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Armenia and the information war

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  • Re: Armenia and the information war

    Originally posted by Federate View Post
    OMG LMAO, I haven't stopped laughing. Not that we don't have enough comedy in this thread already but we could use some intentional comedy once in awhile . Put some party hats everyone, the cake will arrive shortly!

    Azerbaijan Celebrates 10,000th Threat to Attack Armenia

    Aliev Performing Anniversary Threat
    Azerbaijan, Baku - A festive ceremony involving President Ilham Aliev and key government officials featured a long-expected speech by leader of the country. A landmark threat to wipe out Armenian forces from Karabakh was attended by representatives of international organizations, embassies and reporters.

    The State Statistical Service of Azerbaijan had predicted the landmark 10,000th threat to take place by end of 2010, however extra effort on part of the government pushed the date closer. Surrounded by excited officials, as well as invited Guinness book experts, Aliev swiftly took his stand by the tribune.

    “We are gathered here today to celebrate one of the most important milestones in the history of Azerbaijan. Today I am going to voice my 10,000th threat to use force against the occupant forces of Armenia”, said Aliev in an unusually motivated tone.

    “I remember my first threat back in 2003 as I assumed the office… Nothing compares to a first threat.. incredible feeling”, Aliev looked down for a second, shaking his head nostalgically. “


    “Attained results are stunning. The previous threats have scared Armenia so much, that they were forced to modernize their army and build up heavier front-lines. No doubt, another 4 or 5 thousand elaborated threats and Armenian army will be forced to surrender Karabakh. Another 7-9 thousand more threats and Zangezur will be ours!”

    *grumbles* In the future, please post a warning to visit the toilette before reading things like this... *changes her pants*
    [COLOR=#4b0082][B][SIZE=4][FONT=trebuchet ms]“If you think you can, or you can’t, you’re right.”
    -Henry Ford[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]


    • Re: Armenia and the information war

      Originally posted by ninetoyadome View Post
      now that was hilarious. its about time Armenia came up with there own comedy. Azerbaijan has been doing it for years.

      Today.Az » Analytics » Armenia's defense minister fails to accomplish intelligence mission to Russia

      15 January 2010 [15:07] - Today.Az

      What is happening in the minds and the hearts of Armenian officials is known only to God.

      It is not excluded that it is already X hour for President Serzh Sargsyan and his government when not only the solution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and the possible reopening of the border with Turkey, but also the fate of Armenia and the term that the current government has left in power, depends on further steps to be taken by Ankara, Moscow and Baku.

      The events in some way related to Yerevan over the past few days are developing with incredible speed. As is known, Turkish PM Erdogan discussed great deal of issues with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in Moscow. Following his Russia trip, Russia'n FM Lavrov arrived in Yerevan. Most likely, he visited Armenia to appease the government that partners with it in the CSTO. No more.

      In the meantime, Armenia's Constitutional Court endorsed the Armenian-Turkish protocols.

      The fate of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and the Armenian-Turkish border is actually solved without Yerevan. Very few people in the region are interested in Yerevan’s opinion (when they actually did, Armenia was engaged in nonsense). Smart people outside the Armenian government predicted this development a few months ago.

      Apparently, the government officials of the neighboring country began to slowly become aware of this fact. They could not help panicking, of course. The reason is clear: something happens, there is movement, it concerns you directly, but you are not told about it yet.

      As a result, Sargsyan and Co. could think nothing better than to send Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan as some sort of intelligence gatherer to Moscow. Certainly, the latter was strictly ordered to find out everything on the latest developments in the region as detailed as possible and not to come back without news.

      How hard Ohanyan tried, he probably returned with no significant news. Though before his visit Ohanyan confidently told media that he would meet not only with his counterpart Anatoly Serdyukov, but also a number of senior official, we saw nothing like that.

      He arrived in Moscow on Tuesday and met with Russian defense minister on Wednesday. They just discussed training of Armenian military personnel in Russian Defense Ministry universities and prospects for the development of military and military-technical cooperation. In any case, this is what Russian Defense Ministry’s press office reported.

