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Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

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  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

    Israel inks $1.6 billion arms deal with Azerbaijan, bringing sophisticated military technology close to Iran

    JERUSALEM — Israeli defense officials on Sunday confirmed $1.6 billion in deals to sell drones as well as anti-aircraft and missile defense systems to Azerbaijan, bringing sophisticated Israeli technology to the doorstep of archenemy Iran.

    The sales by state-run Israel Aerospace Industries come at a delicate time. Israel has been laboring hard to form diplomatic alliances in a region that seems to be growing increasingly hostile to the xxxish state.

    Its most pressing concern is Iran’s nuclear program, and Israeli leaders have hinted broadly that they would be prepared to attack Iranian nuclear facilities if they see no other way to keep Tehran from building bombs.

    Iran denies Israeli and Western claims it seeks to develop atomic weapons, and says its disputed nuclear program is designed to produce energy and medical isotopes.

    In Jerusalem, Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, said Iran’s nuclear program will take center stage in his upcoming talks with U.S. and Canadian leaders. Netanyahu is to meet with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper in Ottawa on Friday and with President Barack Obama in Washington on Monday.

    Speaking to the Israeli Cabinet on Sunday, Netanyahu said a U.N. nuclear agency report last week buttressed Israel’s warnings that Iran is trying to produce a nuclear bomb. The agency said Iran has rapidly ramped up production of higher-grade enriched uranium over the last few months.

    Netanyahu said the report provided “another piece of incontrovertible evidence” that Iran is advancing rapidly with its nuclear program.

    It was not clear whether the arms deal with Azerbaijan was connected to any potential Israeli planes to strike Iran. The Israeli defense officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not at liberty to discuss defense deals.

    Danny Yatom, a former head of Israel’s Mossad spy agency, said the timing of the deal was likely coincidental. “Such a deal ... takes a long period of time to become ripe,” he told The Associated Press.

    He said Israel would continue to sell arms to its friends. “If it will help us in challenging Iran, it is for the better,” he said.

    Israel’s ties with Azerbaijan have grown as its once-strong strategic relationship with another Iranian neighbor, Turkey, has deteriorated, most sharply over Israel’s killing of nine Turks aboard a ship that sought to breach Israel’s blockade of the Gaza Strip in 2010.

    For Israeli intelligence, there is also a possible added benefit from Azerbaijan: Its significant cross-border contacts and trade with Iran’s large ethnic Azeri community.

    For that same reason, as Iran’s nuclear showdown with the West deepens, the Islamic Republic sees the Azeri frontier as a weak point.

    Earlier this month, Iran’s foreign ministry accused Azerbaijan of allowing the Israeli spy agency Mossad to operate on its territory and providing a corridor for “terrorists” to kill members of Iranian nuclear scientists.

    Azerbaijan dismissed the Iranian claims as “slanderous lies.” Israeli leaders have hinted at covert campaigns against Iran without directly admitting involvement.

    Israel, meanwhile, recently claimed authorities foiled Iranian-sponsored attacks against Israeli targets in Azerbaijan. Such claims have precedents: In 2008, Azeri officials said they thwarted a plot to explode car bombs near the Israeli Embassy; two Lebanese men were later convicted in the bombing attempt. A year earlier, Azerbaijan convicted 15 people in connection with an alleged Iranian-linked spy network accused of passing intelligence on Western and Israeli activities.

    Iran has denied Azerbaijan’s latest charges of plotting to kill Israelis, but a diplomatic rupture is unlikely. Azerbaijan is an important pathway for Iranian goods in the Caucasus region and both nations have signed accords among Caspian nations on energy, environmental and shipping policies.

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    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

      Such deal will hamper the baboons relations with Iran and Russia at same level and time good move babboons


      • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

        Azerbaijan is surrounded by Iran, Russia, and us. They are idiots for ruining their relations with Iran and Russia, and they will pay for it.
        Մեկ Ազգ, Մեկ Մշակույթ
        "Western Assimilation is the greatest threat to the Armenian nation since the Armenian Genocide."


        • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

          Click image for larger version

Name:	431220_297577493625188_296969310352673_809527_796526183_n.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	65.9 KB
ID:	538811

          What is the name of this? and whom are this?


          • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

            Originally posted by Spetsnaz View Post

            What is the name of this? and whom are this?
            hahaha what happens with that one? is it in karabakh? idk but thos are anti air guns cant remember the name,but look somwere here you can finde in posts


            • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

              I think the picture is showing one of two things, the babboons sabotoged one so it could not be used by us. Perhaps they did not finsih the job on the others becuase they ran away too quickly

              The other possibility is that a round went off and blew the gun apart and the babboons ran away


              • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                It is in the link Burjuin posted above..but what's the weapons name and whom are those?


                • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                  At the end of the war, dozens of artillery pieces, armored vehicles, tanks were abandoned by the 2 sides, but mainly by the torks, in very
                  isolated places. Some places were heavily mined, and out of main communication roads.
                  Some were bringed in by helicopter, during 91-92 winter, by azaris, and we could not afford or needed such luxury to remove them.
                  Those were mostly done during 92-93 period.
                  Those guns seem to date that period. They were positioned usually one by one, and not as battery..; wich made their 'rescue' inexpediant during fighting days.
                  At that time, azari askars did not knew to handle properly, even rather simple mechanics.
                  Several years after the end of the war, NKR army began to collect most of them, since most were surrounded by unexploded, never used shells, armed or not, but turned unsafe, since exposed to the snow and rain for several seasons. It took years, for technical reasons.
                  I have seen many such guns still in position to shell Goris, Khntzoresk and Gornitzor, in the villages south of what was known as the Cobra positions, Safyan, Harar...
                  If I am not wrong, in 96, they even found two abandoned azari tanks (T-55?), still in fighting condition, having moved just by putting contact on... in the forests north of Hotchantz village.
                  They were just 'forgotten' during the heat of the fight, and the speed of our advance during April 93.
                  The army used to collect those kind of material, as spare parts source.
                  This site looks like one.
                  (not an abandoned fighting position).


                  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                    «Точка-У»-ն վերանորոգման փոխարեն փոխարինվում է «Искандер»-ով
                    Հրատարակել է Փետրվար 24, 2012-ին

                    «Իզվեստիայի» աղբյուրների հաղորդմամբ` Ռուսաստանի պատշպանության նախարարությունը հրաժարվում է վերանորոգել «Точка-У » հրթիռային համակարգերը, բայց, միաժամանակ, չի հասցնում դրանք փոխարինել նոր «Искандер» համակարգերով:

                    «Точка» մարտավարական հրթիռները նախատեսված են մինչև 120կմ հեռավորության ցամաքային թիրախները խոցելու համար: ՊՆ-ն հրաժարվել է կողային ղեկավարման ավտոմատացված համակարգի վերանորոգումից, որի շնորհիվ հրթիռը կարող էր գտնել և խոցել թիրախը: ՊՆ-ի նման որոշման արդյունքում օգտագործումից դուրս է մնում մի քանի հարյուր հրթիռային համակարգ, իսկ «Искандер»-ով համալրման գործընթացը բավական դանդաղ է ընթանում:

                    Նույն աղբյուրի հաղորդմամբ` 2011թ. վերջին արդեն իսկ 40 հատ «Точка-У » վերանորոգման կարիք ուներ և այլևս շահագործման պիտանի չէր , իսկ 2012թ. դրանց քանակը կարող է կրկնապատկվել:

                    2004թ.-ից ի վեր վերանորոգվել է «Точка»-ի և «Точка-У»-ի 200 ավտոմատացված համակարգ, որոնցից յուրաքանչյուրի վերանորգումն արժեցել է 15-17 մլն ռուբլի: ՌԴ ՊՆ-ն չի մեկնաբանել վերանորոգումից խուսափելու փաստը, սակայն նշել են, որ դրանք ամբողջությամբ կփոխարինվեն «Искандер»-ներով:

                    «Искандер»-ը Ցամաքային զորքերի ամենահզոր հարվածային համակարգերից է, որի կրակի հեռավորությունը կարող է հասնել 500 կմ-ի: Գայություն ունի նաև «Искандер-Э»-ն, որը երկուսի փոխարեն ունի մեկ մեկնակրային հրթիռ, իսկ հեռահարությունը կազմում է 280 կմ:


                    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                      Originally posted by Spetsnaz View Post

                      What is the name of this? and whom are this?
                      The picture shows the Armenian 100 mm air defense gun KS-19.
                      These guns were destroyed by their crews during the retreat

