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Armenia and the information war

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  • Re: Armenia and the information war

    Originally posted by ashot24 View Post
    Of course, they understand between genocidal countries who violently suppress their people's rights, such as freedom of expression and freedom of not thinking accordingly to what the government says, besides spreading hatred and lies on others people's ethnicities, identity, and history widely on the media, and I could go on and on...but we all know that

    I have never liked China and this is just another reason for me not liking it.
    i seriously doubt this is true. One person says China supports azerbaijans territorial integrity doesnt mean anything. The chairman of the azerbaijan-China group of friendship said it
    cmon you know azeris blow everything out of proportion.
    also today a bus carrying the dutch club team FC Twente was attacked by fans throwing rocks as the team was on its way to play against AZ Alkmaar. one of the FC Twente players is azeri. im surprised they didnt report that even though there is no evidence Armenians are the ones who attacked the bus.


    • Re: Armenia and the information war

      Originally posted by ninetoyadome View Post
      i seriously doubt this is true. One person says China supports azerbaijans territorial integrity doesnt mean anything. The chairman of the azerbaijan-China group of friendship said it
      cmon you know azeris blow everything out of proportion.
      also today a bus carrying the dutch club team FC Twente was attacked by fans throwing rocks as the team was on its way to play against AZ Alkmaar. one of the FC Twente players is azeri. im surprised they didnt report that even though there is no evidence Armenians are the ones who attacked the bus.
      True. China also has expanding economic and military relations with Armenian. Publicly, China says one thing but privately they do another. China is also dealing with the situation related to Taiwan.
      General Antranik (1865-1927): “I am not a nationalist. I recognize only one nation, the nation of the oppressed.”


      • Re: Armenia and the information war

        Behind the door deals happen all the time and nations just use the back entrance, truth is that China doesn't give a damn about the Azeri's and the rest of the dictatorships and nut-cases it trades with (its all about money and resources) and at the end of the day true friendships only happen with nations that it can look up to in human rights. But of course that would hurt the Azeri's feelings.


        • Re: Armenia and the information war

          Armenian Websites Victim of Cyber Terrorism Attack by Turks
          [ 2010/04/16 | 10:33 ] society

, and hacked by Turkish hackers ahead of remembrance of Armenian Genocide; such attacks have been common in the past few months.

          Burbank, Calif. (PR WEB) – April 16, 2010 – Turkish hackers have attacked several Armenian websites ahead of annual commemorative remembrances of the Armenian Genocide. On April 12th, more than 250 sites were impacted when cyber terrorists attacked a server hosting sites including, according to the owner of the sites (who wishes to remain anonymous). The attackers also took down, which is the website for Armenian Directory Yellow pages. Attackers attempted to hack into a second server which hosts but were unsuccessful.

          The most recent attack is the latest in a series of incidents believed to be related to the approach of April 24, which marks the commemoration of the Armenian Genocide of 1915 and the deaths of more than 1.5 million Armenians at the hands of the Ottoman Turkish authorities. Last month the Armenia National Olympic Committee’s Web site was hacked and replaced with a Turkish flag and a message denying the Armenian Genocide.

          Modern Turkish officials have denied that the genocide took place, referring to the deaths as the effects of a “relocation” or deportation. The Turkish government’s position is in contradiction to widely accepted scholarly research and official eyewitness accounts.

          The attacks appear to be carried out by a hacker who goes by the Internet handle of “Ghost61” from the Turkish Website This person is also believed to be involved in a series of attacks on more than 600 Swedish sites since the passage of a resolution recognizing the Armenian Genocide by the Swedish parliament on March 1.

          Several other Armenian owned businesses were affected by the server hack, who were the innocent victims of this incident. The sites included

          “Sadly, most cyber-hate-crimes by Turkish entities against Armenian websites are rooted in the environment of prejudice and hatred created by the Turkish Government’s international campaign of Armenian Genocide denial,” stated ANCA Communications Director Elizabeth Chouldjian.

          “It’s simply an extension of Turkey’s Article 301 restrictions on free speech into the internet – placing a cyber “gag rule” on open discussion of this crime against all humanity.”

          All the websites attacked were offline for a period of two days due to the damage caused by the attack. The hosting company will be looking into enhanced security measures to stop future incidents from occurring.

          Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


          • Re: Armenia and the information war

            More than 100 000 exhibits were taken to Armenia

            [ 17 Apr 2010 11:51 ]
            Baku. Ramil Mammadli-APA. Public Union for Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments of Azerbaijani Occupied Territories made a statement on “April 18 – The Day of Protection of Historical Monuments”, press service of the Union told APA.

            It has been noted in the statement that, Armenia had drawn a bead on appropriation and annihilation of works of art belonging to national culture of Azerbaijan. It should be understood as “Genocide of culture”: “More than 30 Armenian churches have been constructed in the Moslem graveyards and other places of Azerbaijani occupied territories. More than 200 Armenian christcross are produced and interred here. During last 18 years about 1700 historical and architectural monuments were assimilated by Armenians in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan. More than 100 000 exhibits were taken to Armenia from 27 museums and photo galleries in other occupied territories. Hundreds of places were renamed, about 300 mosques, tombs, sacred places and other grave-stones become worthless. More than 200 other type of historical and architectural monuments and a historical and architectural reserve was destructed”.

            It has been demanded in the statement to stop Armenian vandalism in Azerbaijan’s territories and to hold monitoring in those territories.


            • Re: Armenia and the information war

              Finally, Turks are realizing what kind of "brotherly nation" they have.

              It's a curious thing the Azerbaijanis, I remember countless occasions during discussions I've had with them, where they have spit on the Turks or mocked at them...such quotes as "The only real Turkics are the Azeries, the Turks are bad copies from us" or "Turks occupy Azerbaijani territory. Azerbaijani historic territory runs up to the Black sea"...but of course, when they are in front of Turks...they change their speech, by using "Turks and Azeries brotherly nations!", "Long live Turkic brotherhood!".....if Turks only knew, what their "brothers" say of them when they are not around.

              I kind of feel sorry of how pathetic they are...

              WASHINGTON - On one side, I felt sentimental toward the Turkish delegation in Washington, yet was offended on the other.

              Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is preoccupied with meetings so is Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu. Both have plenty of contacts.

              The reason is to stop U.S. President Barack Obama from uttering the word "genocide" during his expected speech on April 24 and convince the U.S. administration to say "Meds Yeghern" (Great Catastrophe) as they did last year, which is almost a synonym for Armenians.

              We keep experiencing this infamy every year.

              Turkish-American relations get tense every year as battle of words turns into blackmails. And each year we exert tremendous efforts to stop the approval of a "genocide" bill in the U.S. Congress.

              The word "genocide" put Turkey through the wringer as Turkish authorities get exhausted to save the country from a nightmare.

              For the first time, a mechanism to break this cycle and freeze the genocide issue at least for a while has been found. The protocols Turkey and Armenia signed are of historic importance.

              As officials pushed the button an unexpected reaction came from the Azeri capital Baku.

              I wouldn't want to discuss here if it was because Turkey was informed late or Azeris first undermined the developments but then got sober at a later time.

              After a series of incidents such as lowering the Turkish flag at the Turkish cemetery, fiercest remarks targeting Ankara, Erdogan had to step back and tied the protocols to the solution of the Karabakh conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

              Yet Armenians and Americans outraged blaming Turkey to create a new pre-condition.

              But Ankara was trying to show Baku that they were not alone; that's all. Instead of ridding of the biggest trouble they had, Ankara was pushing forward the Karabakh issue.

              If Turkey had considered self interests only, it could've acted very differently. Turkey could've considered that Azerbaijan needs Turkey more than Turkey needs it. So, Turkey could've forced Azerbaijan.

              But it didn't.

              Erdoğan paid a visit to the Azeri President Ilham Aliyev in Baku and reconciled with him.

              All right, but what are our Azeri brothers doing in return?

              Azeris are simply watching and gibing

              Amid the on-going struggle, our Azeri brothers are just watching us from a distance.

              Let me ask you this: Has Azerbaijan taken sides with Turkey, even for a single day, in the genocide question? Have they supported Turkish lobbying in the U.S. Congress? For instance, which PR firm they had a deal to join a Turkish campaign in the subject matter?

              I don't remember any.

              If there is even a single effort please let me know, please surprise me.

              Baku has always acted like a mere spectator.

              Azeris think Turkey needs them. Although Azeri officials do not openly utter in exact words they imply, "We are rich and you have to do whatever we ask you to do." Such arrogance! That beats me up!

              Their general attitude is like "We have brought Turkey to heel."

