of the birth of your metrics are not some kind of Aliyar Safarli and most Eldar Mahmudov.

            You would think that Abel started some bigger game whose rules are unknown to me. However, the rector of BSU is only the fourth stage in the hierarchy of the secret hidden Armenians living in Azerbaijan, which means that he is deprived of the opportunity to plan independent operations. Although, what's the difference? Abel was late with his revelations, and today the streets of Baku will come large crowds of Armenian revolutionaries.

            Levon Melik-Shahnazaryan


            • Re: Armenia and the information war

              Originally posted by Eddo211 View Post
              No matter who runs Iran, Armenians will be in there where it counts.

              Would you guys believe this?

              Vahid Haghanian, more commonly known simply as Vahid, is the deputy executive of the Supreme Leader's office....
              Eddo jan, that guy isn't Armenian. Vahid is actually a Persian name and there are many Persians with a last name ending on -ian.


              • Re: Armenia and the information war

                rather ridiculous - should be changed

       “sends” Armenia somewhere to Middle East
                March 12, 2011 - 16:39 AMT 12:39 GMT
                PanARMENIAN.Net - One of the popular online stores, included Armenia in the list of Middle East countries in its Shipping Cost sector, along with Iraq, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and others. Apparently, Armenia, a participant of Eurovision song contest and a member of the European Council is viewed by the administration of the online store as an Eastern country. Georgia, however, was luckier, having been listed among European states.

                The issue here is not only the geography. Practically, the residents of Armenia, included into the list of Middle Eastern countries, have to pay more for the transportation as compared to “Europeans”. For example, delivery cost of a netbook to Armenia is set at minimum of USD53, while a delivery to Europe costs USD39.
                Մեկ Ազգ, Մեկ Մշակույթ
                "Western Assimilation is the greatest threat to the Armenian nation since the Armenian Genocide."


                • Re: Armenia and the information war

                  Originally posted by Davo88 View Post
                  Azerbaijanis take the information war to Canada, read here :

                  AZERBAIJAN'S POLICIES ON THE INFORMATION WAR: Fri 04 March 2011

                  'Development of Azerbaijan and Armenia’s dilapidation shows that the time will come when the Armenians will be forced to sign peace agreement'.
                  The statement came from chief of the Political Analysis and Information Department of the Presidential Administration of Azerbaijan Elnur Aslanov. He said it at the presentation ceremony of website of the Public Union of Nagorno Karabakh’s Azerbaijani Community.

                  Aslanov noted that Azerbaijan developed day-by-day: “But Armenia continues aggressive policy. After a period of time Armenians will withdraw from the Azerbaijani occupied territories and sign peace agreement. Everyday, Armenia loses citizens as a result of this unlucky policy”.

                  Aslanov noted that Azerbaijan preceded Armenia in information war and strong projects were realized for maintaining this precedence: “Media in Armenian language are already functioning in Azerbaijan. But Armenia falls behind Azerbaijan in this issue as well. We demonstrate our tolerance in this direction by showing our activity in Armenian language”.

                  Aslanov said that each Azerbaijani had to show activeness in information war: “Unreal information on Azerbaijan is always posted in the internet. Each Azerbaijani using internet must pay attention to this issue since foreigners interested in Azerbaijan get information about our country mostly from internet”.
                  Elnur Aslanov underlined that Armenia must step back from nonconstructive position so that the Sochi meeting is decisive.
                  'We expect from the Sochi meeting of the presidents that Armenia will step back from its nonconstructive, irrational position and release Azerbaijan’s territories,' Elnur Aslanov said.

                  He said the position of Azerbaijani President is that the peace talks must be continued, but every peace talk has its limit.

                  'When this limit ends, of course it is our right, our duty to think of the alternative ways. We expect Armenia to think of the future of its citizens and step back from its nonconstructive position. It is high time for the Armenian authorities to think of the development of the country. I hope Armenia will give up nonconstrutive position, release Azerbaijani lands and become a state doing something to establish stability in the region,' he said.
                  Elnur Aslanov said the international organizations’ statements and views on Karabakh conflict are not sufficient for Azerbaijan.

                  'We want the international organizations to demonstrate political will, make Armenia release Azerbaijani territories by pressure or other means,' he said.


                  Last edited by Persopolis; 03-14-2011, 06:55 PM.


                  • Re: Armenia and the information war

                    Originally posted by Lernakan View Post
                    Eddo jan, that guy isn't Armenian.
                    I tend to agree, I wasn't sure myself that is why I asked if anybody believes this. Right hand man to Mullahs?! I don't think we want to be there anyway. We should stand by the Iranian people. governments come and go.

                    many Persians with a last name ending on -ian.
                    I wouldn't say many but now that you mentioned it yes, I have come across that long ago.
                    B0zkurt Hunter


                    • Re: Armenia and the information war

                      Originally posted by Persopolis View Post
                      How high can the youtube dungheap of homemade propaganda videos get before the whole thing collapses under the weight of its own pointlessness?
                      Plenipotentiary meow!