      It makes no sense to think that they have decided to conceal the true subjects of negotiations. The Russian government has no naïve people. So, whatever Seyran ask, no one will reveal secrets of future strategic developments in the region to him and his boss.

      Nothing depends on them at the moment. The less our neighbors will know, the better – there will be less panic, blackmail, public debates and other related general development in the region from Yerevan which might influence the process one way or another.

      Sitting in the plane on his way back, Ohanyan certainly frantically pondered over what he will tell Sargsyan. After all, he failed to accomplish the mission and he and his boss will sit in the dark as long as Russia, Turkey and Azerbaijan will not be willing to disclose the essence of collaborative decision making.

      Yereven should blame itself for such scenario of events. It needs not to go beyond limits of blackmail and bluff. In the end, the it should also not go beyond limit of promises, which, in fact, are meaningless ...

      Hamid Hamidov
      Day.Az writer


      because they dont know what the Armenian Defense Minister did, they assume it was nothing.
      Haha I love it when they are so confident about their "logics" and their "argumentations"...

      I don't know what Azerbaijan thinks they are, but certainly they have an incredible and overrated sense of self-esteem. It's that exaggerated level of self-confidence and self-flattering, while totally underestimating us and taking us for granted, that has made them do so many stupid things...but obviously they haven't learnt.
      Last edited by ashot24; 01-15-2010, 11:26 AM.


      • Re: Armenia and the information war

        Azerbaijan sent a note to CSTO

        Azerbaijani embassy in Russia sent a note of complain to RF Foreign Ministry as well as the embassies of Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) member – countries expressing their bewilderment about the comments on the disposition of Polad Byulbyulogly the Azerbaijani ambassador to Russia.

        As informs referring to Azerbaijani media, in the document is mentioned that Azerbaijan not being a member of CSTO has never tried to breach the sovereignty and regional integrity of the member countries of the organization.

        On December in one of his interviews in Russia the Azerbaijani ambassador stated that the time of solving the Karabakh issue has arrived and every Azerbaijani should have its participation in liberation of the territories. He has also mentioned that a lot of things will depend on the Azerbaijani living in Russia. Byulbyulogly has stated that in case of military solution in the Karabakh issue the CSTO interference will be impossible.

        The CSTO Institute has considered this statement as a war provocation.

        “Ambassadorial statements can be interpreted as disbelief in political and diplomatic methods of conflict settlement and hostility solicitation,” CSTO Institute said on December 30, 2009.

        “Such approach leads to aggravation of regional situation, and goes counter to OSCE MG efforts and Armenia-Azerbaijan presidential negotiations’ context” Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) Institute said in a statement.

        The CSTO Institute has mentioned that it is not the first time that the organization “as well as other international institutions announce that they are for the peaceful settlement of the NKR conflict and today the organization continues supporting the efforts of OSCE, giving a political solution to the issue.”

        TODAY, 11:25

        they threaten Armenia, CSTO responds, they say CSTO basically should not get invovled, lol.


        • Re: Armenia and the information war

          Azerbaijani customs officers seized over 13 kg poor coffee produced in Armenia in 2009

          Azerbaijan, Baku, Jan. 16 / Trend News, K.Zerbaliyeva /

          Azerbaijani customs officers have seized 13.8 kg poor and unhealthy coffee produced in Armenia in 2009.
          They seized coffee! World news... ofcourse, Armenian coffee is poor, unhealthy, besides of this Armenian coffee has also killed a lot of children in Khojaly, and was also seen during Aliyer Sr's death! They finally caught them..


          • Re: Armenia and the information war

            Originally posted by Tigranakert View Post
            They seized coffee! World news... ofcourse, Armenian coffee is poor, unhealthy, besides of this Armenian coffee has also killed a lot of children in Khojaly, and was also seen during Aliyer Sr's death! They finally caught them..
            they should take this to the International Court as evidence for Khojaly. Armenian soldiers forced the hostages to drink the coffee which caused there deaths.