              I am not resentful in general and never lost myself in the dark corridors of nationalism.

              But as I watch what is happening in Washington, I have noticed such bias.

              Let's not forget relations or official contacts among leaders are not everything. The minute you spoil or force love and respect between nations, it becomes impossible to mend a broken heart no matter how leaders act.

              I believe that Turkey cannot ignore Azerbaijan. And that has nothing to do with less expensive oil or natural gas sales. Turkey feels sorry in case of a break-up in bilateral relations. But Azerbaijan loses a lot.

              From now on, Azerbaijan should pay utmost attention to bilateral relations.

              Azeri officials should pause before they speak and be aware of what they say. They should stop issuing relentless statements.

              They should be fair to Turkey.

              By Mehmet Ali Birand, Hurriyet Daily


              Oh, and read the comments too...they are pretty interesting
              Last edited by ashot24; 04-17-2010, 08:44 AM.


              • Re: Armenia and the information war

                A Slip of Tongue or Slap on the Face: Is Karabakh a Negotiating Party?
                16:44 • 17.04.10

                United States seems to be tightening the screws with Azerbaijan with US Assistant Secretary of State Philip J. Crowley referring to Nagorno Karabakh as a negotiating party while speaking about Armenia-Turkey normalization in a recent briefing.

                "And clearly, we're also supporting the Minsk process regarding Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh," said Crowley.

                It follows statements by Azerbaijani leaders criticizing US and accusing it of partiality as a co-mediator country over the Nagorno Karabakh issue.

                "The United States does not implement policy towards Azerbaijan as a strategic partner, and that's why we might reconsider our policy towards the United States," Ali Hasanov, Aliyev's head of public-political issues, said in an interview with Reuters news agency.

                "We believe the Americans should not only think of how to help Armenia overcome the economic crisis," he said, but as a co-mediator in talks on Nagorno-Karabakh, Washington "should first of all promote a solution to the Karabakh conflict."

                The US response was quick enough with Press Secretary of the US Embassy in Baku, Terry Davidson saying that the United States "has always been pursuing a balanced policy when it comes to the Nagorno-Karabakh issue."

                Later on President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev accused the OSCE Minsk Group of not being aware of what exactly is happening in the region, advising all the parties concerned to try to study the conflict thoroughly by reading books about the situation.

                "The co-mediator states should be very attentive. May be people are not well aware of the situation in the region and should try to study it. If this is the case, I do not want to accuse anyone, let them study the situation so that to draw correct conclusions. But we do see that today, at this definitive moment, Armenia is getting such a strong political support that it may completely withdraw from the negotiations in the future," said Aliyev.

                United States is tightening the screws with Azerbaijan. In a recent briefing US Assistant Secretary of State Philip J. Crowley referred to Nagorno Karabakh as a negotiating ...


                • Re: Armenia and the information war

                  On Azerbaijan’s attempts to deny Armenian Genocide
                  Original Article

                  By Ivan Gharibyan

                  This week the state propaganda machine of Azerbaijan has decided to “pay special attention” to the matter of denying the Armenian Genocide in Ottoman Turkey. Since denying indisputable truth is the cornerstone of the Aliyev clan’s propaganda, the clan’s “humble servants” showed a crusading zeal.

                  The key role in the frenzied campaign was, as usual, assigned to the leading government-run mass media immediately controlled by the Ilham Aliyev administration. The public TV and radio companies of Azerbaijan have prepared a series of films and programs trying to deny the fact of the Armenian Genocide in the best traditions of the Aliyev fascist propaganda. Here are the titles of some films the government-run Aztv channel plans to televise: “Armenians: anatomy of hate. Operation ‘Outpost’”, “Armenians: anatomy of hate. Political adventure of the century”, “1915: Start to falsifications by Armenians”. No comments… The Public Radio of Azerbaijan has broadcast a program informing the public of how “Armenia is avoiding the formation of a committee of historians.” The government-run news agency of Azerbaijan “keeps pace with” the Public Radio.

                  The Aliyev clan has made the policy of denying the Armenian Genocide a means of self-affirmation, which has gradually turned into a means of asserting itself for the entire Azerbaijani people. We can only feel sorry for our neighbors, as the attempts are doomed to failure. Of interest is, however, the following tendency:

                  Over the last three years – long before the first steps in the Armenian-Turkish normalization process – the leading Turkish mass media have hardly used such expressions as “the so-called genocide,” “invented genocide” and others. Moreover, the phrase “tragic events in 1915” has often been heard during news programs. Of course, it is too little for the Turkish people on its way to repentance, but it can at least be viewed as a step forward.

