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Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

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  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

    NKR MFA concerned over frequent ceasefire violations by Azeri side

    31.03.2009 20:17 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ NKR Foreign Affaires Ministry concerned about increased frequency of cease-fire violations
    Georg Petrosyan expressed his concern about Azeri’s violations of cease-fire in a letter addressed to OCSE Chairman
    NKR Minister of Foreign Affairs Georgi Petrosyan expressed his concern about Azeri’s violations of cease-fire in a letter addressed to OCSE Chairman Dora Bakoyannis, NKR MFA reported to PanARMENIAN.Net.
    On Feb 26, during OSCE Monitoring of NKR and Azeri armed forces contact line, shooting from Azeri side, that made the further monitoring impossible, was registered.
    In his letter NKR Foreign Minister stressed the importance of submitting written report on investigation results regarding the incident above.

    Meanwhile, at the bat cave...

    No incident recorded during OSCE monitoring along contact line between Azerbaijani, Armenian armies
    31 March 2009 [16:23] - Today.Az
    No incident occurred during a monitoring along contact line between Azerbaijani and Armenian armies near Mazam village of Azerbaijan's Gazakh region after the mandate of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office on March 31.

    The monitoring was held on the Azerbaijani side by OSCE Chairman-in-Office Personal Representative field assistants Pieter Ki and Irji Aberli.

    The monitoring was held on the opposite side by OSCE Chairman-in-Office Personal Representative Anjey Kasprshik's field assistants Imre Palatinus, Vladimir Chountulov and Jaslan Nurtazin.

    The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan lost all of Nagorno-Karabakh except for Shusha and Khojali in December 1991. In 1992-93, Armenian armed forces occupied Shusha, Khojali and 7 districts surrounding Nagorno-Karabakh. Azerbaijan and Armenia signed a ceasefire in 1994. The co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group - Russia, France, and the U.S. - are currently holding the peace negotiations.

    Gazakh region administrative body head Rauf Huseynov said he met with OSCE Chairman-in-Office Personal Representative field assistants Pieter Ki and Irji Aberli. He said during the meeting that the local population suffers from ceasefire violation specifically in spring and autumn cultivation time.

    "The last OSCE representatives held a monitoring in Mazam village on Sept. 30, 2008. The village has been shot for more than 200 times ever since. Armenian Armed Forces shoot at the village for 8-9 times a day. It means that the monitoring is not effective," Huseynov added.

    /Trend News/

    Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

      Military expert calls for continuing reforms in defense sphere of Armenia
      01.04.2009 15:33 GMT+04:00

      /PanARMENIAN.Net/ ''August war in Georgia altered the balance of military forces in South Caucasus. It demonstrated Moscow’s power of influence in the region, solved two suspended conflicts in the Caucasus, proved it’s premature for Georgia to seek NATO membership and West's disinterestedness in Tbilisi, Armenian Center for National and International Studies (ACNIS) Director Richard Giragosian stated in his report entitled “Balance of Military Forces in South Caucasus”.

      Considering the circumstances, the official Yerevan should take a serious attitude towards national security in Armenian and NKR. Armament drive and militarization of the region were launched after the war in South Ossetia. Since 2004 Azerbaijan has been increasing military budget volumes, inducing Armenia to correspond. Georgia's experience taught a good lesson to Caucasian states, showing ineffectiveness of military solution in the region.

      According to expert, Armenia and NKR possess the most efficient armed forces in the region and low corruption level in defense sphere as compared to Azerbaijan. As for Azerbaijan, Even if Azeri Ministry of Defense undertook reforms tomorrow, they’ll need 8 years at the least to eliminate corruption and other faults in Azeri Armed Forces.

      Still, considering militarization of the whole region, Armenia should continue with reforms in defense sphere and undertake specific steps to develop democracy and economy in the country to balance its military forces in the region.

      Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


      • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

        Here's an article in French that reaffirms that the NKR army is the best in the South Caucasus, even better that Armenia's army. I will post below a rough Google translation of the article. If anything needs to be cleared up, do ask.
        L’Armée du Haut Karabagh serait la meilleure du Sud Caucase
        Le budget militaire de l’Azerbaïdjan victime de la corruption

        samedi4 avril 2009, par Krikor Amirzayan/armenews

        Selon les experts Arméniens du Centre militaire arménien d’analyses stratégiques « le surarmement du Sud Caucase est au détriment de la croissance économique des pays concernés ». Selon ses donnés ces armements menacent la région et augmentent le risque de conflit. Dans ce Sud Caucase, la Géorgie aurait depuis 2004 dépensé sans compter pour augmenter sa capacité de Défense. L’Azerbaïdjan qui avait en 2004 un budget de 175 millions de dollars consacré à la Défense, a vu ce dernier atteindre la somme de 2,5 milliards pour 2009. Cependant selon les experts géostratégiques Arméniens, « avec la très forte corruption qui a cours en Azerbaïdjan, la croissance du budget militaire n’a pas amélioré la capacité offensive de l’armée ». Ces derniers affirment que la capacité militaire de l’Arménie, malgré son plus faible budget, n’est pas moins bonne que celle de l’Azerbaïdjan. Selon ces mêmes experts, en cas de conflit, l’Azerbaïdjan ne pourrait tirer un quelconque avantage sur le terrain. D’autant que l’organisation, le moral et la discipline de l’armée arménienne et de celle de la République du Haut Karabagh poussent nombre d’experts militaires à affirmer que ces forces de défense sont parmi les meilleurs des anciennes républiques soviétiques. « Sur de nombreux points, les forces armées de la République du Haut Karabagh serait même selon nombre d’experts, meilleures que l’armée de l’Arménie » affirment ces mêmes experts stratégiques. L’Azerbaïdjan disposerait du plus important effectif des armées du Sud Caucase avec 72 000 hommes. La Géorgie ne comptant que 17 500 militaires soutenus et préparés il est vrai par les forces de l’Otan. L’Arménie quant à elle disposerait de 42 000 militaires et le Haut Karabagh près de 18 000.