            • Re: Armenia and the information war

              Broadcast about Nagorno Karabakh mounted hysteria in Baku
              17.01.2010 16:25 GMT+04:00
              /PanARMENIAN.Net/ In its recent Vesti-Povolzhye news program, Nizhny Novgorod State TV and Radio Ccompany broadcast a report on how the local Armenians of the town were providing assistance to Nagorno Karabakh Republic. The author of the report used the word Artsakh to refer to Karabakh, saying that it was the ancient name of the territory.

              This mounted hysteria in Azerbaijan. Particularly, the country's Foreign Ministry Spokesman Elhan Polukhov said the statement will receive a relevant reaction.

              In response to Azeris’ anti-Armenian attack, Miasin Armenian Internet-community has launched an online campaign calling on Armenians to send their acknowledgement letters the TV Channel Director Zeleniy Nazariy by the following addresses: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected].

              The Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NKR) is a de facto independent republic located in the South Caucasus, bordering by Azerbaijan to the north and east, Iran to the south, and Armenia to the west.

              After the Soviet Union established control over the area, in 1923 it formed the Nagorno Karabakh Autonomous Oblast (NKAO) within the Azerbaijan SSR. In the final years of the Soviet Union, Azerbaijan launched an ethnic cleansing which resulted in the Karabakh War that was fought from 1991 to 1994.

              Since the ceasefire in 1994, most of Nagorno Karabakh and several regions of Azerbaijan around it (the security zone) remain under the control of Nagorno Karabakh defense army.

              Armenia and Azerbaijan have since been holding peace talks mediated by the OSCE Minsk Group.

              Nizhny Novgorod State TV and Radio company is the successor of Gorki State TV channel whose 50th anniversary was marked on September 29, 2007. This is the only TV and radio company in Nizhny Novgorod region possessing exclusive technical equipment, including a movable satellite station, TV studios with a total area of 150, 230 and 450 sq.m., as well as a portable TV studio and a unique sound studio.


              • Re: Armenia and the information war

                Fugitive Armenian family feels comfortable in Azerbaijan
                Mon 18 January 2010 | 05:14 GMT Text size:

                Azerbaijani Defence Ministry
                The Gevorkyan family, which left Armenia on 10 January, is living at one of Azerbaijan's military units, Lider TV reported on Saturday.

                “I came here with my family voluntarily," Yegishe Gevorkyan said. "We were in a very tough position. Ninety-five percent of the Armenian population is in the same position.” He said that the situation in Armenia is getting worse, which can be seen in the growing number of protests.

                Gevorkyan said that the violations of the law in the parliamentary elections in Armenia (in 2007) were a factor that influenced his decision to leave his country. “The voters that supported the opposition were deprived of their right to vote," Gevorkyan said. "We went to the polling station and were told that our names were not on the electoral roll, so we could not vote. We appealed to several instances but to no effect. A candidate from the opposition and his supporters were cruelly beaten that day. How could we live in such conditions?”

                Recalling the day that he crossed the Armenian-Azerbaijani border, Gevorkyan said that after saying goodbye to his relatives, he and his family got in the car and headed straight for the border with Azerbaijan.

                “When we broke the border fence, our soldiers fired at us, even though there were children in the car. When the Azerbaijani soldiers saw children in the car and our white flag, they did not shoot,” he said.

                Gevorkyan and his wife said that the Azerbaijani side had treated them and their children humanely.

                “The kids feel at ease here. They have had a medical examination and been supplied with clothes and all the essentials. I cook different meals for them every day,” Gevorkyan’s wife, Ruzanna Mardanyan, said.

                Lider TV said that there are not only civilians but also servicemen among the Armenian citizens that have fled to Azerbaijan, unable to bear the living conditions in their homeland. Several Armenian servicemen, who Lider TV said had deserted the Armenian army, were shown visiting the Gevorkyans.

                The relevant Azerbaijani authorities are investigating the cases of civilian and military refugees from Armenia who are unwilling to return home and are seeking a transfer to a third country.