                  This tendency, however, has no effect on Turkey’s “small brother.” Foaming at the mouth, and with cynicism surpassing that of Turks, official Baku goes on speaking of “invented genocide.” But no sensible person can understand the purpose. The only reason is their inferiority complex, which has reached the point of pathology.

                  Truth is, we all know Caucasus Tartar tribes -- ancestors of the modern "Azerbaijanis"--, united under the Turkish Musavat Party (Young Turks' puppets), were responsible for the attempted genocide and massacres of Armenians in the Caucasus -- which was stopped under the Bolsheviks, and restarted at the fall of the Soviet Union. It seems Azerbaijan is following in turkey's footprints more closely than we thought. "Azerbaijan" in 1991 is as advanced both intellectually and democratically, or maybe even less, as Turkey in 1923.
                  Last edited by SevSpitak; 04-19-2010, 08:24 AM.


                  • Re: Armenia and the information war

                    Fate of 700 Azerbaijani monuments in territories Armenia unknown
                    International organizations are not responding to call of Azerbaijan to hold monitoring of historical monuments in territories occupied by Armenia. According to chief of department under the Ministry of Culture and Tourism Rizvan Bayramov, lately there have been discovered thousands of new sites, and, naturally, they have also been taken under state protection."We havex about 2000 archaeological sites most of them of republican concern, about 2000 monuments of state concer have been identified as the sites of global concern at the order of the Cabinet said R. Bayramov At the same time, international organizations have not yet responded to the Azerbaijan to hold monitoring of monuments in the occupied territories."There are more than 700 of our monuments in the occupied lands including and architectural monuments, of them 12 are of global concern. There are about 200 monuments in Shusha alone. We learn about their condition only from the press. It is impossible to organize visits there. Throughout eight years we have repeatedly appealed to international organizations to hold monitoring, but despite this, they have never given a positive response ", said R. Bayramov


                    • Re: Armenia and the information war

                      President Sargsyan to Address Armenians Today: Will Armenia Withdraw Its Signature?
                      11:29 • 22.04.10

                      President of Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan, is expected to deliver an address today in which he will elaborate on the decision made over the Armenia-Turkey normalization.

                      It follows recent meetings among Armenian, Turkish and US officials in Washington in the framework of the World Nuclear Security Summit.

                      Later on 20 April President Sargsyan visited his Russian counterpart Dmitry Medvedev and discussed the range of issues, among them also Armenia-Turkey normalization and Nagorno-Karabakh conflict settlement.

                      On April 21 Sargsyan convened a National Security Council session elaborating the members on the visits to Washington and Moscow. Further the Council discussed recent developments over the Armenia-Turkey normalization.

                      According to reports by some local Armenian newspapers Sargsyan will announce today that Armenia will disown its signature from the Armenia-Turkey Protocols. Whether or not this is the case remains to be seen and is anybody's guess with the address to be delivered yet during the day.

                      President of Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan, is expected to deliver an address today in which he will elaborate on the decision made over the Armenia-Turkey normalization ...


                      EDIT: For some reason, has edited this article. It has changed the name of the article itself and deleted the last part, which refers to the possibility of the address announcing Armenia will withdraw its signature from the protocols.

                      Here's the new article


                      President Sargsyan to Address Armenians Today
                      11:29 • 22.04.10

                      President of Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan, is expected to deliver an address today in which he will elaborate on the decision made over the Armenia-Turkey normalization.

                      It follows recent meetings among Armenian, Turkish and US officials in Washington in the framework of the World Nuclear Security Summit.

                      Later on 20 April President Sargsyan visited his Russian counterpart Dmitry Medvedev and discussed the range of issues, among them also Armenia-Turkey normalization and Nagorno-Karabakh conflict settlement.

                      On April 21 Sargsyan convened a National Security Council session elaborating the members on the visits to Washington and Moscow. Further the Council discussed recent developments over the Armenia-Turkey normalization.

                      President of Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan, is expected to deliver an address today in which he will elaborate on the decision made over the Armenia-Turkey normalization ...
                      Last edited by ashot24; 04-21-2010, 11:05 PM.