        *Google translation
        Top Army Karabakh would be the best South Caucasus
        The military budget of Azerbaijan victim of corruption

        According to experts of the Center Armenians Armenian military strategic analysis of "the overarmament South Caucasus is to the detriment of economic growth in the countries concerned." According to its data these weapons threaten the region and increase the risk of conflict. In the South Caucasus, Georgia would have spent since 2004 working hard to increase its defense capabilities. Azerbaijan in 2004 which had a budget of $ 175 million devoted to the defense, saw it reach $ 2.5 billion for 2009. But according to experts geostrategic Armenians, "with the very high corruption taking place in Azerbaijan, the growth of military spending has not improved the offensive capability of the army." The latter argue that the military capacity of Armenia, despite its low budget, no less than that of Azerbaijan. According to these same experts, in case of conflict, Azerbaijan could not draw any advantage on the ground. Especially since the organization, morale and discipline of the Armenian army and that of the Nagorno Karabakh growing number of military experts assert that the defense forces are among the best of the former Soviet republics. "In many respects, the armed forces of the Nagorno Karabakh would be depending on the number of experts, better than the army of Armenia" Experts say these strategic. Azerbaijan has the largest number of hosts South Caucasus, with 72 000 men. Georgia, with only 17 500 troops supported and prepared it is true by the forces of NATO. Armenia however has 42 military and Upper Karabakh nearly 18 000.
        Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


        • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

          WOah thats awesome ^^^^


          • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

            I am looking at the areas where the ceasefire violations happened and I see that at least 4 out of the 6 regions are STILL given Turkic names. WTF? The azerbaboons waste no time changing our Armenian regional names, even the ones currently in Armenia (see Erivan, lake Goyce) and we simply can't change the names of Armenian villages that were given Turkified names? The fuk is "Etyemazli" doing in Armenian territory?
            Ceasefire Violations Along NKR Frontline
            [ 2009/04/13 | 16:59 ] Nagorno Karabakh important

            According to the press service of the NKR Ministry of Dense violations were reported at several points along the ceasefire line on April 11, 12 and 13.

            Azerbaijani small arms and sniper fire was reported to have been directed at NKR forces at Mehdil, Horadiz, Kouropatkino, Karmiravan, Seysoulan and Etyemazli. After NKR forces returned fire the Azerbaijani outbursts ceased.

            The NKR Defense Force’s press service also reports that according to the 2009 yearly preparatory plan strategical exercises were launched today.

            Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


            • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

              its funny how they claim we break the ceasefire constantly. they have claimed probably close to a few thousand dead if not more because of armenias ceasefire violation. they claim they only retaliate. i wonder what happened during the OSCE minsk groups monitoring when they say the azeris opened fire on us? Im still waiting for them to somehow turn this around and blame the armenians. like when they tried to retake land during the political crisis in armenia and they said armenians r trying to divert the attention away from the riots. the lengths these azeris go to to lie and bring armenia down to there level.
              Last edited by jgk3; 04-13-2009, 05:20 PM.


              • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                Originally posted by Federate View Post
                I am looking at the areas where the ceasefire violations happened and I see that at least 4 out of the 6 regions are STILL given Turkic names. WTF? The azerbaboons waste no time changing our Armenian regional names, even the ones currently in Armenia (see Erivan, lake Goyce) and we simply can't change the names of Armenian villages that were given Turkified names? The fuk is "Etyemazli" doing in Armenian territory?
                What's funny is Fed jan, when I google mapped Artsakh Airport nothing came up. Im like WTF? Then I typed in Nagorno-Karabakh and in one of the results it said NK was located inside Azerbaijan.


                • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                  maybe the armenians should try this
                  the azeris are idiots, they would probably believe it.


                  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                    Originally posted by ninetoyadome View Post
                    maybe the armenians should try this
                    the azeris are idiots, they would probably believe it.
                    I hardly doubt that they wouldn't fall for it.


                    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                      Military maneuvers of NKR Defense Army were conducted on Apr. 17

                      18.04.2009 16:28 GMT+04:00

                      /PanARMENIAN.Net/ On April 17 President of Nagorno Karabagh Republic Bako Sahakyan attended military maneuvers of the NKR Defense Army. The Head of State awarded a group of servicemen who displayed personal activity and showed high results during the maneuvers with valuable gifts.

                      NKR premier Ara Haroutyunyan, other high ranking officials as well as a RA Defense Ministry Delegation headed by Defense Minister Seiran Ohanyan were present at the military training, NKR President Central Information Department reported.

                      Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!

