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Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

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  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

    Originally posted by ASALA2116 View Post
    Russians would never allow Armenia to use there Migs. They dont want to upset there other friend in rye region. They would rather us lose a war becoming dependent on them even more then lose Azerbaijan who already is hinting at New allies and a brotherly relationship. Armenia needs to get a lot more closer to France and play that card. Invite delegates and watch the Russians burn. Vote in favor of France in United Nations until there media starts to ask "what happened?". We are a sovereign nation and Russia can very easily be replaced by NATO , who seems to want to dump Turkey for a new country who might be formed in the region, Kurdistan.. I'm not pro NATO nor Pro Russia, but I am an Armenian nationalist who is rather upset by Russia's stance..
    I fully agree on the Migs, it's unacceptable that we have no fighter jets whatsoever disregarding a lone MIG 25 that will probably be never flown again. We have a strong army, but our air force is a disgrace. Relying on Russia to be the fighter jet component is bad, since we have no control over what they do. While I do agree that we need to stop being so close to Russia, we can't drastically cut ties either. We need Russia as a deterrent against possible Turkish agression, or Azerbaijani attacks on the main part of Armenia thanks to CSTO. Otherwise we'll have to devote a large part of our forces to the Turkish border like we did during the first war. Getting discounts on equipment is also very important for us, since we have a small military budget. However, we asolutely need to loosen Russian control in Armenia. While we should be trying to get out assets back, we are only giving them more.


    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan


      • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

        Originally posted by Achemish View Post
        I fully agree on the Migs, it's unacceptable that we have no fighter jets whatsoever disregarding a lone MIG 25 that will probably be never flown again. We have a strong army, but our air force is a disgrace. Relying on Russia to be the fighter jet component is bad, since we have no control over what they do. While I do agree that we need to stop being so close to Russia, we can't drastically cut ties either. We need Russia as a deterrent against possible Turkish agression, or Azerbaijani attacks on the main part of Armenia thanks to CSTO. Otherwise we'll have to devote a large part of our forces to the Turkish border like we did during the first war. Getting discounts on equipment is also very important for us, since we have a small military budget. However, we asolutely need to loosen Russian control in Armenia. While we should be trying to get out assets back, we are only giving them more. I was just reading this. Source is Azeri but it's interesting and very very sad If true.


        • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan


          • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

            ASALA2116 is sounding more like a Vrej1915 spook with better English skills. At the very least he has selective memory. Iraq was a USA ally you know (Sadaam was handpicked to lead by CIA). How did USA treat Iraq? Dump Russia for will we buy weapons? When has NATO ever stood up to Turkey? And then there is the France suggestion ...this proves beyond the shadow of any doubt that some of us simply are incapable of learning from history. Remember the French who swore to protect us and then watched us get slaughtered from the safety of their ships? They then used the bones of our dead to make exotic soaps. No I guess you don't remember but what many do see is all the pro western media outlets and the garbage they spew. Most people do not bother to think they just regurgitate whatever garbage is available. India and China do sound like good allies and should be welcomed in Armenia.
            Hayastan or Bust.


            • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

              Yeah, that'll show them!!!

              Azerbaijani president cancels Bundestag meetings over ‘Armenian genocide’ resolution

              General Antranik (1865-1927): “I am not a nationalist. I recognize only one nation, the nation of the oppressed.”


              • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                Originally posted by ASALA2116 View Post
                Armenia seriously needs to get there priorities straight. We are a nation of very smart individuals , run by mafia style oligarch traitors who don't care for the present or future of Armenia. After hearing about the train line that will not go ahead , completely changed everything about the hopes and dreams of this isolated nation which reminds me of an island prison far far away.

                Azerbaijan a country that is governed by a dictator , is doing better then us. Mind me , I take this to heart especially seeing our soldiers not even carry night vision goggles on the borders.
                How can we allow such disgrace?
                Geography favors Azeris and Georgians as the transport corridor nations in the area. Armenia needs to focus on the technology/biotechnology/design industry. Not to mention turning Armenia into an Arts and sports capital. We need white collar professional jobs.


                • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                  Առաջնագծի զինվորները


                  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                    Վաշտի հրամանատար, կապիտան Կ.Խաչատրյանը պարզել է, որ շարքում ալկոհոլ օգտագործած զինծառայողներ կան, որի մասին զեկուցել է գումարտակի հրամանատարին, որից հետո 6 զինծառայող ծեծել է կապիտանին:

                    Միջնորդություն է ներկայացվել դատարան՝ մեղադրյալների նկատմամբ որպես խափանման միջոց կալանավորումը կիրառելու վերաբերյալ, ինչը բավարարվել է։


                    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                      Առաջնագծի զինվորները