                Yegishe Gevorkyan, 52, his wife Ruzanna Mardanyan and their three children aged seven, six and three broke the border fence and entered Azerbaijan’s exclave of Nakhchivan on 10 January.



                • Re: Armenia and the information war

                  Originally posted by federate View Post
                  omg lmao, i haven't stopped laughing. Not that we don't have enough comedy in this thread already but we could use some intentional comedy once in awhile . Put some party hats everyone, the cake will arrive shortly!

                  azerbaijan celebrates 10,000th threat to attack armenia

                  aliev performing anniversary threat
                  azerbaijan, baku - a festive ceremony involving president ilham aliev and key government officials featured a long-expected speech by leader of the country. A landmark threat to wipe out armenian forces from karabakh was attended by representatives of international organizations, embassies and reporters.

                  The state statistical service of azerbaijan had predicted the landmark 10,000th threat to take place by end of 2010, however extra effort on part of the government pushed the date closer. Surrounded by excited officials, as well as invited guinness book experts, aliev swiftly took his stand by the tribune.

                  “we are gathered here today to celebrate one of the most important milestones in the history of azerbaijan. Today i am going to voice my 10,000th threat to use force against the occupant forces of armenia”, said aliev in an unusually motivated tone.

                  “i remember my first threat back in 2003 as i assumed the office… nothing compares to a first threat.. Incredible feeling”, aliev looked down for a second, shaking his head nostalgically. “

                  “proudly, i stand here before you today with 9,999 publicly announced threats, over 5,000 ultimatums and countless nags at armenia behind my back”, continued aliev as the crowd ripped in applauds at each announced number.

                  “attained results are stunning. The previous threats have scared armenia so much, that they were forced to modernize their army and build up heavier front-lines. No doubt, another 4 or 5 thousand elaborated threats and armenian army will be forced to surrender karabakh. Another 7-9 thousand more threats and zangezur will be ours!”

                  after some 5 minutes of introductory suspense aliev eventually unveiled the hard-boiled message. Slapping his fist on the table aliev frowned heavily, almost zipping eyelids in anger and said: “seriously, armenians, leave karabakh. I’m super serious. Leave it, otherwise,” the crowd froze in awe, as aliev raised his pointer finger in a two-minute additional suspense “we promise to use force!”

                  aliev’s speech was immediately released on tv and other media. Azerbaijani politicians flooded press with comments on the unprecedented tough message of the leader to armenia.

                  Baku times called the landmark threat “nation’s biggest success after the 5,000th threat back of 2006” which marked a turning point in threat development and announcement efforts.

                  Political analyst yusuf bakiev from “yusuf bakiev” foundation comments on the speech as extremely impressive. “this year’s speech is frankly much spicier than anything i heard before. I think we are just a few threats away from liberating karabakh from the infidel assholes. I mean, let’s be reasonable, 10,000 threats could not go without an impact. It’s simple physics – energy like that doesn’t just vanish, it kicks ass. In this case, aliev totally kicked armenian ass”, explained azerbaijani top expert.

                  french diplomat: 'armenia not surrendering after multiple threats - astounding'

                  french ambassador to azerbaijan, andre maginot, who participated in the event, shared emotions of the landmark threat ceremony: “this was huge! Amazing threat.. And the frown and.. And the slap on the table. A masterpiece of intimidation. Armenians need to make a sane decision now. I mean, we would definitely surrender. In fact.. We might still surrender ourselves, just in case.”

                  armenian ministry of foreign affairs could not provide any comments on the landmark threat. “unfortunately, we do not watch azerbaijani tv, so we can’t provide any comments,” said ministry spokesman to armcom.

                  lmao !!!!


                  • Re: Armenia and the information war

                    Originally posted by ninetoyadome View Post
                    Fugitive Armenian family feels comfortable in Azerbaijan
                    Mon 18 January 2010 | 05:14 GMT Text size:

                    Azerbaijani Defence Ministry
                    The Gevorkyan family, which left Armenia on 10 January, is living at one of Azerbaijan's military units, Lider TV reported on Saturday.

                    “I came here with my family voluntarily," Yegishe Gevorkyan said. "We were in a very tough position. Ninety-five percent of the Armenian population is in the same position.” He said that the situation in Armenia is getting worse, which can be seen in the growing number of protests.

                    Gevorkyan said that the violations of the law in the parliamentary elections in Armenia (in 2007) were a factor that influenced his decision to leave his country. “The voters that supported the opposition were deprived of their right to vote," Gevorkyan said. "We went to the polling station and were told that our names were not on the electoral roll, so we could not vote. We appealed to several instances but to no effect. A candidate from the opposition and his supporters were cruelly beaten that day. How could we live in such conditions?”

                    Recalling the day that he crossed the Armenian-Azerbaijani border, Gevorkyan said that after saying goodbye to his relatives, he and his family got in the car and headed straight for the border with Azerbaijan.

                    “When we broke the border fence, our soldiers fired at us, even though there were children in the car. When the Azerbaijani soldiers saw children in the car and our white flag, they did not shoot,” he said.

                    Gevorkyan and his wife said that the Azerbaijani side had treated them and their children humanely.

                    “The kids feel at ease here. They have had a medical examination and been supplied with clothes and all the essentials. I cook different meals for them every day,” Gevorkyan’s wife, Ruzanna Mardanyan, said.

                    Lider TV said that there are not only civilians but also servicemen among the Armenian citizens that have fled to Azerbaijan, unable to bear the living conditions in their homeland. Several Armenian servicemen, who Lider TV said had deserted the Armenian army, were shown visiting the Gevorkyans.

                    The relevant Azerbaijani authorities are investigating the cases of civilian and military refugees from Armenia who are unwilling to return home and are seeking a transfer to a third country.

                    Yegishe Gevorkyan, 52, his wife Ruzanna Mardanyan and their three children aged seven, six and three broke the border fence and entered Azerbaijan’s exclave of Nakhchivan on 10 January.

                    And since when to now Azerbaijanis are 'good' to Armenians? They hate us, don't they? We're those murders and vandals who killed thousands of peaceful Azeries and occupied they're historical lands, don't we? How come they're good to an Armenian and his family?

                    And how come an Armenian spits like that on his homeland, and voluntarily engreatens everything about other country? And not just any country, but Azerbaijan.

                    I can bet anyone without fear to lose, that the first thing the guy said when the Azeries stop him was "I will talk trash about Armenia if you let me stay here", something they of course cannot refuse, such things are good for their propaganda.

                    Besides, this guy is a criminal, and even suspected of murder:

                    As I said before, if Azerbaijan wants to become a shelter for Armenian criminals, be my guest please.


                    • Re: Armenia and the information war

                      i just saw an azeri talking on an Armenian TV channel. he was drinking tea, talking about how bad azerbaijan was. he said how he had land but no water, he asked the govt for help but they ignored him so he came to Armenia. he said he knows Armenians will not give him any problems and will help him. azeris just came out saying hes a hostage taken by Armenians and forced to say those things

                      Azerbaijani hostage on Armenian television

                      [ 19 Jan 2010 02:57 ]

                      Baku. Ayaz Abdulla – APA. Azerbaijani hostage Eldar Taghiyev, taken by Armenian servicemen, has been enforced to appear on Public Television of Armenia. APA reports quoting “Novosti Armenia”. The Azerbaijani hostage said that he doesn’t have any intentions to come back to Azerbaijan. If the Armenian authorities forbid him to stay at Armenia then he’ll leave for third country” – he added. He messaged that he would be back to his family.
                      E. Taghiyev also talked about his unemployment, poor life in the village, and absence of the water sources for organizing a farm.
                      Eldar Taghiyev also noted that the main water sources of his native Alibeyli village, Tovuz district, exceeded from Armenia, however, with the beginning of the war water flow stopped.
                      We note that on December 28, 2009, at 18:00, as a result of ceasefire violation by Armenian armed forces, the local resident Eldar Taghiyev was fired near the contact line in the direction of the Alibeyli village of Tovuz. Later, he was taken captive.

